Ageing is quite a natural process and it is nothing less than graceful to accept those natural changes that appear in the form of fine lines on the forehead, a little sagging of skin near the jaw or the visibility of grey streaks of hair. But it can be quite traumatizing in case those grey strands crop up in your teenage years, the early twenties or mid-thirties. Given the genetic problems, unhealthy lifestyle, nutrient deficiency, hectic work schedules and stress, premature greying of hair has become quite common and even teenagers are not left unfazed by this hair woe.


Also Read: Grey Hair in Teens? Here's What You Can Do

To mask grey hair, a lot of people rely on henna or hair colour application or intake of various kinds of multivitamins, which may or may not give the necessary effect. But if you are looking for a permanent fixture to retrieve the natural black colour and shine of your mane, then trust us when we say, there is nothing better than Yoga.

Also Read: 5 Incredible Natural Remedies To Manage Grey Hair In Kids

How Does Yoga Manage Grey Hair Problem?

The timeless approach of Yoga is much more than just taking stances and breathing exercises, it is a holistic approach towards a better life with numerous proven health benefits. Performing certain yoga postures with precision not only promotes blood circulation in the scalp and boosts hair growth but also diminishes early whitening of hair, bestowing a natural, black sheen.

So, enough with the masking and covering up of your hair with accessories! We bring you 5 such yoga poses to flaunt gorgeous black mane naturally.

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Yogasanas For Premature Greying

Ustrasana (camel pose)

Hunker down on the ground placing your knees at least 6 inches apart. Using each of your hands, bend backwards and grab the left ankle with your left hand and the right ankle with your right hand while gazing towards the ceiling. Keep your thighs straight, and push your hips in a forward motion. Stay in this posture for a few breaths, and return to the initial position.


The Camel pose is an extremely beneficial posture that helps in directing the blood flow towards the scalp, thereby boosting the growth of new and black hair. Additionally, it also nullifies the anomalies of the thyroid gland, which might lead to hair loss.

Pavanmuktasan (Wind Releasing Pose)

Lie straight on your back on the yoga mat in Shavasana. Bend your knees and bring your thighs close to your chest. Put your hands around the legs and hold them together. Bring up your neck and place your chin on your chest. Be in this stance for a few seconds and then go back to the starting point.


Most of the hair and skin woes crop up due to digestive anomalies and improper absorption of nutrients. The wind-relieving pose readily boosts digestion and remedies constipation, which is related to bad hair health. It relieves all digestive problems,  bringing the goodness of the nutrients in the food that you eat. This extensively soothes the mind, brings down stress and nurtures healthy hair growth.

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose)

Kneel with your thighs and foot close to each other. Sit on your heels keeping your back and neck straight. Keep your palms down in a relaxed position on your thighs. Now look straight ahead. Sit in that posture for at least 30 seconds and take long deep breaths. Relax for about a minute and repeat 5 times.


An incredibly easy pose, vajrasana plays a key role in relieving tension and stress which is one of the preliminary reasons behind premature greying, thin hair and hair loss. It improves blood circulation within the scalp and fortifies hair shafts from the roots. Performing this pose routinely not only fosters hair growth, and enhances hair health but also makes it dense, long and strong over time.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

Hunch down with your knees hip-width apart and your arms shoulder-width apart. Now, slowly raise aloft your hips from the floor and straighten your elbows and knees. See that your body creates an inverted ‘V’ posture. Now, push your hands into the ground and straighten your neck such that your ears should feel your inner arms, and your gaze is towards your navel. Hold this standing for five-eight breaths and then return to the initial position.


Being one of the 12 poses practised during Surya namaskar, the downward-facing dog pose is extremely beneficial for enhancing blood circulation, opening blocked channels and alleviating stress from the mind and body. By bringing fresh blood to the scalp, it revives the scalp cells, strengthens the hair follicles and aids in hair regrowth.

Sarvangasana (Rabbit pose)

Kneel on the yoga mat and bend your upper body forward with your forehead touching the floor. Now extending your arms forward try and hold your heels with your hands. Be in this yoga pose for 60 seconds while breathing deeply before releasing it.


Known as the Rabbit Pose, this yogasana is extremely advantageous for achieving a healthier and stronger mane. It extensively regulates the secretion of hormones, stimulates blood flow to the scalp and also supervises any imbalance in the thyroid gland which might lead to hair loss. Practising this yogasana also tones the neck and the spine muscles, thus unwinding the body from stress and tension.