A good night’s sleep is crucial for overall well-being, being one of the three fundamental pillars of optimal health, along with a nutritious balanced diet and regular physical exercise. However, certain disorders tend to hamper the resting phase at night, leading to a decline in energy levels, and mental focus, with one such common condition being sleep apnea. This illness involves the repeated stop and start of breathing during sleep, leading to the suspension of airflow through the organs in the body. Due to lack of oxygen supply, the brain activates the system to wake up from a profound snooze, to reinstate normal breathing functions. This results in frequent waking at night, loud and constant snoring, besides awakening the next morning feeling exhausted due to disturbed sleep. Three types of sleep apnea develop in people – obstructive, central, and mixed, out of which obstructive sleep apnea is the most frequently occurring disorder.

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Ayurveda defines sleep apnea as “Urdhvajatrugata Roga” or upper clavicular diseases, to denote the problem persisting in the nasal passage and throat situated above the clavicle or collar bone, as well as “Nidra Roga” meaning a sleep-related ailment. Though the activity of all three doshas is impeded in these maladies, the chief factor contributing to sleep apnea is an aggravated Vata dosha. Sleep apnea gives rise to numerous discomforting symptoms of abnormal heart rate, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, dry mouth, and mood swings and even makes the affected individual more prone to chronic ailments of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and stroke. Moreover, it negatively influences the functioning of the nervous system, by impairing memory, concentration, and thinking abilities.

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While severe instances require surgery, mild to moderate cases of sleep apnea can be rectified by appropriate professional medical treatment. These entail using supporting devices to provide continuous passage of air through the nostrils, as well as regular physical activity, and breathing exercises to improve lung power, and heart functions and maintain healthy body weight. Additionally, the tomes of valuable information housed in the ancient manuscripts of Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Abhyanga Hridaya offer umpteen natural solutions to rectify instances of sleep apnea and restore tridoshic harmony. Astonishing therapies with powerful herbs are a proven method to help tackle sleep apnea and achieve uninterrupted shut-eye at night.

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Ayurveda For Sleep Apnea Natural Remedies

5 Phenomenal Herbs To Relieve Snoring And Signs Of Sleep Apnea:

1. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an excellent adaptogen that calms the nerves, mitigates stress and guarantees smooth transmission of signals all along the body, to help breathe deeply. In addition, it is imbued with phytonutrient triethylene glycol, which induces undisturbed sleep at night, to efficiently combat sleep apnea and improve the quality of rest.

2. Shankapushpi

A potent herb that boosts brain power, shankapushpi is very useful in soothing pounding headaches and agitated moods that are often experienced in instances of sleep apnea. Being a Medhya or mind-stimulating plant, it heals mental fatigue, elevates nervous system activity, ensures sound sleep and vastly improves productivity, concentration, and memory.

3. Sarpagandha

Bestowed with tranquilizing compounds that pacify exacerbated Vata dosha, Sarpagandha is a time-tested remedy to enhance the quality and quantity of sleep, as well as treat heart-related conditions encountered in apnea. This plant contains strong antioxidants that relax the blood vessels, facilitate optimal circulation of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to tissues, and organs, and bring down high blood pressure.

4. Jatamansi

Jatamansi holds extraordinary potential in stimulating deep sleep at night, thanks to the treasure trove of plant-based biochemicals present in the herb. It balances the perturbed Vata dosha, instills tridoshic harmony of Pitta, Kapha, and Vata in the body, diminishes stress, and tension in the nervous system, and soothes a heated body due to its Sheeta or cooling nature.

5. Nirgundi

Famed as a panacea for all ailments, nirgundi is a versatile herb containing a powerful essential oil, that tremendously uplifts breathing functions, and lung power and also pacifies aggravated Vata dosha in the system. Pouring just 2 drops of nirgundi oil into the nostrils and inhaling the invigorating aroma before bedtime prevents frequent snoring and augments uninterrupted sleep cycles.

Additional Herbs For A Restful Sleep

Valerian Herb

Known for its ability to improve sleep quality and duration, Valerian herb has components that help alleviate tension in the throat and airway muscles, which can contribute to snoring. By promoting relaxation, the herb supports a more restorative sleep cycle and induces deep sleep.


Tulsi exhibits antimicrobial activity, which helps combat infections of upper respiratory infections. By clearing the airways of pathogens, Tulsi supports better breathing and reduces snoring episodes. As a natural relaxant, it calms the nervous system and promotes relaxation. By reducing tension in the muscles, it supports more restful sleep, reducing the likelihood of snoring.


Liquorice root is an adaptogenic herb that can help to regulate cortisol levels in the body. By promoting adrenal health, the herb can manage stress and cortisol imbalances, which can contribute to sleep disturbances and snoring.


1.Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Jennifer M. Slowik; Abdulghani Sankari; Jacob F. Collen.


  1. https://err.ersjournals.com/content/25/139/12