World Vitiligo Day is observed on June 25, annually to create and raise awareness and educate the general populace regarding this rare skin condition. This special day primarily honours the people living with vitiligo while shedding light on the challenges they face daily.

 Over the years, the purpose of this health day has expanded from simply educating the people about vitiligo to recognizing issues such as bullying, social neglect and psychological trauma experienced by millions of people afflicted with vitiligo.

 World Vitiligo Day 2023 Theme

 This year the Theme for World Vitiligo Day 2023 is "Vitiligo: Looking into the Future '' which mainly focuses on the ongoing efforts of the government, healthcare sectors and several other humanitarian bodies to understand this rare skin condition and explore the medical advancements in the treatment and support of vitiligo. The official colour signifying vitiligo day is purple, and the month of June is assigned as Vitiligo Awareness Month by the city of Tampa.
World Vitiligo Day

 Significance Of World Vitiligo Day:

 This significant health day holds great importance as it acknowledges the struggles faced by people suffering from vitiligo globally. The Global Vitiligo Foundation (GVF) estimates that almost 70 million people worldwide are afflicted with vitiligo.  Even the National Institute Of Health (NIH) states that the prevalence of vitiligo in the Indian subcontinent is around 0.25 and 4% in outpatient individuals suffering from dermatological diseases. With such a huge population of people impacted by this rare skin issue, it becomes highly pivotal to educate the public about the causes, risk factors, symptoms, preventive measures, and available treatments for vitiligo.

Also Read: Vitiligo: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

 Vitiligo is a rare skin condition that is primarily characterised by the loss of melanin (a skin pigment) in different parts of the skin, causing white patches of skin appearing all over the body. It usually spreads to different body parts over time including the hair and mucous membranes, i.e., tissues of the eye, hair and the insides of the mouth.

While vitiligo isn't directly caused by stress, it can act as a triggering factor to spread the loss of skin colour to different parts of the body. Most of the areas where the white patches of vitiligo appear are usually the skin that receives direct sun exposure. Since the exact cause of vitiligo is still unknown, we can take some preventive measures to manage the disease from occurring or spreading further.

 Effective Ways To Manage Vitiligo


 Since sun exposure can worsen the vitiligo-affected skin, protecting the affected areas from excessive sun exposure is crucial. Generously apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF (30 or above) to shield the skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays.

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 Ginkgo Biloba Supplement:

Ginkgo biloba, commonly known as Giloy, is a herb with dominant antioxidant properties. Several studies show that it readily helps to repigment the skin in some cases of vitiligo. One can take this herb orally as a supplement or applied topically in the form of a concentrated cream or oil. Do consult with a healthcare professional before using ginkgo biloba supplements.

 Dietary Considerations:

 While there is no specific cure for vitiligo, some individuals have reported improvement in their condition and repigmentation of the white patches by incorporating certain foods abundant in antioxidants and vitamins. These include fruits and vegetables, such as berries, citrus fruits, leafy greens, and carrots.

 Also Read: Vitiligo: Dietary Guidelines To Follow To Heal This Skin Condition

 Topical Medications:

 Topical creams or ointments containing corticosteroids or calcineurin inhibitors (immunosuppressive agents) may extensively help to reduce inflammation, slow down the progression of vitiligo and repigment the affected areas. However, ensure that these ointments are only taken under the guidance of a dermatologist, as when used for a long duration, these might cause some side effects.

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 Topical Psoralen Plus Ultraviolet A (PUVA) Therapy:

This treatment primarily comprises applying a psoralen cream or solution to the affected skin, followed by exposing the skin to UVA light. This therapy helps in stimulating pigmentation in the affected area and might be quite helpful in some cases. However, it is strictly instructed to get this therapy done only under medical supervision to avoid potential side effects.