India is a country with a rich culinary treasure, each state has its own signature dish which indicates its varied cultural heritage and confers a unique taste, flavour and aroma. One such wholesome breakfast that is being largely relished in the South Indian states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu and parts of Karnataka is Puttu. The term puttu means portioned in Malayalam, which is valued as a timeless culinary wealth originated from the kitchens of Kerala. Puttu is a nutritious and healthiest breakfast that abound with an impressive nutrient profile and health benefits, it is made of steamed cylinders of ground rice flour layered with a generous amount of coconut shavings.

Puttu served in banana leaf

Puttu is one of the main breakfasts consumed in Sri Lanka, they call it Pittu and the locals believe that puttu was originated in Sri Lanka. While some manuscripts in Tamil reveal that a sweet version of the puttu is mentioned in Thiruvilayadal Puranam, an important Tamil literary work that dates back to the 16th century. Although the origin of this wholesome breakfast may be open for debate, but undeniably Kerala has made the puttu it’s very own classic delight.

The incredible health benefits of this humble dish have made restaurant chains across Kerala experimenting and delivering puttu with a different version of innovation around the traditional puttu. It was usually served with Kadala Curry or with moong gram dal or with banana, jaggery and papad for breakfast. However, these days puttu is being served in different avatars, where along with liberal servings of grated coconut, the fillings can be anything from kheema, egg gravies to steamed veggies, you can be rest assured to enjoy the health incentives of a nutritious breakfast or even try this dish as a complete meal for lunch or dinner. So, what are you waiting for? Try this simple, tasty and nourishing puttu that will guarantee enriched overall health, for you and your family.

Also Checkout: 5 Nutritious Breakfast Ideas To Kick Start Your Day - Listicle

How Puttu Is Prepared?

Traditionally puttu was steamed in coconut shells or bamboo moulds, but now stainless steel puttu kutty or steamers are available. To get the right consistency the flour can be melded using coconut milk along with water in equal parts for a fine texture and rich flavour. It is customary in Kerala to serve puttu with a fluffy papadam, banana and a cup of tea or coffee.

Puttu can be also prepared with other nutritious grains such as wheat flour, ragi flour, tapioca and corn flour that enhances the taste and nutrient value.

Puttu Recipe


 2 cups of roasted red rice flour

1 no grated coconut

½ tsp cumin seeds

Salt: to taste

200 ml water

¼ cup coconut milk


In a bowl mix together rice powder, cumin seeds, salt and water to a coarse mixture. Blend well with the hands so that no lumps are formed.

Heat the vessel with enough water and let it simmer, fill the puttu mould or puttu kutty with rice mixture topped with grated coconut in layers. Fill it up to the top of the mould and cover the lid and place the mould on top of the simmering water bath.

Steam for 8-10 minutes, when the steam begins to come through the lid opening, it shows that puttu is cooked well and ready.

Gently remove the mould from the pot and open the lid, with a help of a ladle slowly push the puttu and slide it onto a serving plate.

Serve hot with kadala curry or green moong dal or pappadam with bananas, jaggery or sugar and relish!

Note: Remember not to press the flour mix tightly in the container, but just fill it loosely, if you pack tightly there will be no space for air to expand and will end up with a hard texture.

Nutritional Facts:

Puttu is a great source of carbs that helps to replenish the energy levels instantly. It is also gluten-free grain and suits best for people with IBS. As it is high on the glycaemic index, rice flour can be tweaked with ragi, wheat or other millet flour making it most suitable for diabetic, heart patients and those who want to shed excess kilos. Fresh coconut is a great source of healthy medium-chain triglyceride that promote weight loss, while being high on dietary fibre and lauric acid content coconut improves the digestion process and cholesterol levels.