The exam season is here and preparation needs a lot of planning and proper time management. Students try to learn, memorize, and understand a lot of information, hence it’s pivotal to keep their health in a good state. Staying healthy can improve their academic performance and support them to reach their goals and aspirations.

Though an overall balanced and wholesome diet is essential for sustaining the body and brain nourished and getting set to handle difficult tasks. However, several studies show that adding certain foods as part of a meal plan holds a significant role in boosting brain health, and function, and increasing mental power.
Foods to boost brain function

The right kind of foods can help students tremendously improve their brain’s ability to focus and recollect information. Foods to have while preparing for exams should be packed with fibre, protein, and healthy fats. This blend of nutrients assists to fuel their body and mind to assure that they are functioning at the optimal level.

Also Read: Brain Health: Top 5 Nuts To Enhance Cognitive Functioning – Infographic

The brain needs ample energy to function well, and the right foods can help to confer nutrition. Eating a healthy diet can uplift concentration and cognitive function. Experts state that eating right before the exam not only triggers memory power but also helps out in keeping them calm and relaxed in stressful situations.

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Effective Diet Tips

Start Day With a Wholesome Breakfast

Starting the day on a healthy note with a nutritious breakfast like poha, besan chela, apple, banana nut smoothie, boiled eggs with toast, or stuffed vegetables idly will confer you with the needed energy to stay active and focused all through the day. These foods are bestowed with vitamin B, iron, zinc, selenium, healthy fats, and protein that will help you remain recharged.

Add Healthy Fats

Fat is a very essential part of your child’s diet regimen for proper brain function, but it should come from the right source. You need to get an adequate amount of omega-3 fatty acids as these are building blocks of the brain and important for learning and memory. Desi ghee, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, fatty fish, and leafy green veggies are some of the foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Maintain Gut Health

Maintaining the gut healthy and functioning is important when the exams are near to avert any kind of digestive woes. Probiotics like curd, yogurt, and fermented foods can support the growth of good bacteria in the gut and also trigger the production of serotonin, the happy hormone, which helps you manage stress and stay focused during exams.

Stay Hydrated

Water stimulates the chemical reactions in the body and can speed up the rate at which brain cells process information. Whereas dehydration can result in fatigue, forgetfulness, and laziness. Ensure your child drinks about 2 liters of water a day for good mental health and overall well-being. So, keep a water bottle handy beside your study desk.

Go Slow On Sugary Foods

Children often tempt to snack on sugar-loaded foods while studying. It has been found that it is counterproductive as excessive sugar intake leads to a sudden rush of energy temporarily, which is followed by crashing blood sugar levels resulting in fatigue and sluggishness. Instead, go for a healthy source of unrefined or natural sugars like peanut chikki, dates, nuts laddoo, palm sugar, and fruits to keep your sugar levels stable and stay attentive.

Also Read: Brain Health: 5 Must-To-Add Seeds For Better Cognitive Power And Memory-Infographic

Superfoods For Brain Health

Incorporating some of these foods is valuable in augmenting brain health and memory. It also serves as a perfect choice when you’re studying and preparing for an exam.

Berries:  Strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries are packed with flavonoid compounds called anthocyanin that enhance academic performance and shield brain cells from free radical damage.

Citrus Fruits: Oranges and grapefruit are storehouses of antioxidants such as flavonoids, hesperidin, naringin, quercetin, and rutin. Regular addition of these fruits helps to trigger memory power and improve overall brain health.

Nuts: Walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts are imbued with brain-nourishing nutrients like vitamin E, zinc, and selenium that promote overall mental well-being.

Eggs: They are an impressive source of vitamin B12, choline, and selenium, which boosts brain function and cognitive health.

Vegetables: Increasing the intake of rainbow platter veggies can help stimulate overall nutrition and enhance brain health and memory power.

Fatty Fish: Adding fatty fish and sea foods are best known to increase memory and activate overall brain function.


Following a healthy diet regimen is vital when you’re preparing for exams. The exam period is not the right time to skip meals or munch on a lot of junk food. Also, it is important to rest well and take care of your physical and mental well-being. Therefore, it is pivotal to eat right, and stay hydrated and active, while preparing for your exam.