World Food Day is an annual event that takes place on October 16, which honours the founding of the United Nations (UN) Food And Agriculture Organization. The campaign promotes awareness of hunger and action for the future of food, people and the planet. This event is observed across 150 countries globally, which makes World Food Day, one of the most celebrated days on the UN calendar. 
food day

The theme for this year's World Food Day is ‘Water is Life, Water is Food. Leave No One Behind’, which emphasises the vital role of water for life on earth and water as the basis of our food. Also, to take effective measures to raise global awareness about the importance of managing water wisely as increasing population, economic development, urbanization and climate change threaten water scarcity.

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It also works to offer remedies to make more food and other vital agricultural commodities with minimal water, while assuring water is equally distributed, safeguarding the aquatic food system and nobody is left behind.

Significance of World Food Day:

World Food Day serves as a reminder of the persisting issue of global hunger and malnutrition, encouraging people to become informed and involved in efforts to fight this problem.

The day emphasizes the need for sustainable agriculture and food production systems to ensure long-term food security without depleting natural resources.

It offers a platform for governments, organizations, and individuals to come together and discuss strategies to address food-related challenges at local, national, and global levels.

World Food Day showcases innovative solutions and technologies aimed at improving food production, distribution, and nutrition.

Water The Foundation of Food Security

Water is a quintessential element in the production of food. It plays a multifaceted role in agriculture, impacting crop growth, livestock farming, and fisheries. 

Agriculture consumes the largest share of global freshwater resources, with irrigation accounting for a significant portion of this usage. 

Adequate water supply is essential for maintaining the health and vitality of crops. Water helps transport nutrients to plants, regulate temperature, and prevent wilting.

Water is necessary for livestock to drink, and it also supports aquatic ecosystems where fish and other aquatic species are cultivated, contributing to a diverse and nutritious food supply.

Also Read: Types Of Water: From Tap To Infused, Know About All 8 Variants

Water is a vital component in food processing industries, including cleaning, cooking, and preservation. Without sufficient water, these processes would be severely compromised.

We need to stop taking water for granted and start enhancing the way we use water in our daily lives. The food that we eat and the way it is produced all affect water. To make a difference choose local, seasonal, and fresh foods, waste minimally, and find means to reduce food waste and also effective strategies to reuse water and avoid water pollution.

Importance Of Water In Human Health

The human body is composed of approximately 60% water, and maintaining proper hydration is critical for carrying out several important bodily functions. Here we have curated the key role of water in optimising health.


Water is necessary for regulating body temperature, aiding digestion, and maintaining overall bodily functions. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, dizziness, and other health issues.

Nutrient Absorption

Water aids in the absorption of essential nutrients from the food we eat, ensuring that our system receives the necessary vitamins and minerals for optimal health and well-being.


Water helps flush out toxins and waste products from the system via urine and sweat, promoting kidney and liver function.

Weight Management

Staying hydrated can assist in weight management by reducing the possibility of overeating, as thirst is often mistaken for hunger.


World Food Day serves as a critical reminder of the ongoing challenges related to food security and the importance of sustainable agriculture. Water, as a fundamental element in food production and human health, cannot be overstated. Ensuring access to clean and safe water sources is essential for eradicating hunger, promoting nutrition, and safeguarding the health of individuals and communities worldwide. On this World Food Day, let us recognize the significance of water in achieving food security and commit to sustainable practices that ensure a nourished and hydrated future for all.