Dietary fibre is a vital part of a well-balanced diet regimen that plays a significant role in uplifting overall health and lowers the risk of chronic diseases. Fibre is the part of plant-based food that travels via the digestive tract without breaking down. The roughage can greatly help to diminish cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugar spikes, promotes weight loss and help you to maintain good health status.

To get the wellness incentives, you should understand the types of fibre and how it functions. There are two types of fibre that the body needs-soluble fibre that dissolves in water into a gel-like mush, includes plant pectin and gums. Insoluble fibre doesn’t dissolve in water, includes plant cellulose and hemicellulose. Most foods contain both insoluble and soluble fibre, but are generally abundant in one type. Getting the right amount of dietary fibre in your daily diet plays a crucial role in averting the risk of several health problems which includes:

  • Manages body weight
  • Controls high blood pressure
  • Maintain lipid profile
  • Regulates blood glucose levels
  • Prevents haemorrhoids
  • Lowers the risk of colon and breast cancer
  • Promotes gut health and digestion
soluble and insoluble fibre rich foods

Also Read: Dietary Fibre And Its Role In Preventing Chronic Diseases

Read through this article to get an overview of different types of fibre, benefits and food sources.

Soluble Fibre

Soluble fibre dissolves in water and fluids, forming a gel-like material as it travels through the system. As it reaches the colon it feeds good gut bacteria that is well-known to deliver a host of health benefits including weight loss and controls diabetes.

Some of the food sources rich in soluble fibre include:





Citrus fruit




Health Benefits

Augments Cardiac Health

Soluble fibre plays a key role in binding to cholesterol particles in the digestive tract and eliminates them from the system. Fibre works by assisting the body to lower total blood cholesterol levels by diminishing LDL or bad cholesterol levels and lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, several pieces of evidence have proven that fibre-rich foods reduce inflammation and blood pressure that are valuable in uplifting heart-health.

Manages Diabetes

Soluble fibre is not well absorbed by the intestinal tract, it delays gastric emptying time, controls blood sugar spikes and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. In people with diabetes having a diet plentiful in soluble fibre such as oats, berries, nuts, beans and vegetables improve insulin action, lower blood sugar levels and also helps to keep diabetes under control.

Promotes Weight Loss

This type of fibre is vital for weight management and shedding stubborn fat. Soluble fibre helps to keep gut bacteria healthy and supports overall fat loss by lowering appetite. Moreover, adding fibre rich foods helps you to stay at a healthy weight by keeping you satiated without adding calories and controls unwanted hunger pangs.

Promotes Bowel Movements

Soluble fibre stimulates the movement of food particles through the digestive system, slow the digestion process and absorb the nutrient. It also adds bulk to the stool, regularises bowel movements and averts the risk of constipation.

Ways To Add More Soluble Fibre

Garnish liberally psyllium flakes on breakfast cereals and other foods.

Relish a wholesome soup with broth and carrots, barley, peas and beans for a filling meal.

Munch on apples, berries, oranges or grapefruit for satisfying your sweet tooth.

Make your overnight breakfast jars with oats, dried fruits and nuts.

Also Read: Amazing Fibre Rich Indian Foods

Insoluble Fibre

Insoluble fibre doesn’t dissolve in fluids but absorbs and binds to other materials to form a stool. This process makes the stool softer, bulkier and regular. Insoluble fibre is mainly found in whole wheat bread, brown rice, seeds and skins of fruit, so it is best to consume fruits with peel.

Some of the food sources rich in insoluble fibre include:

Whole-wheat flour

Wheat bran




Green beans


Health Benefits

Digestive health:

Consuming a lot of insoluble fibre attracts water into the stool, making it softer and easier to move through the digestive tract and reduces strain on the bowel. This type of fibre promotes bowel health and regularity and helps treat bowel-related issues like constipation, haemorrhoids, and faecal incontinence. Besides these, it also improves insulin sensitivity and reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Ways To Add Insoluble Fiber

Begin your day with a wholesome breakfast such as whole-grain toast, oatmeal or breakfast cereals.

Replace all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour while baking foods.

Snack on nuts for healthy snacks.

Have a rich array of salads, sautéed veggies or baked veggies.


Fibre is an essential part of a wholesome meal plan that is beneficial in maintaining total well-being. Fibre-rich supplements are also available in the form of powder and pills but have them on occasion if needed. Always prefer to have fresh foods, as it delivers you with vitamins and minerals needed to nurture overall health. Plant products have varying amounts of insoluble and soluble fibre, hence it is vital to consume a wide range of fruits, vegetables and whole grains to get the perks of both types of fibre. The rule of thumb is to fill your plate half with fruits and vegetables and replace refined grains with whole-grain cereals and quarter portion with beans. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water, as fibre cannot perform its functions without adequate water. Lack of water can lead to gastric distress and other complications.