When winter strikes its chilling blow, there is nothing quite comforting like putting on your favourite sweatshirt, unwinding the stress in a satisfying hot bath, curling up in a cosy blanket, or simply sitting by the roaring fireplace to keep warm and toasty in the depths of winter. But as it is surely not possible to be wrapped up in a blanket all the time, one needs to keep the body warm from the inside. Additionally, since the change of season marks a sudden rise of infections and cold, it is highly significant to retain a strong immunity and keep the body protected both from the outside as well as inside!

Also Read: 6 Must-To -Add Herbs To Boost Your Overall Health This Winter - Infographics

And what better way to do so than by incorporating some healthful heating herbs into the routine diet? Ayurveda, the holistic system of healing brings ashore a plethora of herbs that can readily stoke the body’s internal fire or ‘Agni’, keeping us warm from the inside. These herbs when added to the diet regimen perfectly not only help in remedying gastrointestinal issues and managing diabetic levels but also relieves stress, and anxiety, promote easy breathing, maintains a healthy weight and bolsters overall immunity. And to top it off, these herbs are pivotal in maintaining an equilibrium of the three Doshas in the body; namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

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So, without further ado, we bring you a handful of essential ayurvedic herbs that are easily available in most Indian kitchens and act as natural heat radiators to keep you warm and cosy in the freezing winters.
5 spectacular Ayurvedic Herbs To Keep your Body Warm In Cold Weather