True to its unique name, lovage has all the lovely things about it. A perennial parsley family herb, the Lovage plant goes by the Latin name Levisticum officinale. The herb that grows five feet tall has a flavor that might make you think of it as celery. Edible from top to toe, its leaves are perfect as herbs, its roots are eaten as a veggie, and the seeds become a fantastic spice. Bright, fresh, and a tad bit citrusy, lovage makes a great seasoning, is great for stalks, can be used in soups, or can also be eaten raw in salads. Alternatively, lovage can be dried and frozen to be used whenever you feel like it.

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Like all wholesome green, leafy herbs, lovage has everything that has made it a sought-after herb. It has been acknowledged as a powerful medicinal plant to soothe inflammation, indigestion, joint pain, and different types of headaches. Besides being low in calories and containing loads of Vitamin C, one of the most distinctive characteristics of lovage is its high quercetin content.  A dietary flavonoid, it helps to reduce inflammation, control blood pressure, and normalize blood sugar levels. 

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Here are some of the health benefits that can be derived from this flavorsome herb:

  • Lovage has been known to improve kidney health. It works as a potent diuretic, letting the body shed excess water by stimulating urination but without the loss of electrolytes
  • A powerful anti-allergic, lovage can soothe the effects of allergens as it contains significant amounts of quercetin that acts as a natural inhibitor of histamines which are the main allergy-causing components. quercetin helps to reduce allergic responses and eliminate mild to severe allergic reactions
  • A powerful respiratory booster, lovage can act as an expectorant to clear out excess phlegm and mucus in the respiratory tract 
  • For people who are suffering from a respiratory ailment, eucalyptol which is one of the primary soothing agents found in lovage can help to reduce inflammation in the lungs
  • The anti-inflammatory benefits of lovage can soothe an upset inflamed stomach and help it to get back to normalcy by reducing bowel irritation and promoting smooth colon movement
  • Consuming lovage can also soothe problems related to menstruation such as cramps, pain, and bloating

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What’s more? Perhaps there is still a lot! Foray into this infographic to know what it has in store when it comes to bolstering skin health: