Eyes are one of the most vital organs in the human body and the true window to our soul. It is extremely critical for one’s quality of life, as it helps us read, write, appreciate art, cherish the nature and connect with loved ones. Be it working in front of the desktop or laptop, using the mobile phone, or watching television, throughout the day, we put our eyes through so much stress, without realizing the repercussions. We spend so much money on beauty and cosmetic appliances to make them look attractive yet in most cases people hardly take much care of them until a severe problem arises.
Woman's eye

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Well, just like the whole body, our eyes are also related to the elements or Pancha Dhatus. While the muscles in the eye are governed by the earth element, the blood vessels are driven by fire, the eye whites are directed by water, the tear ducts and channels by space and the eye color by air. Eyes are the seat of the Pitta Dosha, especially the Alochaka Pitta, which mainly governs the functions of the eye. Since the Pitta Doshas get more aggravated with growing age, similarly, even our eyes lose its power and efficacy with older age. Ayurveda is an ancient form of science that comprises of medicine and healthcare which primarily targets at the prevention of disease and promotes positive well-being. It is subdivided into 8 parts, one of which is intensive eye care, also known as “Shalakya Tantra” which chiefly aims at offering numerous safe, effective and simple methods for maintaining and uplifting ocular health. It offers us a quarry of herbs, spices and alternative ayurvedic remedies that not only keep the eyes healthy and the vision clear but also adds strength to the vision and improves eye luster. One such incredible ayurvedic formulation that bolsters eye health is Maha Triphala Ghritam.

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Maha Triphala Ingredients

What Is Mahatriphala Ghritam?

Maha Triphala Ghritam or Maha Triphaladya Ghrita is a classical polyherbal ayurvedic formulation that chiefly aims at treating and managing all sorts of eye anomalies like conjunctivitis, dry eyes, eye irritation, computer vision syndrome etc. The concoction is formulated according to the principles of Panchakarma and mainly comprises of desi cow’s ghee medicated with the wonder Triphala powder. Imbued with neuroprotective, adaptogenic, antioxidant, rejuvenating, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, cardioprotective and anti-diabetic properties, it extensively reduces lens opacity, improves vision, brings clarity and protects the eyes from various diseases. Apart from uplifting eye health, this ghrita formulation is also indicated for stress, anxiety, and insomnia. Additionally, it is also a potent digestive and appetizer.

Although there are different types of formulation mentioned in the various ayurvedic textbooks like Bhaisajya Ratnavalli, Charaka Samhita, it is the one mentioned in the verses of Sharangdhar Samhita, that is mostly used by different ayurvedic companies nowadays.

How To Make Mahatriphala Ghritam?


768 ml Triphala Kwath (Triphala Decoction):

  • 32 parts Amla (India Gooseberry) – Phyllanthus emblica
  • 32 parts Bibhitaki (Bahera) – Terminalia bellirica
  • 32 parts Haritaki or Harad (Chebulic Myrobalan) – Terminalia chebula
  • 768 parts Water

768 ml Vasaka or Vasa (Malabar Nut) – Adhatoda vasica Juice

768 ml Bhringraj – Eclipta alba Juice         

768 ml Goat’s Milk or Cow’s Milk

768 ml Cow’s Ghee        

For Kalka (Paste):             

12 grams Amla (India Gooseberry) – Phyllanthus emblica              

12 grams Bibhitaki (Bahera) – Terminalia bellirica    

12 grams Haritaki or Harad (Chebulic Myrobalan) – Terminalia chebula       

12 grams Pippali (Long Pepper) – Piper longum

12 grams Munakka (Raisins) – Vitis vinifera     

12 grams Safed Chandan (White Sandalwood) – Santalum album       

12 grams Kumuda (White Water Lily) – Nymphaea alba  

12 grams Kamal (Sacred Lotus) – Nelumbo nucifera              

12 grams Red Punarnava – Boerhavia diffusa 

12 grams Daruhaldi (Daruharidra) – Berberis aristata           

12 grams Haldi (Turmeric) – Curcuma longa    

12 grams Yashtimadhu (Mulethi) – Glycyrrhiza glabra       

12 grams Sendha Namak (Rock Salt)        

12 grams Bala (Country Mallow) – Sida cordifolia     

12 grams Kakoli – Roscoea purpurea

12 grams Ashwagandha – Withania somnifera            

12 grams Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus     

12 grams Kali Mirch (Black Pepper) – Piper nigrum 

12 grams Sonth (Ginger Rhizome) – Zingiber officinale       

12 grams Sharkara – Ayurvedic Sugar     


Take fresh Vasa leaves and obtain juice by Putapaka method.

Soak the coarse Triphala powder in normal water overnight.

