The lockdown 4.0 relaxations were announced this week and if you thought, that soon there would be a respite from the hassles of working from home, getting glued to computer screens for longer hours, children attending online classes, think again!

Though the authorities have loosened up the strict rules, the reality still remains the same. With India still recording more and more number of COVID-19 cases and deaths at an alarming rate daily, the corporate offices, schools, colleges would be functioning from ‘your homes’ at least for the next couple of months. Agree or disagree, being confined to indoors is having quite a few negative impacts both on the adults and children, affecting their physical and mental health. No thanks to corona, while boredom is a constant nagger among all age groups persistent headaches, pinching backaches, disturbed sleep patterns, depression is actually interfering with the quality of life. Also Read: Is Your Child Attending Online Classes? Here’s How You Can Reduce Digital Strain On Their Eyes

Doctors, be it psychiatrists, cardiologists, neurosurgeons, ophthalmologists et al are voicing their major health concerns and unfortunately, no amount of advice and suggestions are being sufficient to bring in normalcy back into our lives. While adults are struggling to keep their blood pressure, blood sugar and chronic ailments under control, children too are combating vision problems. 

According to a study published by Parents Together Foundation, there is a sharp rise in the amount of screen time the children are being exposed to during these lockdown days. The study reveals that the children these days are getting a screen time of 6 hours on an average – a 500% increase as compared to the times before the breakout of the Coronavirus pandemic, often leading to blurred vision, dry eyes and short-sightedness or myopia. 

Unfortunately, vision problems are quite common among children and are often caused due to:

  • Watching television, phone, computer, laptop and other electronic gadgets too closely
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Hereditary in few cases

If you find your child holding a book, electronic gadgets close to their eyes, squinting the eyelids while trying to see things from a little faraway distance,  complaining of frequent headaches, rubbing eyes frequently, it’s time to visit an ophthalmologist. 

It is not just children; adults too are the risk of vision problems. If you are already wearing spectacles or contact lenses for correcting the vision and experiencing similar symptoms go for eye tests. 

However, prevention is better than cure and one of the promised and time-tested ways is to include vitamin and mineral-rich foods in your daily diet. Foods loaded with vitamins A, C, zinc, lutein, omega-3 fatty acids, improve vision and also prevent eye-related problems like cataracts, clouding of the eyes at a later stage in life. Also Read: Eye Health: Here’s How Computer Glasses Are Your One-Stop Fix To Combat Digital Vision Problems

And we totally understand, how tough it is to include all these vitamins in staple dishes like curries, dals. So, shall we suggest few fresh juices that are not only refreshing but also low on calories and ensure better absorption into the immune system ensuring greater eye health. 

Here are few easy-to-make juices that you can churn out in a flash. 

Carrot, Apple and Beetroot Juice
carrot apple beetroot


3 large fresh carrots

1 medium-size red apple

1 medium beetroot

1 tsp natural honey

½ tsp cumin powder

Pinch of salt


Cut carrots, beetroots and apple into small cubes. 

Steam it for 5 minutes till they soften

Blend in a mixture along with honey, cumin powder and salt

Add water if required

Serve chilled for better taste

Nutritional Benefits:

Carrots are the popular veggies when it comes to protecting your vision. Loaded with beta-carotene a compound that gets converted by the human body into vitamin A, carrots keep your eyes healthy, better its functioning and prevent other vision-related problems. Beets with considerable amounts of nitrate, help in regulating blood pressure which often costs eye health, if you are above 30. Raw beetroots also contain lutein and zeaxanthin in ample amounts which are responsible for avoiding macular degeneration. Apple is the fruit of all seasons and for all good health reasons. The bright red fruit is a powerhouse of vitamin A and other components and it improves the taste of the juice, making it delectable. 

Honey is a rich source of antioxidants whereas cumin powder improves digestion and aids in better absorption of nutrients. 

Baby Spinach, Broccoli and Kiwi Juice
spinach broccoli kiwi


200 grams tightly packed baby spinach

100 grams of broccoli

2 Kiwis, cut into cubes

2 tsp natural honey


Put baby spinach and broccoli boiling water for two minutes and blanch it by putting it in cold water to retain the colour

In a blender, add spinach leaves, broccoli and kiwis along with honey and give it a good stir

Add salt and serve chilled

Nutritional Benefits:

Spinach or baby spinach (young leaves) are available throughout the year, quite affordable yet a powerhouse of vitamins A, C, K, magnesium, iron and manganese. This green leafy vegetable averts various risk factors that can cause vision problems and aids in reducing digital stress on the eyes. Broccoli offers an array of vitamins, especially all the B vitamins and folic acid which play a major role in improving the vision. Kiwi gives that unique sweet and sour taste to the juice besides pumping it with antioxidants, fiber, vitamin E, folate and potassium all necessary nutrients for good vision. Honey besides improving taste is a rich source of antibacterial, antifungal properties that improve immunity. 


These amazing juices can be made at home and the ingredients are available round-the-year. Ensure adding a vitamin-rich diet to your daily intake for combating vision-related issues.