Summer has set in we are all experiencing extreme tiredness as a result of the hot climate. A key factor that helps you to stay cool and refreshed during sweltering summer is proper hydration and choosing a whole lot of power foods that can naturally keep your body hydrated. Good hydration plays a crucial role in maintaining normal bodily processes and also responsible for glowing skin, proper digestion and metabolism. As the summer season peaks with temperature rocketing every day, it is pivotal to stay hydrated and healthy.

Dehydration can contribute to loss of energy, sluggishness, headaches, skin issues, muscle cramps, nausea, low blood pressure and rapid heart rate. While prolonged dehydration can lead to more severe issues like organ failure. Hence, it is essential to consume plenty of water and have wholesome natural foods that are loaded with water.

Well, you may be surprised to know that you can eat your water, by consuming foods that contain a lot of water. About one-fifth of your water intake comes from foods such as fruits and vegetables.

Also Read: 5 Splendid Summer Fruits To Build Your Immune System –Infographic

Nature abounds with a myriad of hydrating foods that are immensely rich in vital nutrients and water, which work in tandem with water to help you stay hydrated, replenish fluid loss and maintain optimal health. Health care professionals recommend you to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day to meet your electrolyte balance, however, the water content of food is often ignored. Water-rich foods are packed with cell-building elements such as vitamin A, alpha lipoic acid, oleic acid, polyphenols, folic acid and vitamin C that focus on promoting cellular health. Asides from these being hydrated, improve performance, regulates body temperature, keeps the joints lubricated, prevents infection, promotes sleep and brain functioning. These veggies can be tossed up in your salads, curries, sandwiches and other mouth-watering nutritious delights.

Foray this infographic to get an overview about hydrating foods that you should add in your diet regimen to stay cool and healthy during these hot summer months.
5 veggies to stay hydrated