Boil it till the volume is reduced to ¼ of its original volume to get the Kwatha or decoction.

Cool the Kwatha and filter it through a muslin cloth to remove impurities.

Treat the normal Ghrita to prepare Murcchita Ghrita.

Dry and powder the aromatic herbs for kalka or paste seperately.

Ground them together with required quantity of water to make a smooth paste.

Take the Murcchita ghrita in a large bottom pan and slowly add the paste to it while continuous stirring.

Add the triphala decoction and other remaining ingredients like milk to it.

Keep stirring the mixture until all the froth subsides and a thick paste called Varti (Madhyamapaka Lakshana) is formed.

Expose the Ghrita and Varti to flame and check the absence of any crackling sound to confirm the absence of moisture.

On confirmation, stop heating the varti and filter it hot through a muslin cloth to remove solid particles.

Cool the ghritam and store it in food grade bottles to protect from light and moisture for future use.
Maha Triphala Ghritam

How Does The Ghritam Look?

On successful preparation, the Ghrita has a low melting. It is usually greenish cream in color, bitter in taste, unctuous to touch, and no characteristic odour.

Ayurvedic Indications

Time and again, Mahatriphala Ghritam has been mentioned in several ayurvedic scriptures and journals for various indications which include Naktandhya (treats night blindness), Nakulandhya (treats defective vision), Chakushya (treats eye disorders), Nayana Tamyati (treats darkness infront of the eyes), Netra Sushkata (treats dry eyes), Abhigata (relieves eye injury), Stabdha netra (treats eye stiffness), Vataja Pittaja Roga (treats agrravation of Vata and Pitta disorders), Sheerna Pakshma (remedies eyelash fall), Aavila Akshnam (clears dirt from eyes), Siraharsha (treats Acute orbital cellulitis), Abhisyanda (treats conjunctivitis), Adimantha (remedies glaucoma), Vata Paryaya (treats atrophy of the cranial nerves), Shukra (treats inflammation of the cornea), Sirotpata (Treats hyperemia of conjunctiva), Ragadi Shantata (calms red eyes, and eye irritation), Keshya (good for hair), Prameha (manages diabetes), Dahahara (relieves burning sensation), Rochana (stimulates appetite), Kupachan (prevents bloating, indigestion), and Pandu (treats skin disorders).
Mahatriphala Ghritam making

Primary Uses Of Mahatriphala Ghritam

Treats Night blindness

Night blindness, or nyctalopia, is a medical condition, where the eyes are unable to adapt to low-light conditions, such as at nighttime. Imbued with powerful herbs that uplift eye health, this ghrita made of triphala powder is extremely beneficial to treat night blindness.

Remedies Glaucoma

The abundance of antioxidants in the herbs in use reduces the production of fluid within the eye, thereby reducing pressure and treating and managing glaucoma. It also improves blood flow in the retina, protects the nerve cells and improves vision.

Remedies Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer vision syndrome, also known as digital eye strain, is an umbrella term that describes a group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged use of computer, tablet, e-reader and cell phone. Owing to the presence of neuroprotective qualities and the bioactive components, maha triphala ghritam is an absolute remedy for all vision related problems. It not only relieves mental stress and strain but also relaxes the optic nerves and reduces eye strain and fatigue.

Also Read: Computer Vision Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Subsides Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a metabolic disorder in which chronically elevated blood sugar levels damage the tiny blood vessels within the retina making them either swell up and leak fluid or stimulate formation of new blood vessels. In either case, it interferes with the visual perception. The incredible quarry of herbs in this ghrita formulation actively protects the nerve cells in the retina, fortifies the blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and arrests the formation of new blood vessels thus lowering the chances of diabetic retinopathy.

Prevents Eye Infections

Thanks to the anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties of the various herbs used to formulate Maha triphala ghritam, the formulation is a one-stop remedy for all sorts of eye infections. Being an excellent eye toner, not only does it clear out any solid particles that may enter the eye but also diminish oxidative damage and prevent chronic diseases.

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Secondary Uses Of Maha Triphala Ghritam

Maha Triphala Ghritam  For Mental Fatigue

Mental fatigue is a condition of excessive and prolonged cognitive activity. It mostly occurs due to excessive work using a computer, watching television for hours, learning or memorizing activities, etc. and causes a person to lose concentration and feel lethargic. This ghee-based formulation is a powerful memory booster that helps in enhancing the brain's working capacity and reduce loss of concentration.

Maha Triphala Ghritam  For Appetite

Maha triphala ghritam is extremely crucial for patients suffering from a loss of appetite and eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia, pre-existing chronic debilitating disorders, and during convalescence from an acute or chronic infective disorder. Regular intake of this magical remedy acts as a natural appetizer and aids in the digestion of food, improves appetite and helps the person to eat better.

