Chandraprabha Vati or as colloquially termed Chandraprabha Gulika or Chandraprabha is a potent anti-inflammatory Ayurvedic remedy used for the treatment of a multitude of diseases of the urinary tract, kidney, pancreas, thyroid gland, bones and joints.

“Chandra” signifying “moon” and “prabha” denoting “glow”, Chandraprabha vati brings a glow to your body and promotes strength and immunity.

Sarangadhar Samhita, an ayurvedic text strongly advocates the use of this potent formulation for the mitigation of Prameha (i.e. urinary tract infection). It also extremely useful for Ashmari (i.e. urinary calculi), Vibandha (i.e. constipation), Shoola (i.e. abdominal colic), Mutrakrichra (i.e. dysuria), Anaha (i.e. bloating), Mutraghata (i.e. urinary obstruction), Pandu (i.e. anaemia), Haleemaka i.e. (Liver cirrhosis), Antravruddhi (i.e. Hernia), Arsha (i.e. haemorrhoids) and several other ailments.

Chandraprabha Vati

Preparation Of Chandraprabha Vati


32 parts of Guggul - Commiphora mukul

32 parts of Shilajit - Asphaltum

16 parts of Sharkara - Sugar

1 part of Karpoor - Cinnamomum camphora

1 part of Ativisha – Aconitum heterophyllium

1 part of Haridra - Curcuma longa

1 part of Vacha - Corus calamu

1 part of Mustak - Cyprus rotundus

1 part of Amalaki (Amla) - Emblica officinalis

1 part of Haritaki – Terminalia bellirica (fruit rind)

1 part of Bibhitaki – Terminalia chebula (fruit rind)

1 part of Chavya - Piper chaba

1 part of Bhunimba - Andrographis paniculata

1 part of Vidanga - Embelia ribes

1 part of Devdaru – Cedrus deodara

1 part of Dhania – Coriander sativum

1 part of Guduchi (Giloy) - Tinospora cordifolia

1 part of Chitraka bark – Plumbago zeylanica (lead wort)

1 part of Shunthi - Zingiber officinalis

1 part of Darvi – Berberis aristata

1 part of Maricha - Piper nigrum

1 part of Pippali - Piper longum

1 part of Pippali mool – Piper longum (root)

1 part of Gaja pippali – Piper chaba (fruit)

1 part of Sarjikshaar - Sodium carbonate

1 part of Yavkshaar - Potassium carbonate

1 part of Saindhav Lavan - Rock salt

1 part of Suvarchal Lavan - Sodium sulphate

1 part of Vida Lavan - Black salt

1 part of Swarnamakshika bhashma - Copper pyritis

4 parts of Trivrit - Operculina turpethum

4 parts of Danti mool - Baliospermum montanum

4 parts of Dalchini - Cinnamomum zeylanicum

4 parts of Tejpatta - Cinnamomum tamala

4 parts of Ela - Elettaria cardamomum

4 parts of Vankshalochana – Bambusa arundinacea

8 parts of Lauha Bhashma – Ferric ash


The herbal ingredients are sun-dried, powdered and stored in a separate airtight vessel.

Purification of shilajit and guggulu are done by the swedana process using gomutra and triphala kwath respectively.

Triphala decoction is made separately and mixed with the herbal powders and subjected to the bhavana process (i.e. infusion of powder with fluid) for 3-4 hours.

Sarkara (sugar) and the three types of lavana (salt) are subjected to the mardana process separately to obtain a fine powder.

The herbal powders are mixed with the powdered lavana and sugar according to a specific taste.

The powder is then air-dried at a temperature of 60°C.

The metallic ash of loha is purified through swedana process and is subjected to the mardana process.

Purified shilajit, purified iron ashes and the herbal powders are then mixed homogeneously in a mixer vessel.

Lastly, the binding agent gum guggulu is added to hold the powder particles together.

Roll the powder onto your palm or use a tablet-making machine in case of a huge amount of powder to prepare spherical tablets or vatis.

Therapeutic Benefits of the Ingredients:

Chandraprabha Vati therapeutic benefits


The gum resin obtained from the bark extract of the mukul tree is extremely essential in the treatment of cardiovascular problems, hypertension, arthritis, obesity and atherosclerosis.


Shilajatu is the thick sticky exudate obtained from layers of rocks. It has a high mineral content and is effective for treating kidney stones, phthisis, dysuria, anaemia, epilepsy etc.


