Barley is a type of whole grain cereal that has a chewy texture and nutty flavour, commonly known as Jau in India. It is available in different forms such as hulled barley, barley grits, flakes etc., and one of the oldest cultivated grains in our country.

Barley In Daily Diet

This less explored grain is packed with impressive nutrients including dietary fibre, molybdenum, manganese, selenium, B vitamins and power packed with antioxidant lignans.

However, barley contains some antinutrients which may impair nutrient absorption and digestion, soaking and sprouting the grain lowers the antinutrient content and also increases its nutrient levels.

Barley provides a host of health benefits such as improving digestion, losing weight, improving heart health and in preventing cancer.

Promotes Digestion

The richness of fibre in barley plays a vital role in promoting bowel function and prevents constipation by adding bulk to the stools. Regular intake of barley helps in maintaining the balance of gut-healthy bacteria. Evidence shows that an impressive nutrient profile in barley can help in preventing cancers related to digestive tracts.

Helps In Losing Weight

Barley being low on calories and high on fibre is an ideal grain in a weight loss diet. The goodness of fibre keeps you satiated for a longer time and prevents you from overeating. Furthermore, fibre curbs your appetite and craving for junk foods which will eventually burn more calories and help in sustained weight loss.

Whole Grain In Daily Diet

Heart Healthy Grain

The abundance of heart-healthy nutrients in barley such as thiamin, niacin, copper, magnesium are the key nutrients that are helpful in lowering the cholesterol, blood pressure and prevents the risk of heart diseases. In addition, nutrient-dense barley is beneficial in lowering the risk of atherosclerosis, by clearing the plaque formation in the arteries and reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke.

Manage Diabetes

Barley is a perfect choice of whole grain that should be added in the regular regimen for diabetics as it helps in normalizing blood sugar level and improve insulin sensitivity. The richness of mineral magnesium in barley helps in improving insulin secretion and uptake of glucose by the body.

Immune Booster

The goodness of antioxidants lignans in barley boosts the immune system by combatting infection-causing bacteria. In addition, it also lessens inflammation and delays premature ageing of the body.

Culinary Uses

Barley is used widely in making a spectrum of dishes right from soups, stew, bread, breakfast cereals, milk porridge, pudding, and malted beverages. Reap the health benefits of barley by adding in your diet regimen.

Barley Water For Enhanced Skin And Hair Health   

Barley water is loaded with a plethora of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which are valuable in boosting skin and hair health. Barley water is made by cooking barley in water for 10 minutes and then water is consumed with barley and sometimes the grains are strained. This healthy beverage can be flavoured with lemon juice and consumed for its umpteen health benefits.

Promotes Skin Glow

The potent anti-inflammatory properties of barley water are beneficial in treating acne and combats skin infections. It also tightens the skin tone by working as a natural exfoliator and reduces oil secretions. Drinking barley water increases the skin hydration levels and slows down premature ageing of the skin. Besides these, the richness of selenium in barley supports in sustaining the skin elasticity, prevent free radical damage of skin cells and maintain the skin glow, tone and youthfulness.

Improves Hair Health

Ample amounts of vitamins such as B3, thiamine, niacin in barley water helps to promote hair growth, add volume and make the mane look stronger and lustrous. While being loaded with iron barley combats hair fall and huge content of copper helps to retain the natural colour of hair by increasing the synthesis of melanin. Regular addition of barley in the diet will show a visible difference in hair health within a few months.