Today is World Food Day, it observed to honor the date of establishing the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nation (FAO) in 1945. The day is celebrated with an aim and action to bring down global hunger. This year's theme is “Our Actions Are Our Future Healthy Diets For A #Zero Hunger World”.

World Food Day intends to raise awareness across the globe to initiate steps to prevent hunger, assure food security and provide a nutritious diet to all. Statistics reveal that 670 million adults and 120 million boys and girls (5-19) are obese and over 40 million children under age five are overweight, but at the same time over 820 million people worldwide are malnourished, 60% women and about five million children under the age of five die every due to malnutrition-related conditions.

The scenario behind this is an unhealthy lifestyle combined with poor eating habits and lack of physical activity resulting in obesity not only in developed countries but also in under-developed countries. Today’s hectic life has refrained people from cooking wholesome foods rather than going for packed and processed foods from restaurants, fast food stores, and supermarkets.

Moreover, an unhealthy diet is the prime risk factor behind chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. So, let’s take a pledge this World Food Day to include traditional foods in the daily diet, practice mindful eating and eradicate hunger. Also Checkout: Eat These Super Foods To Avoid Chronic Diseases -Infographic

world food day