Amongst our five sensory experiences, the eyes stand as the quintessential organ, weaving the vibrant tapestry of the world before us. As the primary conduits through which we perceive life's kaleidoscope, their well-being is paramount to our connection with the universe. Enter Netra Tarpana, a sacred ritual within Ayurveda, designed to cherish and rejuvenate these delicate organs, recognizing the eyes not only as windows to the soul but as an essential compass guiding our journey through the beauty and wonder of existence. While Ayurveda encompasses a myriad of treatments targeting ocular health, Netra Tarpana is distinguished by its profound focus on nourishing the eyes through the administration and retention of medicated ghee or herbal formulations.

Join us in this 2-minute read, as we unravel the uses, benefits, and delve into five Ayurvedic formulations to enhance your visual prowess.

netra tarpana

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What is Netra Tarpana?

Netra Tarpana, an exquisite Ayurvedic eye therapy, translates to "eye nourishment." Rooted in ancient wisdom, this practice involves creating a small dam around the eyes, gently pouring warm, medicated ghee or herbal oils within, allowing the eyes to bathe in a sea of rejuvenation. Let's explore the uses and benefits that make Netra Tarpana a cherished ritual for ocular well-being.

Also Read: Ayurveda For Dry Eyes: Remarkable Herbs To Soothe Discomfort And Enhance Vision

Extraordinary Benefits Of Netra Tarpana Practice

Relieves Eye Strain and Fatigue:

Daily screen time and environmental stressors can burden our eyes. Netra Tarpana provides a sanctuary of relief, alleviating eye strain and fatigue to promote a sense of relaxation.

Improves Vision Clarity:

The nourishing properties of the medicated substances used in Netra Tarpana are believed to enhance vision clarity, making it an excellent therapy for those seeking visual refinement.

Soothes Dry Eyes:

In the age of air conditioning and screen exposure, dry eyes have become a common woe. Netra Tarpana's moisturizing effect provides comfort and relief to those grappling with dryness.

Addresses Eye Disorders:

From redness to irritation, Netra Tarpana serves as a holistic remedy for various eye disorders. It nurtures the eyes, promoting overall ocular health.

Prevents Age-Related Vision Issues:

Regular practice of Netra Tarpana is thought to be a preventive measure against age-related vision problems, offering a shield of nourishment to combat the impacts of time.

How To Do Netra Tarpana?

Step 1: Before undergoing Netra Tarpana, a thorough Ayurvedic consultation is crucial. The practitioner considers the individual's dosha (body constitution), specific eye conditions, and overall health to tailor the treatment accordingly.

Step 2: The eyes are prepared for the therapy through a gentle massage around the eye sockets, promoting relaxation and enhancing the absorption of the nourishing substances.

Step 3: With care and precision, the practitioner constructs the dough dam around the eyes and fills it with warm, medicated ghee or herbal oils, allowing the eyes to bask in the therapeutic embrace.

Step 4: As the eyes soak in the nourishing elixir, the individual is encouraged to relax, promoting a meditative state of mind. The duration of the therapy may vary, typically lasting 15 to 30 minutes.

Step 5: After the therapy, the eyes may be gently cleaned, and the individual may be advised to rest for a short period, avoiding exposure to bright lights or screens.
ayurvedic ingredients

5 Best Ayurvedic Formulations To Enhance Vision

Triphala Ghritam:

Combine ghee with Triphala, a powerful Ayurvedic formulation comprising three fruits (Amalaki, Bibhitaki, Haritaki). Triphala Ghee is celebrated for its antioxidant properties, promoting eye health and vision.

Saptamrita Lauha:

This classical Ayurvedic preparation combines seven essential ingredients, including herbs like Haritaki and Amalaki, with iron. Saptamrita Lauh is known to improve vision, particularly in cases of myopia and night blindness. It also aids in reducing eye discomfort and dryness.

Anu Taila:

Anu Taila is a traditional Ayurvedic nasal oil that can be beneficial for eye health. Regular nasal administration (Nasya) of this oil helps in improving vision, reducing eye strain, and promoting clarity. It is often used as a holistic approach to ocular care.

Amla Rasayana:

Derived from the potent Indian gooseberry (Amalaki), Amla Rasayana is a rejuvenating formulation that supports eye health. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, it nourishes the eyes, enhances vision, and contributes to overall vitality.

Netra Sudarshan Ark:

This Ayurvedic eye drop formulation combines herbs like Punarnava, Neem, and Haridra to create a soothing and rejuvenating solution for the eyes. Netra Sudarshan Ark is known for its antimicrobial properties, helping to alleviate eye infections and promote overall eye health.


As we conclude our journey into the realm of Netra Tarpana and Ayurvedic formulations, may your vision be a testament to the profound healing power of nature. Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda, let your eyes drink from the elixir of Netra Tarpana, and may the world unfold before you in vibrant clarity.


1. A clinical study on the role of Akshi Tarpana with Jeevantyadi Ghrita in Timira (Myopia) – By Poonam,1 R. Manjusha,2 D. B. Vaghela,3 and V. J. Shukla4

2. A REVIEW ON NETRA TARPANA -AN AYURVEDA METHOD OF EYE CARE -  By Mahesh Prasad Sah, Sadhana Parajuli, Sunita Acharya and Nirmal Bhusal