Khichdi, the comfort food for many Indians has emerged into different avatars in the recent times, thanks to innovative cooking and ingredients.


While Khichdi is traditionally cooked mixing rice and moong dal into a porridge consistency, the rice is now being replaced with broken wheat, millets, quinoa, barley, bajra, jowar etc, especially for those suffering from diabetes mellitus. The carb-conscious can try out these one pot, yummy recipes sans guilt for breakfast and dinners.

These Khichdis are low on the glycemic index and help diabetics in regulating hyperglycaemia and high blood sugar symptoms. Rich in fiber, these dishes will make you feel full for longer hours keeping hunger pangs at a bay.

Broken Wheat Kichidi


1 cup broken wheat

1/4 cup Yellow Moong Dal (Yellow)

1 small potato, diced

1 carrot, diced

1/2 cup green peas

1 green chilli

1 tbsp black mustard seeds

1 tbsp cumin seeds (Jeera)

2 Cloves

1/2 tbsp turmeric powder (Haldi)

1/2 tbsp black pepper powder

2 tbsp ghee

5 cups water

Salt to taste


Roast broken wheat in 1 tablespoon of ghee till it turns aromatic and light brown in colour.

In a pressure cooker, add one more spoon of ghee. Add mustard seeds, cumin, cloves, green chilli, and diced veggies.

Fry it for few minutes. Add roasted broken wheat and moong dal.

Add 5 cups of water, turmeric, salt and pepper. Pressure cook for 5 whistles. Simmer it on low heat for 5 minutes before turning the stove off.

Make sure pressure is gone, open the lid. Mash it into porridge consistency and serve hot. 

Benefits of Dalia/Broken Wheat

High On Fibre

Being intrinsically rich in fibre than wheat, as it retains some of the bran in processing suits best for diabetics. Adding dalia as a part of a regular meal plan helps to control blood sugar spikes, keep you satiated and reduce overall calorie intake. 

Rich In Iron

Dalia packed with good amounts of iron supports in maintaining haemoglobin count. It pumps up the iron stores and helps to treat anaemia and overcome symptoms like fatigue and weakness since it supplies oxygen and nutrients to all the vital organs in the body.

Cardiac Health

Bestowed with vast reserves of magnesium, dalia helps to maintain normal heart rhythm and functioning. Aside from this, rich in fibre it also aids to reduce cholesterol levels and lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Foxtail Millet Kichdi:


1 cup Foxtail Millet

½ cup Moong or Toor dal

1 potato, diced

1 carrot, diced

½ cup green peas

½ cup capsicum, diced

Fistful of greens like methi, spinach

½ tbsp grated ginger

1 tbsp black mustard seeds

1 tbsp cumin

Pinch of turmeric

Salt to taste


Wash millets and dal together. Soak it for 30 minutes.

Heat a thick-bottomed pressure pan, add ghee. Roast cumin, mustard and allow it to splutter.

Add veggies along with the greens. Sauté for 5 minutes, add salt and turmeric. Stir well.

Drain millets and dal out of the water, add it to the half-cooked vegetable. Pour the required amount of water. Pressure cook for 2 whistles before turning off the stove.

Open the lid after the pressure is gone. Fluff it with a fork, add more ghee.

Serve hot with pickle, raita or papad.

Benefits of Foxtail Millet

Boosts Brain Health

Foxtail millets are laden with vitamin B1 that helps to uplift brain power, memory and concentration. It also aids to regulate nervous disorders such as Bell’s palsy and multiple sclerosis.          

Fortifies Bones

A huge amount of calcium and iron in foxtail millets assists in bone redevelopment and fasten the healing of the fractured and ageing bones. Regular addition of foxtail millet in the diet regimen can avert the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis.