High blood pressure usually leads to innumerable cardiac complications, however, people often fail to realize that even a low blood pressure reading can be extremely dangerous!

Yes, you heard that right! Hypotension or low blood pressure is a medical constraint wherein the pressure of the blood in the arteries falls below the optimum levels. An adequate blood pressure reading is usually considered 120/80 mm Hg (i.e., mercury); wherein the upper number indicates the systolic pressure or the pressure in the arteries which occurs during the contraction of heart muscles (i.e., when the heart beats and gets pumped with blood) and the lower number depicts the diastolic pressure which is the pressure in the arteries when the heart is in a resting phase in between two beats. A person is detected with low pressure when both systolic and diastolic pressure has a lower reading- '90/60’.


Also Read: Hypotension: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

There are quite a few people who have this common misconception, that having low pressure is good but a severe fall in your blood pressure can often result in symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, light-headedness, shallow breathing, tiredness, chest pain, increased thirst, and nausea. This condition often ensues due to low blood volume as in the case of anaemia, certain heart problems, and side effects of medications. You might be surprised to find out that hypotension can sometimes even lead to shock, stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure. 

Although hypotension is not as perilous as high blood pressure (hypertension), untreated hypotension for a long time can be fatal, and hence needs to be always kept under control. While medications can surely normalize the blood pressure reading in case of emergency situations, if you want a long-time, surer shot at dealing with this condition, then Yoga can be your guiding light.

Also Read: Yoga For Hypertension: 5 Powerful Yogasanas To Effectively Lower High Blood Pressure

This timeless approach comprising gentle stretches and breathing exercises not only delivers a natural way to regulate blood pressure but also boosts blood flow, eliminates toxins and improves overall immunity.

We curated a list of proven yoga poses that not only help to prevent low blood pressure but also help to keep other heart anomalies in check.

main yogasana

Spectacular Yogasanas For Low Blood Pressure

Ustrasana (Camel Pose):

Sit on your knees on the floor, with your soles upward and legs touching the floor. Next, while retaining your hands on the hips, align your knees and shoulders in a straight fashion. Inhale, and bend your body backwards, while grasping your feet with your hands for balance. Hold this posture for one minute or as long as you can, then slowly bring yourself to an upright position, relaxing the arms and legs as well.


The Camel Pose is exemplary in reinforcing and stretching your lower back and shoulders and also enhances overall posture. It not only promotes movement of free prana throughout the body while ensuring better efficacy of the bodily organs but reinforces the heart muscles to normalize the blood pressure.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing dog pose)

Come on all fours with your knees placed hip-width apart and your arms kept shoulder-width apart. Now, slowly thrust up your hips off the floor and straighten your elbows and knees. See that your body forms an inverted ‘V’. Press your palms into the ground and stretch your neck such that your ears should brush the inner side of your arms, and your gaze is towards your navel. Hold this stance for 30 seconds and then return to the original crouching position.


The downward facing dog-pose is one of the most influential yogasanas for managing both high and low blood pressure. It not only stretches and strengthens the spine and the shoulders but also dismisses trapped stress, brings up low blood pressure and boosts overall blood circulation. Practising it regularly improves cardiac functioning too.

Matsya Asana (Fish Pose):

Lie straight on your back and place your arms underneath your hips. Raise your head and chest, breathe in, and then rest the crown of the head on the floor while curving your back. Retain the balance of your whole body using your elbows. Inhale and exhale deeply to open up the chest. Be in this stance for 30 seconds or as long as you are comfortable.


Praised as the “Destroyer of all diseases”, the Fish pose facilitates deep breathing by stretching and strengthening the lung muscles. It also sustains the body's balance and helps in better circulation and distribution of blood throughout the body. Practising it regularly keeps the blood pressure under control and impedes any sudden falls or shoot-ups.

Padma Sarvangasana (Lotus Shoulder Stand):

Initiate the posture with a supported headstand. While you exhale, fold your legs and cross them to bring your right ankle onto the left thigh and your left ankle onto the right. Balance the back with your hands. Hold this posture for a few consecutive breaths or as long as you are comfortable, unfold your legs and gradually lower your body.


The inverted Lotus pose assists in the proper expansion of the chest and allows easier pumping of blood by the heart while regulating blood pressure. Twisting the upper side of the body acts as a massage for the upper internal organs, which in turn helps in better eviction of toxins from the body. It also improves stature and strengthens the muscles of the neck, back and hip.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting Half Spinal Twist):

Sit straight with your legs extended out and feet together. Bend your left leg and place the heel of your left foot beside your right hip. Now, take the right leg over your left knee. Keep your left hand on your right foot and your right hand behind you. Twist the waist, shoulders, and neck to the right side and look over the left side shoulder. Hold the position and resume breathing in and out gently. Slowly come back to the originally seated posture and replicate the pose in the same manner on the other side.


This asana is incredibly useful in providing relief from breathing difficulties, stress, and tension. The twisting of the upper side of the body induces deep breathing and promotes better circulation of blood in the heart, which helps in normalizing blood pressure. It also helps in bolstering the immune system and remedying back pain and stiffness.