Chickenpox is an unpleasant and irritating disease, causing itchy rashes and lesions to appear all over the body. The best thing to do is to allow the virus to run its course. The infected person should take adequate rest and be careful not to scratch the pustules. Simple dietary strategies will help boost your immune system and speed-up recovery. Here are some diet tips:

Foods For Chickenpox

A healthy and nutritious diet can greatly help a patient suffering from chickenpox in speeding up the recovery process. Building a robust immune system is key to avert the risk of seasonal diseases. Mother Nature has bestowed upon us a whole lot of natural foods and herbs that have tremendous potential to trigger the immune response. Brew a cup of turmeric root tea and consume early in the morning on an empty stomach that confers immunity to the cells to combat seasonal infections. Adding a rich array of gut-healing prebiotics like onion, garlic, bananas and leeks promote overall health. Including antihistamine foods such as broccoli, spinach, kiwi, apples and strawberries are beneficial to prevent the body from secreting histamine which leads to scratching and infection. In addition, patients suffering from chickenpox can take ½ tsp. of powder peppercorns with honey to ease inflammation and body aches.

Foods To Include:

Some foods that are safe and tolerable to consume with chickenpox include:

Soft Foods

Mashed potatoes

Sweet potatoes


Scrambled eggs

Boiled beans and lentils


Boiled chicken

Poached fish

Cool Foods



Cottage cheese



Bland foods




Non-Acidic Fruits And Vegetables









Foods To Avoid

Some of the foods may irritate or aggravate symptoms of chickenpox, who have blisters in or around the mouth.

Spicy Foods

Chilli peppers

Hot sauce

Acidic foods




Citrus fruits and juices

Foods pickled in vinegar


Salty foods


Soup broths

Hard, crunchy foods


Salted nuts

Deep-fried foods

Foods for a recovering patient:

  • Adding a lot of raw fruit and vegetables in your diet can boost immunity. Including a rainbow diet with different colours of fruit and vegetables provides you with valuable phytonutrients that can boost the immune system. If there are mouth sores, it is best to avoid citrus fruits which are acidic and can lead to irritation.
  • Get adequate fluids in to prevent dehydration causing loss of appetite. Vegetable juices, tender coconut water, fresh juices, soups and plenty of water are amazing options. Boost your immune system by drinking decaffeinated herbal teas like chamomile, cinnamon, and basil tea which will help to rehydrate and boost your immune system.
  • Include foods rich in amino acid lysine to help speed up healing of lesions. Some of the best sources are yoghurt, milk, and cheese.
  • Coconut oil is taken orally or in cooking is beneficial because of its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Chilled yoghurt is the best choice to relieve painful mouth sores.
  • Raw garlic an amazing natural antibiotic with incredible healing power. Eat it raw, crushed or added to soups.

Stay away from these foods:

  • Avoid salty, spicy, and acidic foods. These foods can irritate if you have sores in the mouth.
  • Hard and crunchy foods may cause discomfort and can lead to inflammation, which slows down the healing of the sores. Opt for soft, easy-to-chew foods.
  • Avoid processed, junk foods, sugary, and trans fats as these food cause inflammations and slow down the healing process.