Your eyes are remarkably intricate and depend on various nutrients to function properly. Just like the heart, brain, and muscles, they require proper nourishment to stay healthy. A nutritional deficiency can lead to several eye-related problems.

For instance, Vitamin A is crucial for producing a pigment in the retina that allows you to see in low light. Without this Vitamin, your night vision suffers. In simple terms, vitamin A is vital for seeing in the dark. Similarly, there are other vision health ingredients that you must add to your diet to enhance your eye health and combat digital strain which is one of the major reasons for many eye-related problems.

Also Read: Digital Strain Ruining Eye Health? Drink These Vitamin Loaded Juices To Brighten Up Your Vision

What Vitamins And Minerals Enhance Vision Health?

We all agree that the importance of Vitamin A for eye health cannot be denied, but there are other essential nutrients to keep your eyes healthy. As we recently observed eye donation fortnight week highlighting the importance of vision for humans, let us also check the importance of each vitamin including the eye vitamin (Vitamin A), which plays a crucial role in reducing loss caused by digital strain.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is well known for maintaining retinal health. The retina is a thin layer at the back of the eye that converts light into electrical signals and informs the brain through the optic nerve. Vitamin A produces a pigment that the retina can use to get better vision in low-light conditions.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D protects against AMD, a leading cause of vision loss in older people. This sunshine vitamin helps in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the retina thus aiding better vision.

B Vitamins

Three core B vitamins that can benefit the eyes immensely are Vitamin B6, B9, and B12. Crucial for reducing inflammation, they help protect the eye from damage that can lead to cataracts or macular degeneration.


An eye-befitting mineral, zinc plays a crucial role in keeping eyes healthy. Primarily, it helps the body to absorb essential vitamins. Without zinc, the eyes may have to work hard to get clearer vision.

Lutein And Zeaxanthin

Carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin protect the eyes from damage. They can be found in the macula, a crucial part of the retina responsible for sharp central vision.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Essential for tear production and found in the retina, Omega-3 fatty acids maintain the photoreceptors of our eyes. Omega-3 fatty acids also have anti-inflammatory properties and may help the body protect against eye diseases.

Also Read: Vision Care: Handle Your Contact Lenses With Utmost Care To Keep Your Eyes Safe-Infographic

In conclusion, the importance of eye-befitting supplements besides a well-balanced diet for maintaining healthy eyes cannot be ignored. Whether you provide nutrition to your eyes through supplements or diet, the choice is yours. However, if you are having trouble with vision, it is not advisable to self-prescribe supplements. Instead, consult your optometrist for a thorough eye exam to address any vision concerns. Check out the infographic to know how to add nutrition through food and bolster your eye health.

(This article is reviewed by M Sowmya Binu Health And Nutrition Expert)

Author Profile, Preeti Sharma

Preeti Sharma has a master’s in electronic media and mass communication and certification in short-term writing from Florida. With close to a decade of experience, she specializes in crafting engaging blogs on beauty, veterinary care, and healthy cooking. Preeti is proficient in video editing tools and produces captivating and informative content across multiple platforms.


Can Nutrition Play a Role in Ameliorating Digital Eye Strain?

Drake W. Lem,1 Dennis L. Gierhart,2 and Pinakin Gunvant Davey