In ancient Ayurveda, there is no dearth of medicinal herbs bequeathed with powerful healing benefits. Our country is a storehouse of plants used in traditional medical treatment. One such fragrance-laden grass from the family of Poaceae is Khas, a herb that goes by the botanical name Chrysopogon zizanioides. Also known as vetiver (implying coarse grass), it shares similar morphological traits with other fragrant grasses such as lemongrass and citronella.

Khas is primarily cultivated for essential oils and used in perfumes besides sweetened syrups (sherbet) owing to its fabulous cooling properties and aroma. An excellent powerhouse of omega fatty acids, vitamins, proteins, and minerals, it is a major active ingredient in ayurvedic medicines to treat digestive issues like constipation and digestion since it is high in dietary fibers. The decoction of its root has also been recommended to manage rheumatic pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties as well. Khas is also imbued with antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-hyperglycemic benefits.

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How To Identify Khas

Most people get confused between Khas and Khus Khus, but they are completely different. Khas is a fragrant grass with a sweet aroma and is commonly used in cosmetics and syrups while Khus Khus also popularly known as poppy seeds is obtained from the opium plant. Khas or vetiver is a tall herb with leaves that are long, slender, and coarse. This grass bunch that blooms with brownish-purple flowers has a gregarious nature. It always grows in clusters and unlike most grasses that spread horizontally, the root of this plant grows downward, 2 meters to 4 meters in depth. Khas is herbaceous and being a climate-friendly crop, relies highly on rainfall.

The leaves and roots are mostly used for fragrance-filled syrups, decoctions, and herbal infusions besides treating many health anomalies. Leaves can grow up to five meters long and ten meters wide under clear water and can very easily survive up to three months. Because the roots penetrate deep into the soil and can sustain surface water, it is known to be one of the best plants to prevent soil erosion. Therefore this multifarious grass is of great use to farmers.

Common Names Of Khas

Sanskrit: Ushira, Amrnala, Virani, Balaka, Veertara

Hindi: Khas Khas, Garara, Vettiveelu

Tamil: Vetiver

Kannada: Lavancha

Malayalam: Ramaccham

Telugu: Kuruverru

Bengali: Venaghas, Khus Khus

Gujrati: Valo

Marathi: Vala

Chemical Composition Of Khas

The chemical constituents present in the khas plant are Vetiverol, Vetivone, Khusimone, Khusimol, Khositone, Terpenes, Benzoic Acid, Epizizianal, Vetivazulene, Prezizaene, and Beta Vetispirene. The roots of khus grass yield an essential oil mainly consisting of Sesquiterpenes, Sesquiterpenols, and Sesquiterpenes. The insecticidal, antimicrobial, herbicidal, and antioxidant activities of essential oil made from khas and its components like Zizanal and Nootkatone are well known.

Ayurvedic Applications

Khas has been indicated for the following Ayurvedic applications:

  • Pachana: Relieves digestion
  • Madhahara: Relieves intoxication
  • Jwarahara: Useful in fever
  • Trushnahara: A potential thirst quencher
  • Asrajit: Useful in blood disorders and abscess
  • Vishahara: Removes toxicity from the body
  • Vranahara: Heals wounds quickly
  • Vataghana: Useful in relieving neurological problems
  • Klantihara: Relieves tiredness and fatigue
  • Vaminut: Reduces acute vomiting

Health Benefits Of Khas

Different parts of this herb have been used to cure many ailments such as mouth ulcers, fever, boils, epilepsy, burns, snakebite, and scorpion sting poison. In addition to being an antidote, khas are good for removing toxins from our body and purifying the blood. Khas water has potent antioxidant properties and enhances immunity.

Here are the following health benefits of this aromatic plant:

Reduces High Fever

The decoction prepared from its roots has antipyretic properties which are extremely helpful in reducing fever. Khas roots help to normalize the body temperature and can be applied externally and even consumed as an infusion.

Balancing Blood Sugar Levels

Khas is beneficial in maintaining normal blood sugar levels. The powder made from khas roots has anti-diabetic properties and its consumption helps manage diabetes by increasing insulin secretion. It also benefits the body by reducing ama which are toxic remains formed due to improper digestion. Due to pachan or digestive property, khas help in aiding easy digestion.

