Dogs come in cute cuddly furs, shapes, colors, and various sizes. Each breed carries a distinct personality, unique hair, and specific features. Amongst hundreds of amazing breeds found across the world, mop dogs are one-of-a-kind. 
mop dog

Also known as Komondor dogs, this breed has a super wavy tasseled coat resembling a dreadlock. Native to Hungarian origin, the breed falls under the herding category and was used to guard sheep once upon a time. Komdors have a face shrouded by cords of either white or ivory-colored coarse fur.  They have been fondly nicknamed mop dogs because its coat resembles a sweeping mop that can withstand biting cold weather. Other breeds with such long distinctive furs (sometimes so long that it reaches the floor) are Afghan Hounds and Shih Tzus.

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Though soft and fluffy until birth, the most distinguishable feature of the Komondor dog- ts fur develops into cords and curls when the dog turns two years old. When it reaches nine to ten months, the coarser topcoat begins to appear and starts getting rough and bristly, unlike the soft silky-smooth coat through which you can run your fingers easily. There is no denying that the long-flowing locks of these dog breeds will make them stand out from the crowd, but the hard part is that their coats ask for time and effort to maintain them. Even after you have groomed them, they will remain the same. However, post-pet grooming, their coats remain free from unwanted tangles and do not appear unkempt.

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Shop From Our Wide Range Of Pet Grooming Essentials To Meet Your Furry Friend’s Grooming Needs

Though in general grooming for every long-haired dog should be uniquely customized, wiry coats do not shed easily thus the best way to groom them is by way of hand-stripping the coat. Hand stripping is a technique that is done by holding the hair and pulling from the root allowing the new hair to emerge. Even though these breeds tend to be low shedders, pet care for wavy-coated dogs is essential and needs a tad bit extra attention.

Grooming Tips For All Coarse-Coated Breeds

Grooming for a Komondor puppy or any wiry, curly-haired dog breed is basic, but since the hair is too long, you may have to invest more time in their coat maintenance. Not very difficult though, here are some tips to keep their coat smooth, unentangled, and disease free without getting your furry friend to run to a pet salon now and then.

  • Post bath always use a pet conditioner to avoid excessive hair breakage and tangling
  • Use a specific brush- such as a pin brush to detangle the dog’s curls making them look bouncy with a natural shine
  • The corded locks should be cleaned with pet shampoo and checked regularly to prevent matting and to remove dirt and debris
  • Drying the fur properly after a bath is important due to the volume and thickness or it may become a breeding ground for pathogens
  • Make sure to check the ears and neck as the dirt and debris could be hidden in these areas which may cause infection 
  • Long-haired breeds may be necessary to take to a professional groomer regularly to ensure they are free of any skin disease and pet dander issues