Are you suffering from constant hip pain? Do you feel any clicking sensation at the hip or any stiffness in your hip joint? Do your outer thighs pain as well making it difficult to walk? Well, if these indications describe your painful state right now, beware, as the pain ensuing from your hip might not be from a simple strain, but rather due to an inflammatory condition, commonly known as Hip Bursitis!
Hip Bursitis

What is Hip Bursitis?

Hip Bursitis, medically termed Trochanteric Bursitis, is a painful, inflammatory condition that affects the small, fluid-filled pockets; called bursae, that primarily cushion the ligaments, tendons, muscles and bones, near the hip joints.

Also Read: Calcific Bursitis: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Inflammation of the hip bursae usually stems from incorrect sitting posture at work or home, bone spurs, overuse of the hip muscles and joints, spinal issues or any direct injury to the hips. Even certain medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, diabetes, and thyroid diseases can cause hip bursitis.

While a severe form of hip bursitis might require medical intervention in the form of anti-inflammatory medications, corticosteroid injections or surgical drainage of the accumulated fluid, if you are suffering from a milder version, physical therapy and yoga can extensively help you mitigate the pain and bounce back to your previous healthy lifestyle within weeks.

Yoga is one such conventional form of exercise that offers an absolute solution to almost all bodily issues. The routine practice of yogasanas not only rids stiffness from the various bodily joints and muscles, mitigates pain and inflammation from the hips but also boosts a fresh supply of oxygen via blood throughout the body. Certain selective yoga postures when done precisely paired with proper breathing patterns are exceptionally beneficial for treating hip bursitis by improving mobility in your hip flexors, IT band, piriformis and gluteal muscles eradicating pelvic and knee pain, promoting breathing, bolstering stamina, and augmenting the overall immune system.

Also Read: Yoga For Sciatica: 5 Amazing Yogasanas For Relief From Lower Back Pain

If your doctor approves of doing yogasanas, then we bring you 5 such yoga postures that dismiss lower back inflammation and fortify the back and hips naturally.
Yoga poses to remedy hip busitis

Incredible Yoga Poses To Remedy Hip Bursitis

Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose)

Lie straight on the floor. Raise both your legs perpendicular to your body while bringing your knees close to your chest. Now firmly grip both your thumb fingers of the foot and gradually stretch your legs and arms upwards. Ensure that your chin touches your chest, and you feel a deep stretch developing at the pelvic bone.  Next, firmly press the tailbone and the sacrum down to the ground. Breathe in and out normally and try holding the pose for a minute or as long as you can. Come back to the Shavasana pose and repeat 4 times.


Happy Baby Pose plays a crucial role in stretching and strengthening the entire body including the hip joint and pelvic muscles. Not only does it promote overall balance and stamina but also boosts blood circulation and tones the muscles around the hip flexors. Practising it regularly remedies hip pain in no time.

Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall Pose)

Initially, sit about 3 inches away from an empty wall. Lie on your back and raise your legs upwards while resting your thighs against the wall. Lie down calmly on the floor and relax the arms on either side of the body or the tummy. Be in the position for 10 minutes or as long as you want to and then slowly pull your leg back to the initial position.


This posture is deemed as one of the relaxing poses that simply allows you to lie flat on the ground with your legs up without much twisting. It extensively allows lymphatic drainage, ensures proper blood circulation, and relieves pressure and strain from the back and hip. Regular practice of this asana opens the hip muscles and mitigates any pain and stiffness in the pelvic and hip area.

Anjaneyasana (Progressive Low Lunge)

Start by stepping your left foot forward between your hands. Lower your right knee to the ground, sliding the foot back until you feel a stretch developing in your right hip. Make sure the front knee is placed directly above your ankle. Straighten both your arms upwards. Breathe in and lean back lifting your hips and ribs. Be in this posture for 30 seconds or as long as you can and return to a regular lunge posture. Repeat this asana five times holding your breath and breathing out.


This advanced low lunge posture is extremely useful for releasing stress and tension from your hips, strengthening the knees and even stretching the groin, quads and hamstrings. Additionally, it also helps build mental focus and concentration.

Supta Badha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

Initiate the asana by lying down straight on the ground. Place your arms close to the body without touching it. Now, turn and bend your knees sideways, and gradually pull in both your legs towards the chest as much as possible. Stay in this stance for a minute, then straighten both legs completely outwards and relax.


This asana is pivotal for opening the blocked channels within the body, especially in the hips, facilitating a full range of movements and creating a passage for easy transportation of various bodily fluids. If practised regularly, it is beneficial to help rid the body of back and hip pain and useful for stimulating the reproductive organs in women.

Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose)

Kneel on the ground and gradually curve your body backwards until your hip or torso is placed vertically above your feet. Keep stretching back until your body is completely bent, and you can clasp both your feet with your hands. Now, while facing outwards, slowly rise by breathing in and inflating your chest. With your back stretched, be in this posture for 1-2 minutes. Relax and repeat 4 times.


The pigeon posture attempts to promote the strength of the legs, tone the thighs, and fortify the hip muscles. It extensively helps in releasing endorphins, which arouses a feeling of relaxation within the mind and body, therefore relieving hip pain too. It also improves posture and stimulates the organs of the abdomen and neck.