Also known as sugar, this ingredient imparts a sweet flavour to the herbal formulation.


A potent antioxidant, it reduces pain and swelling and also alleviates cough and cold symptoms from the body and is beneficial for the skin.


It holds high significance in treating several health conditions like fever, malaria, bronchitis, asthma, diarrhoea, glycosuria etc.


Being anti-inflammatory in nature, turmeric reduces inflammation within the body. It also acts as a natural detoxifier and purifies the blood and is helpful in treating liver and cholesterol problems.


A potent herb to alleviate cough, cold and sinus symptoms. It treats asthma, clears urinary stones, improves cognitive memory and is also found effective in skin and hair care.


The anti-microbial property of Mustak is used for treating various bacterial and fungal infections. Being an incredible herb, it lowers the blood glucose levels, promotes digestion and improves liver functions.


The herbal concoction is potent against several ailments including obesity, dental problems, constipation and fever.


A powerful digestive herb, it promotes digestion, alleviates constipation, bloating, abdominal pain and distension.


The decoction of this magic herb is extremely beneficial in the treatment of liver problems, jaundice, fever, malaria and it also purifies the blood and cures skin diseases.


The essential found in the plant extract holds high significance in treating asthma, fever, pruritis, skin disease, constipation, arthritis and paralysis.


Dhania or coriander being high on vitamins is extremely beneficial in promoting digestion, regulating blood cholesterol levels, enhancing heart functions, treating arthritis, conjunctivitis etc.


This herb is strongly advocated in the treatment of rheumatic disorders, gout, arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, jaundice, hepatitis etc.


Chitrak is effectively used for boosting metabolism. It aids in digestion, promotes weight loss and also useful for relieving joint pains.


Shunthi or dried ginger is not only famous for its culinary uses but also for treating a host of ailments like obesity, headache, chest pain, cough, cold, urinary infections, flatulence, indigestion etc.


The herb serves as a potent remedy for treating haemorrhoids, syphilis, ulcer, anal fistula, menorrhagia, diabetes, dysentery etc.


Loaded with anti-oxidants, maricha or pepper lowers the blood cholesterol levels, manages diabetes, enhances gut health and also relieves pain and inflammation.


Pippali or Indian long pepper is extensively used for the treatment of indigestion, heartburn, diarrhoea, cholera, asthma etc.


Among the two types of kshaar (carbonates) used in this formulation, sodium carbonate (Sarjikshaar) acts as a potent antacid and treats stomach problems, heartburn and promotes digestion, whereas potassium carbonate (Yavkshaar), is used as an additive for buffering the formulation.


Addition of salts in the formulation deals with electrolyte imbalance, keeps the body hydrated by meeting the ion needs, prevent muscle cramps and maintains overall vascular health.

Swarnamakshika bhasma:

Being a concoction of copper and iron, the herbal ash is highly beneficial for the treatment of jaundice, anaemia, insomnia, vomiting, headache, nausea, bleeding piles, itching etc.


The purgative property of this herb is used to prevent and treat constipation, flatulence, haemorrhoids, oedema, indigestion etc.

Danti mool:

Danti is a natural blood purifier and is used to treat oedema, jaundice, asthma, bronchitis, haemorrhoids, abdominal tumour and splenomegaly.


The extract of the young bamboo tree is extremely useful in promoting bone, teeth and oral health. It also used for treating problems pertaining to skin, hair and nails.


A potent herb, Dalchini or cinnamon is used for repairing damaged tissues and treating a host of ailments including heart problem, diabetes, neural disorders, skin infections, cough and cold.


The bay leaf is used for preventing and managing diabetes, dandruff, joint pain, boils, fungal infections etc.

Benefits and Therapeutic Uses:

Chandraprabha Vati health benefits

Alleviates Urinary Anomalies:

This herbal remedy is extremely effective against urinary calculi, urinary tract infection and painful urination. It helps to remove harmful AMA (i.e. toxins) like urea, creatinine and uric acid from the body. It promotes healthy functioning of the kidney by aiding in the excretion of excess uric acid and maintaining the uric acid level in the kidneys, thereby preventing or treating gout. It is also proven beneficial chronic kidney disease, kidney stones and cystitis. It is helpful in managing diabetes and hence combats frequent urination.

Prevents Glycosuria and Proteinuria:

An anomaly due to the presence of sugar in the urine, Chandraprabha vati is a potent remedy for the treatment of glycosuria and shows marked results in reducing abnormal glycemic content in the urine.

