When we eat a well-balanced and wholesome diet packed with vibrant fresh foods rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and water, our system will show its gratitude through its largest organ - the skin. Nevertheless, the skin is the primary part of the system to exhibit internal issues, hence it is essential to fuel the body with wholesome foods.
Your diet is closely related to skin health and good nutrition holds a key role in slowing down signs of ageing. So, it is always ideal to prevent it early and pack your diet with some of the best anti-ageing foods for revamping the skin from the inside out. Even studies have shown that eating rainbow-coloured fruits and vegetables is the simplest and healthiest way to fight dull complexion and fine lines.

Here we have curated the 10 best anti-ageing foods to rejuvenate the system for an instant glow and slow down ageing.

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Essential Nutrients That Support Your Ageing

Fresh and natural foods are endowed with a good lot of nutrients and potent antioxidants that keep the skin cells active, healthy and avert age-related woes. These nutrients fight the harmful free radicals that damage your skin, thus reducing the signs of ageing drastically. These vital nutrients include:

Amino Acids: Promote elastin and collagen production, thus rendering a freckle-free, smooth, and supple look.

Carotenoids: Beta-carotene, retinol and vitamin A combat harmful free radicals and prevent skin damage. A diet high in carotenoids makes the skin look youthful and bright.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These healthy fatty acids are packed with potent anti-inflammatory actions. Supplementing diet with foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids have shown to remarkably slow down the ageing process.

Polyphenols: Polyphenols are well-known for their strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-DNA damage qualities. Adding them to your diet regimen shields the skin from UV damage.

Also Read: Polyphenols: Learn About Types, Functions And Food Sources

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is one of the vital nutrients that protect skin cells from UV exposure damage, averts skin infections and possesses anti-ageing traits.

Selenium: It is a vital trace mineral that triggers the antioxidant defence mechanism of the skin, shields the skin cells from UV damage and possesses anti-inflammatory traits.

Vitamin C: It is one of the powerful antioxidants that safeguard the skin against pollution and harmful environmental toxins, boost collagen synthesis and make the skin look youthful.

Vitamin E: This fat-soluble vitamin protects the skin from free radical damage, thus averting long-term issues like wrinkles, oedema, erythema and thickening of the skin.

Flavonoids: It is a bioactive compound that averts oxidative stress and slows down ageing signs.

Best Anti-ageing foods
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Berries are the powerhouse of flavonoids like myricetin, quercetin and kaempferol. They also contain vast reserves of vitamins C, K and other nutrients that exhibit anti-ageing traits and avert cell damage.

Simply add fresh berries to your smoothies and cereals to reap its complete benefits.


Avocado is one of the best anti-ageing foods with umpteen health-benefiting properties. Loaded with potassium, vitamins A, C, E and K and antioxidants that combat the effects of ageing. Butter fruit is a healthy source of fatty acids that keep the skin supple and radiant from within.

Mash avocados and spread them on toast or make a wholesome salad.

Also Read: Butter Fruit /Avocado: Nutrition, Health Benefits, Keto Diet, Uses For Skin And Recipes


Tiny red seeds of pomegranate contain a plethora of nutrients including vitamins C, D, E, and K and a fair amount of selenium and magnesium. All these elements have potent anti-ageing action and help the system fight against the signs of ageing.

Add pomegranate to your juices, smoothies, and salads for that extra punch of taste and nutrition.


Tomatoes endowed with lycopene is a non-provitamin A carotenoid that safeguards the skin from UV ray damage. Furthermore, tomatoes are attributed to have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities that have a positive impact on skin health, while flavonoids slow down ageing. Tomatoes can be easily added to make flavourful and tangy curries, salads, chutneys, and pasta.


Watermelon’s high-water content not only quenches your thirst and offers respite during hot days, but it also shields the skin from premature ageing. The goodness of vitamins C, E and K, selenium, calcium, and manganese supply the skin with vital nutrients and make it look youthful.

You can relish watermelon as a standalone snack or grill them drizzling some chat masala and pepper to enhance the flavour and taste.

Also Read: 8 reasons why watermelons are the best thing about summer


Broccoli is a nutritious vegetable packed with vitamins C, K and folate, potassium, and protein. The strong antioxidant activity of this cruciferous vegetable makes it a perfect food that combats the signs of ageing and uplifts overall well-being.

The ideal way to have broccoli is by steaming it and sprinkling a little olive oil, pepper, salt and vinegar for that zest and taste.


Carrots are a storehouse of beta-carotene, vitamins A, C and potassium. The incredible anti-ageing effects of carrots keep your skin supple and glowing from the inside out.

Carrots can be best eaten raw or in salads or stir fry or juice to make a wholesome smoothie.

Red Cabbage

Red cabbage is high in lutein, beta-carotene and antioxidants anthocyanins when compared to its green variant. Adding this colourful veggie not only keeps the system healthy but also slows down the ageing process.

Red cabbage is easy to make, raw red cabbage can be used to make salads, pickles or stir fry.


Spinach is an impressive source of vitamins A, C, folic acid, and iron, which augment skin health, promote cell function, repair and maintain the tissue strong. Heaped with antioxidants spinach assist in fading away wrinkles, and fine lines, thus making you look youthful.

Spinach can be used to make tasty palak gravies, and dal or just add a handful of leaves to make a smoothie.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes are endowed with antioxidants beta-carotene, and other essential nutrients. They promote the regeneration of new skin cells and growth. Regularly adding this root veggie rejuvenates the skin cells and slows the ageing process.

Have them baked or boiled, drizzled with olive oil and herbs of your choice.