Maha Triphala Ghritam  For Pain And Inflammation

Owing to the strong analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties of the bio-active components, this ayurvedic ghritam is extensively used for providing relief from pain and inflammation in case of arthritis and joint pain.

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Maha Triphala Ghritam  For The Mind

The abundance of adaptogenic, and sedative properties in this formulation not only improves the mood but also relieves stress. It holds high significance in providing mental stability by regulating the stress hormone, i.e., serotonin which in turn reduces various symptoms of anxiety including restlessness, uneasiness, cold hands, and feet, etc. and bestows a fresh and happy feeling.

Also Read: Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Maha Triphala Ghritam  For Skin And Hair Health

With age, our skin tends to become saggy and develops spots and blemishes that easily give away the age and put down one’s self-confidence. Blessed with umpteen active ingredients and anti-bacterial properties, it facilitates wound healing, while effectively reducing wrinkles, scars, blemishes, and other signs of ageing. It also plays a key role in fighting off bacteria and germs that ultimately lead to pimples, acne, and other skin infections, thus bestowing one with a crystal-clear radiant skin.

Apart from enhancing skin health, it also prevents the growth of lice and dandruff on the hair scalp, stimulates blood circulation which in turn prevents hair fall and promotes the growth of new hair. Regular use of maha triphala ghee improves hair texture, restores natural hair colour, adds shine, and stimulates hair growth.

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Therapeutic Dosage

The effective therapeutic dosage of Maha Triphala Ghritam may vary from person to person depending upon the age, severity, and condition of the patient. Consultation from an ayurvedic doctor is a must, as he or she will thoroughly examine the indications and prescribe the correct dosage for a specific time period.

Adults: 6-12 gm, twice a day, preferably with luke warm milk or with food or as specified by the ayurvedic doctor.
Using Maha Triphala Ghritam

Different Ways To Take Maha Triphala Ghritam

Although this ayurvedic medication is mostly consumed orally, there are other modes of administration as well. These include:

Nasal Instillation - 2 drops in each nostril, daily in the morning.

Triphala Ghrita Eye Drops - 2 drops in each eye, once a week. In the winter season, if the ghee solidifies, it can also be applied on the eye water line as a kajal.  

Eye Care Therapy Using Mahatriphala Ghritam

This herbal ghee is usually applied externally to the eyes by an eye procedure called Tarpana or Akshi Tarpana. In this therapy, a paste of black gram is made using the liquified mahatriphala ghritam. Then both eyes are immersed in this mixture and then blinked so that the herbal compound enters deep into the eyes and enhance eye health.

Ensure that this procedure is done by an ayurvedic doctor or practitioner as any negligence or impurities in the compound may harm the eyes.

Side Effects

Although it is an absolute remedy for all vision disorders and eye infections, care should be taken to consume it with doctor’s consultation. Overdosage of the medicine orally may be harmful for people suffering from heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. In high doses, it can also cause diarrhoea and indigestion. Additionally, if the nasal drops are given in excess or not administered properly, it can lead to nasal irritation, sneezing, excessive nasal mucus secretion, throat and mouth irritation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Consume Maha Triphala Ghritam?

Maha Triphala Ghritam is a classical Ayurvedic formulation that is available in semi-solid form. Yes, it can be swallowed with lukewarm water or milk once or twice a day for its benefits towards the gastrointestinal system.

Is It Safe To Apply Maha Triphala Ghritam Directly In The Eyes?

Yes, it is safe to use this ghritam directly in the eyes in the original state, i.e., semi-solid form or by slightly melting it. It is necessary to wash both the eyes and the hands before applying it. Use your fingertip to apply the ghritam like a kajal to avoid contamination.

Do We Need To Wash Off The Medication Residue From The Eye After Some Time?

No, there is no need to wash your eyes or remove the Maha Triphala Ghritam residue from the eyes. You can even keep it overnight as the residue will not only help to reduce excessive dryness of the eyes but also improve vision.

Should You Melt The Maha Triphala Ghritam Before Applying To The Eye?

Although, it is not necessary, but you can melt the semi-solid ghritam before applying it to the eyes for easier application.

Can You Use Maha Triphala Ghritam With Other Medications?

People suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, or other chronic conditions should absolutely consult the treating doctor before using Maha Triphala Ghritam to avoid any unnecessary side effects.


Maha Triphala Ghritam is a traditional ayurvedic remedy that holds high significance in treating umpteen eye problems including cataract, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, dry eyes, myopia, amblyopia, computer eye syndrome, night blindness etc. Imbued with potent herbal ingredients, seek benefit from this powerful herbal ghee with proper doctor recommendation.