It is also found extremely beneficial in treating proteinuria by treating the underlying causes like emotional stress, fever and thereby preventing the excretion of essential proteins through urine.

Boosts Fertility And Reproductive Health:

Chandraprabha vati is extensively used in various ailments related to the reproductive health of both women and men. Being a potent emmenagogue, it balances the hormones and rectifies problems pertaining to menstruation, stomach cramps, amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. It is also extensively used for uterine polyps and uterine bleeding. Ayurveda strongly claims the use of this medicine as a remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It also strengthens the uterine muscles and hence prevents sudden miscarriages.

In males, regular consumption of this vati increases the sperm count and motility and promotes overall sexual health.

Reduces Stress and Fatigue:

A potent concoction, Chandraprabha vati is an absolute health tonic. It alleviates stress and fatigue, increases physical strength and provides complete relaxation to the body. It rejuvenates the body adds a glow to it.

Chandraprabha Vati

Good for Joint Pain and Arthritis:

The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Chandraprabha vati play a key role in reducing inflammation and pain in joints, lower back, knee osteoarthritis and spinal arthritis.

Normalises Blood pressure:

Having potent anti-hypertensive effect, this vati makes a holistic remedy in case of high blood pressure. On instances, if a person is alcoholic, over intake can increase blood pressure and cause throbbing pain in the head. The medicine relaxes the blood vessels, reduces the exertion of blood on the walls and effectively manages high blood pressure. It promotes heart functioning and also treats tachycardia and other abnormal heart rhythm problems.

Treats Impotency and Erectile Dysfunction:

Impotency and Erectile dysfunction are quite common nowadays. Chandraprabha vati has an aphrodisiac effect and is hence extremely beneficial in promoting the reproductive health in men. It also stimulates the secretion of the reproductive hormones that in turn increases libido and stamina in men.

Effect On The Doshas:

Mentioned in Ayurveda as Sarvaroga Pranashini (i.e. useful in all disorders), this potent herbal formulation balances all the Tridoshas i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Also Read: Introduction To Ayurveda: Learn About Vata, Pitta And Kapha Doshas

Therapeutic Dosage:

Dosage of this vati may vary from person to person depending upon the type and severity of the ailment. It is strongly suggested to consult an Ayurvedic doctor or practitioner before consuming it. The average dosage is 1 or 2 500 mg tablets once or twice a day preferably with milk or water as prescribed by your doctor. It is safe to use this formulation for 1 to 2 months based on your doctor’s consultation.

Adverse Effects of Chandraprabha Vati:

The formulation is possibly safe to use when prescribed by your doctor. But due to the presence of iron ashes in it, excessive consumption may lead to ulcerative colitis, stomach ulcer, thalassemia, burning sensation in the abdomen.

People suffering from hypertension should only have this medicine on proper consultation as it contains salt.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Chandraprabha Vati Regulate Blood Sugar In Diabetic Patients?

The anti glycemic quality of Chandraprabha Vati helps in managing diabetes. It also assists in improving the action of insulin and thereby lower triglycerides. Hence, Chandraprabha Vati can be employed for lowering raised lipid levels associated with diabetes.

Does Chandraprabha Vati Treat Digestive Troubles?

The Pitta normalising quality of this herbal tablet is highly beneficial in managing digestive problems like acidity, GERD, bloating and indigestion. This is because it promotes the digestive fire in the stomach and helps to enhance digestion and harmonizes all the three doshas especially Pitta which is accountable for good digestive system.

How To Consume Chandraprabha Vati?

It is extremely necessary to consult an Ayurvedic physician as the doctor would determine the dosage according to your health condition. However, Chandraprabha Vati can be taken alongside milk, water, honey, and even herbal medicines like kwath or decoction and Guduchi.

Can You Use Chandraprabha Vati On The Face?

Powdered Chandraprabha Vati can be mixed with rose water and aloe vera gel to bring back life to dull face, and improve skin texture and complexion.

Does Chandraprabha Vati Help In Weight Loss?

Yes, Chandraprabha Vati supports weight loss by improving digestion and metabolism and eliminating fat from unwanted places.


The concoction of several herbal ingredients make this formulation a holistic remedy against a host of problems including urinary disorder, gout, joint pain, high blood pressure etc. Taking it in adequate dosage on consultation with your doctor, you can clearly enjoy its benefits sans the alter indications.