Estrogen is a vital hormone that holds a significant role in both female and male reproductive health and function. While it is also involved in several other important bodily processes, including the immune, vascular, neuroendocrine, and skeletal systems.

There are three forms of estrogen such as estrone E1, estradiol E2, and estriol E3. Where estradiol is the most abundant and biologically active type in women during the reproductive phase. The ovaries are the chief producer of estradiol in the body. While estrogen is produced in both women and men, however, women have higher amounts.

estrogen diet

Though estrogen is an important hormone, having excess amounts can elevate the risk of certain chronic diseases including breast and ovarian cancer and this condition is medically termed estrogen dominance. Low estrogen can also negatively impact health. Studies disclose that diet and lifestyle factors greatly impact estrogen levels. Whereas certain diets have been associated with maintaining healthy estrogen levels and lowering the risk of diseases linked to estrogen dominance. This is because diet can greatly influence estrogen metabolism and excretion in the system.

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In addition, excess body fat can increase estrogen levels and disease risk, as fat tissues make estrogen. Obesity is linked to increased levels of aromatase, an enzyme that contributes to estrogen production.

Dive into this article to get an insight into estrogen dominance and the best diet plans to manage hormone levels.

How Does Diet Impact Estrogen?

Several pieces of evidence have shown that certain dietary habits may promote estrogen dominance and the risk of health conditions linked to this hormonal imbalance.

Western diet categorized with high intakes of red meat, processed foods, sweets, dairy, and refined carbs is associated with higher estrogen levels. And these dietary habits have been associated with higher risks of breast cancer and obesity.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is associated with an 18 % reduced risk of cancer and obesity. Moreover, after menopause, the ovaries stop making estrogen, and fat tissues become the key source of estrogen in women. This is the reason why women after menopause who are obese have high estrogen levels and are at an increased risk of breast cancer.

Diets That Improve Healthy Estrogen Levels

Well, certain dietary patterns have been shown to support healthy estrogen levels and maintain body weight, while remarkably lowering the risk of diseases. Studies claim that these diets pay attention to consuming whole, nutrient-packed foods, that assist in keeping estrogen levels under normal, as well as other hormones.

Mediterranean Diet

Evidence reveals that the Mediterranean diet is linked to healthy estrogen levels. This diet emphasizes including fish, vegetables, fruits, and legumes, while refrains adding processed and red meats and high-fat foods that are known to elevate estrogen levels. 

The Mediterranean diet rich in fibre tends to be high in phytoestrogens, which are molecules with estrogen-like activity and are present in certain foods like soy, legumes, nuts and seeds, grains, fruit, and vegetables. Phytoestrogens bind to estrogen receptors in cells and exhibit either antiestrogenic or estrogenic effects. Where a diet loaded with certain phytoestrogens may safeguard against hormone-sensitive cancers like breast cancer. 

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Remember, though phytoestrogens have been linked to some health benefits, studies have shown that they exhibit adverse effects as well. For instance, some studies have shown that soy phytoestrogens may impede endocrine health in a few individuals.

Fibre-Rich Diet

A fibre-rich diet is loaded with whole grains that help lower estrogen levels and protect against certain cancers. Dietary fibre reduces the absorption of cholesterol, which is a precursor to estrogen, thus limiting the levels of estrogen circulating in the blood. Also, fibre in the diet reduces the absorption of estrogen in the colon and increased the excretion of estrogen. Studies have also disclosed that high-fibre diets are linked to lower estrogen levels and reduced risk of breast cancer risk.

Plant-Based Diet

The plant-based diet is basically heaped with fruits, vegetables, and legumes, all of which promote healthy estrogen levels. Even studies prove that people who follow vegetarian or semi-vegetarian diets have lower estrogen levels and a reduced risk of certain cancers linked with high estrogen. Furthermore, a plant-based diet diminishes saturated fat, which aids in maintaining estrogen levels.

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Foods To Avoid:

Excess intake of dairy products and meat contributes to estrogen dominance and increases the risk of health conditions linked to high levels of this hormone.

Legumes that are rich in isoflavones like peanuts, lentils and chickpeas should be limited as they increase estrogen production.

Excessive alcohol consumption can lower testosterone levels and increase estrogen in the body.

Though nuts and seeds are healthy, they are also loaded with phytoestrogens. While it would be difficult to avoid them, limit your intake of almonds, cashews, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, walnuts, and sesame seeds.

Effective Strategies To Follow For Reducing Estrogen Levels 

Several factors beyond diet include age and health status, which can affect your body’s hormonal balance. Hence, it’s vital to get advice from your healthcare provider if you’re worried about estrogen dominance. Nevertheless, following some of these strategies may help improve healthy estrogen levels.

Get Regular Exercise

Regular exercise can lower levels of circulating estrogen, thus maintaining healthy estrogen and testosterone levels. Try doing cardio and strength training workouts on alternative days and also stay physically active to augment overall health and balance hormone levels.

Lose Weight

Having a wholesome and balanced diet and regular exercise works incredibly well in managing weight and hormone levels.

Combat Stress 

Stress can significantly increase the level of cortisol and negatively impact the hormonal balance. Practice breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga, and involve in activities that interest you to stay calm and relaxed.

Get Sound Sleep 

Poor sleep habits can make you feel low and wreak havoc on your hormone profile. Hence, try to get at least 7 to 8 hours of good quality sleep every night.