Probiotic bacteria are highly valued as the gut-friendly bacteria, well-known to combat diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, enhance skin health, clear up the unwanted substance and treat other gastrointestinal health issues. Probiotics and prebiotics both functions to enhance the functioning of the digestive system. Probiotics are live microorganism that survives in the gut and aid in a smooth digestion process. For probiotic bacteria to work actively and remain healthy they need to be fed, prebiotics serves as food for probiotics. Also Check out: 5 Awesome Wellness Incentives Of Probiotics-Infographic

Prebiotic is a kind of dietary fibre that feeds the gut-friendly bacteria. Prebiotic works by producing nutrients for colon cells and promote the functioning of the digestive system. Short-chain fatty acids like butyrate, acetate and propionate are nutrients that are absorbed into the bloodstream and enhance the health. 

Prebiotic is defined as a non-digestible food element that is selectively metabolised by colonic bacteria which facilitates optimising health and promotes gut microbial flora. In simpler terms prebiotics is food for probiotics, both supplement each other in a symbiotic relationship and work as a digestive aid. 

Some of the dietary sources abundant in prebiotics include whole grains, onion, garlic, bananas, honey, asparagus, and oats to mention a few. Remember to eat them raw as much as possible or slightly cooked, because once they are cooked it loses their indigestibility property which makes them prebiotic.

Check out this infographic to know about 5 natural food sources extremely rich in prebiotics.