There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to a perfect, healthy lifestyle and diet regimen. Every human body functions differently. Genetics, environment, eating habits, and age play a major role in letting the body do its job. And one fine day many of us start to gain weight, which gets stressful and takes a toll on many aspects of health. Weight gain can be due to several reasons ranging from wrong eating patterns, sudden illnesses, hormonal disorders, underlying health conditions, depression, and so on and so forth. While it can affect us physically, even our mental health gets hampered in many ways. There are various diet plans that work for many and can help us get back in shape. Amongst many of them is a popular diet plan called the Brown diet plan.

brown diet

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How Does Eating Whole Grain Brown Food Work?

The prime focus of the brown diet is to encourage the person to consume nutrient-dense food replete with vitamins and nutrients to aid healthier eating while also being relatively lower in calories. Categorizing foods into four lists-daily, thrice a week, and never, Brown's diet does not give strict instructions on when to eat on what days to eat other than spacing out food from one or three times or not to be eaten at all. However, having breakfast every day is an integral part of his plan, and an ideal breakfast is some kind of fruit smoothie without any sugar content. Dairy-free milk alternatives such as almond or oat milk are also a part of the brown diet weight loss plan. Organic fresh fruits (barring a few with high sugar content) and vegetables can also be well incorporated. Primarily this diet focuses on the stabilization of blood sugar, enhances adequate metabolic function, promotes weight management, and augments proper digestion.

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What You Can Eat On This Diet?

Brown diet pays attention to eating nutrient-dense and wholesome foods that deliver ample amounts of vitamins and minerals needed for uplifting overall health, and losing weight that is also low in calories. This diet is a little restrictive but comprises wholesome foods and recommends eliminating artificial sweeteners and junk foods.

Foods To Include On A Regular Basis

  • Leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and chard
  • Nuts such as almonds, cashews, and walnuts
  • Carrots
  • Green tea
  • Soy milk

 Foods That Should Be Included Thrice A Week

  • Fatty fish 
  • Yogurt
  • Broccoli
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Avocado

Foods That Should Be Added Once-a-Week 

  • Alcohol
  • Red meat
  • Pasta
  • Dessert

However, these foods should be consumed in very limited amounts.

Also Read: PCOS And Weight Gain: Foods To Shed Those Extra Kilograms

Foods To Avoid

A list of certain food items that have to be eliminated completely from the diet plan includes:

  • Diet sodas, fizzy drinks any kind of aerated beverages
  • Fast foods
  • Refined cereals
  • Processed meals
  • Canned soups
  • Foods that are labeled as ‘diet foods’
  • Food items that contain artificial sweeteners

Cons Of Having Whole Grain Foods

While there are no known health risks associated if this diet is being followed, there are some cons, and it may not work for some people when it comes to losing weight quickly. One of the biggest problems is that the diet does not provide any set structure. Excessive flexibility and lack of when to eat reduce its effectiveness. Since there are no fixed rules, there is a possibility that the follower may modify it as per his own wish.  Moreover, it is not a long-term plan and can only work for a few weeks. However, Brown diet is one of the easiest and safest diet plans to be followed which will not make you nutrient deficient and will certainly help shed some kilos in the long run.