In today’s era where a continual pattern of odd work hours, prolonged use of electronics, and stressful life has become a new norm, emotional wellbeing is as crucial as our physical health.

One of the prime sources of happiness is a satisfying sex life primarily allied to the human body, mind, and feelings. Despite fostering psychological and bodily functions, sexual needs, as well as anomalies,s were shushed in the past due to shame and stigma attached to it. Boosting your libido sometimes can be difficult despite resorting to various means for arousals, holidaying at exotic locations, relaxing in a calm environment, and so on and so forth. Besides picking sexual wellness products and medications, certain herbs can save from sexual dysfunction, recurring problems with arousal and orgasm, and issues of premature ejaculation.

One such herb that goes by the botanical name Epimedium, also called Barrenwort, Bishop's Hat, Fairy Wings, and the most interesting one which is Horny Goat Weed, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Berberidaceae offering myriad health and sexual benefits. The history of horny goat weed being an aphrodisiac dates back to thousands of years. About 15 horny goat weed species are used in Chinese medicine, with smaller numbers found in Asia.

Are you wondering where horny goat weed got its name? Legend has it that a Chinese goat herder noticed a few of his sheep had heightened sexual activity after eating this leafy plant, leading to exploration that the plant has outstanding aphrodisiac benefits. Not just for men, horny goat weed offers potential properties for women as well. It contains phytoestrogens, a chemical that acts somewhat like the female estrogen hormone. It also has icariin, a bioactive component loaded with numerous health benefits.

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The powerful herb has been used as an alternate medication to treat or reduce the effects of the following health problems:

Treats Atherosclerosis: Atherosclerosis is the buildup of fats and cholesterol on the artery walls called plaque. Icariin has the quality to decrease the development of atherosclerosis in the arteries.

Soothes Nerve pain: Certain health conditions affect the nerves that carry sensation to the brain causing neuralgia or neuropathic pain. Horny goat weed can effectively soothe the majority of neuropathic pains.

Increases Endometrial Thickness:  Estrogen hormone is extremely vital in keeping the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) intact. Lack of adequate estrogen results in a thin endometrial lining. Horny goat feed can help in sufficient thickening of the endometrium.

Fights Leukopenia: A decrease in the number of white blood cells causes a blood disorder called chronic leukopenia. Horny goat weed aids the growth of white blood cells that play a major role in keeping our immune system healthy.

Combats Postmenopausal Problems: It has been found that taking horny goat weed water extracts increase estradiol levels in postmenopausal women which in turn fights problems that arise after menopause.

Improves Blood Flow: Erectile dysfunction happens when there is a lack of enough blood flowing to the genitals. Horny goat weed has proved to be beneficial in increasing the blood flow to all parts of the body.

Aren’t the benefits of this age-old Chinese herb fabulous? Foray into this infographic to know what horny goat weed aka Yin Yan Huo can offer:
Horny goat weed