Earth is a superfluous arena for a vast variety of herbs and plants; each with profound characteristics and benefits. Be it in the form of extracts, formulations, juices, or basic food additives; in myriad ways, they come to our rescue by optimizing our physical health and taking care of our emotional well-being too. One such plant bringing many holistic benefits-buckthorn is a shrub that has gained attention for its medicinal properties and is well known for its usage in culinary delights. Native to Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia, buckthorn can be found in dense forests, meadows, roadsides, fence lines, pastures, and fields. The berry fruit obtained from the plant is consumed as juice, made into jellies, marmalades, syrups, and or added to desserts and ice creams.

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The Buckthorn Berry Plant

The buckthorn scientifically known as Rhamnus Cathartica also goes by common names such as the European buckthorn, common buckthorn, or purging buckthorn. From the genus of shrubs and small trees that belong to the family Rhamnaceae, this diverse group of plants has numerous species distributed across various regions of the world. Its most known species are Rhamnus cathartica and Rhamnus frangula. This hardy plant can adapt to a wide range of soil conditions and prefers moist soils type but can tolerate both sun and shade. Typically, a small tree can reach up to 20 feet. It has simple leaves and small flowers with colors ranging from greenish yellow to white that bloom in clusters. Buckthorn plant bears berries that turn from green to red or even black as they ripen. Buckthorn juice is obtained from these berries by crushing the berries and then pressing them to release the juice of vibrant orange color that is tangy and sour.

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Superb Health Benefits Buckthorn Brings On Board

Buckthorn juice reaps some fabulous health benefits since it is a source of vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, and amazing antioxidants. Here are some potential health incentives associated with buckthorn juice:

Bolsters Immunity

Buckthorn juice is packed with Vitamin C, and we know it has immune-boosting properties. It also contains Vitamins A, E, and K, as well as minerals like potassium and magnesium that take care of overall wellness.

Upkeeps Digestive Health

Buckthorn juice has traditionally been used as a natural remedy for digestive issues. It is believed to have a mild laxative effect, promoting regular bowel movements and alleviating mild or even chronic constipation.

Combats Oxidative Stress

Buckthorn juice is a potent source of fat-soluble vitamins as well as flavonoids that help to combat oxidative stress in the body. Antioxidants protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, thus contributing to overall health and well-being.

Fortifies Skin Health

Vitamin C content in buckthorn juice is also known to be beneficial for the skin. By supporting collagen production, it increases skin’s elasticity and promotes a healthy complexion. Due to its nourishing and moisturizing properties, skincare products have copious amounts of buckthorn oil and sea buckthorn oil as key ingredients.

Cardiovascular Support

Buckthorn juice is considered beneficial to enhance heart health due to its antioxidant activity. Regular consumption of this juice can reduce inflammation and lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Also Read: 5 Impressive Benefits Of Wheatgrass Juice

Side Effects and Precautions

While buckthorn juice offers potential health benefits, here are a few side effects while consuming this juice:

  • Buckthorn juice has laxative properties that can be beneficial for those experiencing constipation. However, excessive consumption may lead to diarrhea or stomach discomfort. It is crucial to consume buckthorn juice in moderation
  • Some people may be allergic to buckthorn or its components and may experience skin rashes, itching, or swelling on the skin
  • Buckthorn may interact with certain medications, such as diuretics, blood thinners, and medications for chronic health conditions. If you are taking any prescription medications, consult your healthcare provider before incorporating buckthorn juice into your routine

When To Consume Buckthorn Juice?

The ideal time to consume buckthorn juice may vary based on personal health goals. Ideally, you can consume this tangy tasty refreshing juice in the morning that will awaken your taste buds. Or you can try buckthorn juice between meals to satisfy cravings and get a packed dose of vitamins and antioxidants.

Go ahead and explore the potential benefits of buckthorn juice but in moderation. Here we have a super easy recipe that can be a great addition to your wholesome diet.
Buckthorn juice

Tangy Buckthorn Juice


2 cups fresh or dried buckthorn berries

1 cup water

Honey or sweetener of your choice

A pinch of salt


Remove any stems or leaves from the berries and give them a quick rinse under cold water.

Place the berries in a pan and add water

Boil the mix over medium heat

Once the berries start to soften, reduce the heat and simmer for some time

Keep stirring occasionally to let the juices come out from the berries.

Allow the mixture to cool completely

Using a strainer, pour the berry mixture into the strainer shifting it to another bowl

Press the berries with a spoon to extract as much juice as possible, discarding the solids

Sweeten the juice by adding honey or any sweetener of your choice

Transfer the strained juice to a clean glass jar

Refrigerate until chilled

Serve the buckthorn juice cold mixing some water or another juice of your choice

Enjoy the vibrant and invigorating buckthorn juice


Power-packed with Vitamin C, the juice bolsters immunity and boosts your skin health by aiding collagen production. Flavonoids help to combat oxidative stress that can delay aging signs.