Looking to revamp your seasonal skincare regimen? Whether you are bestowed with downright parched and dry skin, ordinarily oily sheath, or super sensitive acne-prone exterior, it’s time to tackle the beauty essentials you use as the sweltering summer months call for extra care and nourishment.

Summers can get extremely annoying and discomforting. Not only does it affect our health in so many ways, it also impacts the skin causing frequent breakouts, clogged pores, acne, pimples and what not! 
summer face pack

Also Read: Summer Skincare Guide: 6 Must-To Follow Beauty Regimen For A Glowing And Supple Skin

With the scorching heatwaves engulfing us as soon as we step out, the excessive sweat makes it extremely difficult to keep on any skin care or makeup product, naturally turning the face dull, greasy and prone to infections. All that the skin requires during these hot summer months is to stay beautiful, nourished and hydrated sans the tacky oiliness. 

Also Read: The Quintessential Indoor Beauty Guide: Get The Goodness Of Summer Fruits Into Your Skincare Routine

So bid goodbye to all these summer skin woes, cause this year we bring you 3 super-effective homemade face packs to beat summer skin troubles with ingredients straight from your kitchen counter. These summer face packs show the best results during the warm months, especially as they work per the climate and the specific demands of the skin. They not only keep the skin healthy, fresh, and rejuvenated but also prevent acne and other bacterial skin troubles. 

Keep Skin Troubles At Bay With Our Wide-Range Of Beauty And Skincare Essentials!

So while you’re on your way to the kitchen to make a mid-day snack, grab a bowl, put your DIY skills in use and start whipping these homemade face packs right away. 

All that the skin requires during these hot summer months is to stay beautiful, nourished and hydrated sans the tacky grease and oiliness.

All you need are just three ingredients and Voila! Blemish-free, glowing skin is right on your cards even in the summer months.

Homemade Face Packs For All Skin Type

Banana- Oats Pace Pack For Dry Skin



1 ripe banana

½ cup rolled oats

2 tbsp yogurt

Whisk all the ingredients to get a smooth paste

Smear it all over your face and neck

Let it dry for 20 minutes

Rinse your face with cool water 

How It Works?
The abundance of vitamin A in bananas enhances skin rejuvenation, while the exfoliative traits of oats scrub off dead skin cells and soothes irritated skin. Yoghurt being a natural moisturiser promotes collagen production and nourishes the skin while also lightening the skin tone.

Cucumber- Mint Face Pack For Oily Skin



½ cucumber (grated)

2 tbsp mashed watermelon

2-3 mint leaves


Put the ingredients in a blender to get a gooey paste

Apply the face pack all over your face and neck using a spatula

Allow it to tighten on your skin for some 15-20 minutes

Wash off with cool water

How It Works?

This face pack is a gold mine for people who have oily, acne-prone skin. The soothing trait of cucumber cleanses the facial pores, tightens up the bigger ones and provides a calming effect to inflamed skin. While watermelon nourishes the skin from deep within and brightens the complexion, mint leaves help mitigate acne and other microbial skin infections.

Orange-Chia Seed Face Pack For Combination Skin



3 tbsp mango zest

2 tbsp soaked chia seed 

1 tbsp aloe vera gel


Take the components in a bowl and stir to get a paste

Swipe the face pack all over the face

Let it dry for 15 minutes

Wash off with a moist cotton cloth

How It Works?

Enriched with antioxidants and vitamin C, mango extract helps protect the skin from solar damage and arrests the various signs of ageing while making the skin look more bright and more radiant than ever. While hinders the growth of bacterial infections and helps prevent acne and pimples in the oily T-zone.