Beneficial For Skin

Due to its Ropan (healing) and Sita (cold) properties, khas oil is good for skin problems. It can balance the activity of oil glands thereby managing oily skin and acne. It also heals cuts, and inflamed and irritated skin besides preventing the formation of stretch marks. When applied topically, it can reduce inflammation and give a cooling effect to the affected area. It also helps heal scars and dark spots on the skin.

Also Read: Lemongrass Essential Oil: Unbelievable Benefits Of This Aromatic Tincture For Healthy Skin And Hair

Augments Hair Growth

Hair fall occurs due to an aggravated Vata dosha in the body. Due to its Snigdha or oil-befitting properties, essential oil made from khas controls hair fall when applied to the scalp. Khas extract acts on hair fall by balancing Vata dosha. It also promotes new hair growth besides removing excessive dryness.

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Controls Chronic Vomiting

Khas has pachan (digestive) property which helps to correct indigestion and eventually control vomiting. It constitutes certain volatile oils that block the activity of unwanted chemicals which becomes an effective remedy to improve digestion and reduce nausea and vomiting.

Stress Reliever

Stress usually arrives with a host of problems such as irritability, insomnia, and depression. Khas extracts have powerful antidepressant properties that cure various early signs of mental health. Moreover, ethanolic extract in khas oil provides a calming effect and reduces acute stress.

Effect On Doshas

The doshas can negatively affect your health, energy levels, and overall wellness when they move out of balance. Because of its Vata dosha balancing activity and pleasant fragrance, khas can reduce acute anxiety levels. Khas also alleviates the symptoms of fever due to the accumulation of Ama (toxic remains in the body) and an aggravated Pitta dosha. Kha's essential oil acts on hair fall by balancing Vata dosha. Overall, it has a tremendous effect on tridoshas.

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Recommended Dosage

The effective dose of khas when used as a medicine varies depending upon the severity of the condition and other factors such as age and corresponding health problems. Consultation with an Ayurvedic doctor or practitioner is a must, however in general the following dose is safe:

Khas Powder: 1 to 2 teaspoons or as per your requirement

Khas Oil: 2 to 5 drops of this essential oil that can be applied topically

Decoction: As per recommendation

Side Effects

Though a safe and easy remedy for a host of problems, khas on some occasions can cause certain altered indications if taken in more than the prescribed amount. It is advisable to consult your physician before taking this powder or decoction for medication.


It is not recommended to take khas during pregnancy and can also be avoided during the lactation period. When applied topically to the skin, it is potentially safe, but the side effects might vary as in some cases it may cause allergy.  It is advisable to avoid Khas during cough and cold as it might lead to the formation and accumulation of mucus in the respiratory passages due to its cold (sita) property.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Khas Relieve Headaches?

One of the most popular traditional remedial solutions for many health issues, khas may be useful in managing headaches. Various tribes that practice traditional medicine have always used the root of this herb to manage several kinds of headaches. Interestingly, some tribes burn the Khas grass and inhale the smoke to get relief from headaches. In Ayurveda, due to its Vata balancing nature, khas help to reduce stress-induced headaches when used externally. The oil is used to alleviate stress, and fatigue, and soothe the muscles. This is because of its

Is Khas Helpful In Treating Urinary Disease?

Kha's extracts have proven useful in managing urinary diseases since age-old times. This is due to the presence of tannins that possess antibacterial activity and are effective against many bacterial and fungal issues that are the root cause of urinary disease.

Where All Can Khas Essential Oil Be Applied?

The essential oil made from Khas can be applied to the muscles. It helps to relax them and thus reduce the pain. It can also be applied to the wrist, neck, chest, and forehead to reduce anxiety as well as cure mild to chronic headaches.


Khas or vetiver is one the most versatile herbal plants with immense potential to cure various diseases. A plant is known for its ability to produce essential oil from the roots, it consists of many health and wellness benefits. It pacifies the high Pitta (fire) which causes acidity. It removes excess heat from the body and gives a cooling effect. Roots are used as a flavoring agent and provide immense relief from many health anomalies like mouth sores, skin boils, skin burns, snakebites, fever, and various headaches. Khas has been one of the vigorous remedies to reduce joint pain caused by arthritis. Due to these valuable wellness properties, has become a natural safeguard against the development of certain conditions and effective treatment for many chronic diseases.


An Overview of Vetiveria Zizanioides

Mishra Snigdha *, Sharma Satish Kumar, Mohapatra Sharmistha, and Chauhan Deepa

Khas [Chrysopogon zizanioides L.]: a medicinal grass of India