Celtic sea salt (sel gris) also known as grey salt hails from the coastal stretches of France. Unlike table salt, which is heavily processed to remove impurities and additives, this salt variety is harvested directly from the ocean by hand. A less refined version, it is known for its uniqueness from other salts, it contains trace health-befitting elements that support various bodily functions. Under the World Salt Awareness Week 2024 theme ‘It's time to shine the spotlight on salt, the article delves into its origin, potential health benefits, and what makes it stand out.   

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What Makes Celtic Salt Special?

One of the most distinguishing features of Celtic Sea salt is its unrefined nature and its mineral composition. Celtic Sea Salt contains an array of 80 minerals in trace amounts. These minerals not only enhance the flavor of the salt but also contribute to overall health and well-being. Refined salt is made by removing minerals along with impurities from natural salt. This process leaves behind sodium chloride, which is fortified with the required amount of iodine. One-quarter teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt compared to table salt contains 0 Calories, 480 mg, Sodium, and Iron 0.36 mg. Celtic Sea Salt is naturally rich in electrolytes, making it an excellent choice for replenishing these vital nutrients after exercise or during times of dehydration. Unlike table salt, which undergoes extensive processing that strips away minerals and nutrients, this salt retains its natural balance of trace minerals, including magnesium, calcium, and potassium. These minerals not only impart a unique flavour profile but also offer various health benefits, from supporting nerve function to regulating blood pressure.

Also Read: Kosher Salt: Health Benefits, Uses And Side Effects Of This Salt Alternative

Health Incentives Of Celtic Salt

Celtic Sea Salt offers a range of health benefits that make it a wise choice for those looking to support their well-being naturally. It offers potential health benefits:

  • Celtic salt may have anti-inflammatory properties and support overall immune health
  • Celtic salt may help regulate blood pressure due to its mineral composition
  • Celtic salt may improve respiratory health and reduce symptoms of asthma owing to the presence of minerals and electrolytes
  • Celtic salt is a good source of essential minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium that augment both bone and muscle health
  • Ayurvedic and western medicine promote using this salt type to enhance immunity and aid smooth

Side Effects

Too much salt can lead to high blood pressure and heart risks. So, getting the right measure of any salt is paramount for good health. Consult your healthcare provider before adding Celtic salt to your diet.

Also Read: Guilty Of Eating Salt-Loaded Diet? 5 Foods To Consume Immediately To Reduce The Side Effects Of Sodium

From seasoning dishes to enhancing flavour, Celtic salt can be used in a myriad of culinary applications owing to its versatility thus elevating the taste of even the simplest of recipes. We bring you a recipe you can try with this health-befitting salt version.

Chickpeas Chaat


  • 2 cups boiled chickpeas
  • 1 large potato, boiled and diced
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tomato, diced
  • 1 green chili, finely chopped (adjust to taste)
  • Fresh chopped cilantro
  • Tamarind chutney as desired
  • 1/2 cup plain yogurt
  • 1 tsp chaat masala
  • 1 tsp roasted cumin powder
  • Celtic Sea Salt, to taste
  • Fresh lemon wedges for serving


  • In a large mixing bowl, combine the cooked chickpeas, diced potato, chopped onion, diced tomato, chopped green chili, and fresh cilantro
  • Drizzle the tamarind chutney and mint-coriander chutney over the mixture, then toss gently to coat the ingredients
  • In a small bowl, whisk together the plain yogurt, chaat masala, roasted cumin powder, and Celtic salt
  • Pour the yogurt mixture over the chickpea mixture
  • Transfer the ingredients to a bowl
  • Serve immediately with fresh lemon wedges on the side to squeeze
  • Enjoy Celtic salt chaat which is a flavourful and nutritious Indian snack with a twist!


  1. Effect of Salt Substitution on Cardiovascular Events and Death. Bruce Neal 1, Yangfeng Wu 1, Xiangxian Feng 1, Ruijuan Zhang
  1. https://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=22441