In today's fast-paced life and age, a healthy and robust immune system is perhaps the most vital thing that one can wish for. However, with ever-changing environmental factors and a growing population it has become increasingly challenging to sustain good health status, mainly fostering a strong immunity, through all phases of our lives.

The immune system is the barrier comprising a complex network of organs, cells, tissues, proteins, and chemicals that safeguard the system from invaders like viruses, and bacteria. The chief elements of the immune system include antibodies, white blood cells, the lymphatic system, the gut, the thymus, and bone marrow. All of these work together to keep up health and optimal functioning of the bodily process. However, if your immunity is compromised then infectious germs will create havoc in the human body making you highly prone to illness all the time.
Immunity booster

To Stay Healthy And Disease-Free, Shop From Our Wide Range Of Immunity Boosters, Right Here!

Dive into this article to know how to boost immunity, what are immunity boosters, and their benefits, and uses.

What Are Immunity Boosters?

If you’re worrying about how to enhance the immune system, then the answer is through immunity boosters. Immunity boosters are anything that can aid bolster your immune system in a natural way. You can achieve this by modifying your diet, exercising regularly, dealing with stress, getting sound sleep, and staying well hydrated. Nevertheless, the best possible way to stay healthy is by incorporating loads of natural foods that help to trigger your immune response. These foods contain a treasure trove of nutrients that are valuable for strengthening your immune system. Vitamins C, D, A, E, K, and B complex, and magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, and antioxidants are immune-boosting nutrients that are readily available in the form of supplements. However, it is always advisable to consult your healthcare provider before adding any supplement to your diet regimen.

Beneficial Features Of Immune Boosters

Strengthen The Body: Immunity boosters aid to reinforce the body's defence against harmful pathogens that causes disease.

Slow Down Ageing: They combat oxidative damage caused by free radicals and slow down the ageing process and avert the onset of chronic diseases like diabetes, blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

Meet Nutritional Needs: They help to address the body's nutritional needs and replenish the system with essential micronutrient demands from time to time.

Speed Healing Process: They help to speed up the healing process of the body after an injury, wound, or any illness.

Boost Energy: immunity boosters help to lift up energy levels and improve productivity.

Overall Well-being: They support sustaining weight, gut health, assimilation of nutrients, and regulating enzyme actions, thus contributing to overall health.

Combat Autoimmune Disease: Autoimmune and immunodeficiency disorders attack and possibly weaken the immune cells in the body. Immunity boosters prevent autoimmune diseases by helping the body identify foreign cells and prevent them from attacking healthy cells.

Also Read: Herbal Teas That Boost Immunity

Having adequate nutrients as part of a wholesome and balanced diet is necessary for the overall health and functioning of cells and vital organs in the human body. Every phase of the body's immune response is dependent upon the presence of enough micronutrients. Vitamins C, D, E, zinc, iron, and protein are some of the nutrients quintessential for proper growth and development as well as healthy functioning of the immune system.

Here we have curated the 5 best immune booster supplements for augmenting overall health and staying disease-free.

5 Best Immunity Boosters

Vitamin C

To maintain good health status and build a robust immune system vitamin C is valued as one of the main nutrients. This water-soluble vitamin is known for its incredible potential to fend off sickness and reduce the duration of common colds and coughs. A strong antioxidant, vitamin C can combat free radicals, which may avert or delay the onset of cancers, heart disease, and premature ageing. In addition, vitamin C supplements can also avert and treat respiratory infections.

Vitamin C is abundantly present in a rich array of citrus fruits, vegetables, and herbs.  Dietary vitamin C supplements are also readily available.

Also Read: Amazing Ways Vitamin C Benefits Your Health

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps the body greatly to combat infections, mainly of the respiratory tract. It’s famed as anti-inflammatory vitamin owing to its amazing role in strengthening and optimizing the immune system. As the human body cannot make this vitamin, it has to be met with foods or supplements.

Dairy and dairy products, fatty fish, eggs, carrots, mangoes and pumpkin are some of the sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin D

Several pieces of evidence have shown that vitamin D can safeguard you from colds and flu. Interestingly one study revealed that 80% of COVID patients were deficient in vitamin D and supplementation helped in the recovery process. Also, one can get 90% of the requirement of vitamin D from exposure to the sun. During winter most people avoid outside work or are bundled up with extra clothing. Thus, people living in those regions need to get the appropriate amount of vitamin D in the winter season.

Some of the food sources rich in vitamin D include oily fish, egg yolks, fortified milk products and juices. If it’s hard to meet the needs for vitamin D during winter, supplementation is usually suggested.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine which is responsible for maintaining the immune system strong and supporting the production of white blood cells and T cells (which control the immune response) and transporting oxygen throughout the body. Lack of vitamin B6 leads to a decrease in antibodies needed for keeping off infection.

Farm-raised poultry, salmon and peanuts, soy, chickpeas, oats, and bananas are some of the food sources packed with vitamin B6.


Zinc is one of the vital minerals that can support the immune system to combat harmful pathogens. Studies strongly prove that zinc is a proven remedy for fighting the common cold and can remarkably reduce the symptoms and duration of the cold. In addition, supplementing your diet regimen with zinc is one of the best possible ways to thwart respiratory problems

Seafood, chickpeas, cashews, and beans are good sources of zinc and it is also available in lozenges, tablets, and capsule form.