Soups are delectable and slimming. And a warm bowl of soup is all you need on a cold day or if you are nursing a troubled tummy. 

In the recent years healthy, homemade soups like tomato basil soup, lentil soup, cream of vegetable has become quite a staple of sorts and if you are already bored with these, take inspiration from French cuisine.

Easy to whip up, these soups aid in gut problems, and also help in gaining energy quicker. In this article, we bring you ‘desi’ versions of Radish Bisque and French onion soup, which would make your family and friends asking for more.  While the former is a smooth, creamy starter infused with flavorful seasonings, the latter is a classic savory item laced with crisp slices of bread.

Low on fat, loaded with vital vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, these soups also help you in combating viral infections in this flu season like sore throat, cough.

Radish Bisque

Radish Bisque


2 cups thinly cut radishes

½ tbsp olive oil

½ cup finely chopped onions

½ tsp salt

½ tsp pepper

½ cup dry roasted cashews

½ cup finely cut coriander leaves, for garnish


Heat oil in a saucepan, add radishes and onions and cook until the radishes turn lighter in colour, and the onions begin to brown.

Now, add salt and pepper, with three cups of water and cook until the mixture boils, constantly stirring.

Blend this mixture along with the roasted cashews into a fine puree, using a mixer, to obtain a rich, creamy texture.

Sprinkle some coriander leaves in the soup and serve hot.


Radishes are abundant in the trace mineral potassium, necessary for maintaining electrolyte (salt) balance within the body, as well as dietary fibers that enrich the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Onions have negligible amounts of sodium, contain no fat, and are also high in the essential vitamin calcium, required for strong bones, and the mineral iron, vital for proper blood supply. Moreover, they comprise of the antioxidant quercetin, which defends the cells in the body from harmful free radicals.

French onion soup

French Onion Soup


1 cup finely chopped onions

½ tbsp butter

2 slices of brown bread

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste


Heat the butter in a saucepan, sauté the chopped onions until they turn mildly brown in colour.

Add four cups of water, salt and pepper, and allow the mixture to come to a boil for the flavours to soak in.

Toast the bread slices with a little bit of butter, in a pan.

Cut the bread into even squares.

Place two pieces of the cut, crisp bread in each bowl, pour the warm soup over it and serve hot.


Brown bread is a powerhouse of natural dietary fibers, and hence eases the process of digestion, making you feel full, reducing cravings and assisting in maintaining body weight. Onion is a powerhouse of hidden medicinal benefits containing significant quantities of the B vitamins that improve the functioning of the nervous system, as well as vitamin C, that helps to combat infections by augmenting immunity.