Looking to tone that upper body or lower thighs and build some serious muscle mass? Do you believe that going to the gym is the only method to grow muscle? Well, my dear, prepare yourself to be surprised! Your quest to achieve lean muscle mass ends right here!

Have you ever heard of muscle-strengthening yoga? Not many, to be sure. However, Yoga is not just about finding your Zen; it can do almost everything, from mitigating health aberrations, losing and gaining weight, increasing height and even obtaining a toned, slim, and well-shaped physique right on a yoga mat.
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Also Read: Bothered With Flabby Arms? Superb Yoga Poses To Get Toned Limbs Naturally

The Importance Of Yoga To Build Muscles

Whether you're a gym junkie looking to switch up your routine or a yoga enthusiast ready to take it to the next level, yoga is your ultimate muscle-building ally. It is a low-impact, full-body workout, with different yoga poses that not only build muscle but also improve functional strength and flexibility. They target every muscle group for core strength; from your legs, hips, back, biceps, and shoulders to the glute muscles, giving you a strong foundation for any athletic endeavour.

Also Read: Also Read: Yoga For Weight Loss: 5 Ways To Get Toned Physique

Say goodbye to the myth that yoga is only for flexibility and relaxation. Get ready to feel the burn, embrace the gains, and rock that yoga-muscle glow! It's time to unleash your inner yoga beast and sculpt the body you've always dreamed of. Roll out your mat, strike a pose, and let's build some muscle mass the yoga way!

We bring you a set of 5 effective strengthening yoga postures to engage your core, arms, and shoulders, helping you build strength and stability like never before.

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Amazing Yogasanas To Build Muscles

Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)

Place your feet flat on the ground and face forward. Step forward with your feet about 4 inches apart. Turn your right foot 90 degrees out and your left foot 15 degrees in. Lift both arms sideways until they are level with your shoulders. Bend your right knee while exhaling. Slowly rotate your head to the right. Continue to breathe and spread your hands wider. Gently lower your pelvis and maintain the position with the tenacity of a warrior. Rep with the left foot forward on the other side. Repeat 3-4 times, pausing for a minute in between to rest.


The warrior stance enhances overall body balance and stamina. It not only stretches all of the muscles and tendons in the body, but it also burns a lot of calories and gives the body the necessary quantity of energy throughout. As a result, it aids in increasing your appetite.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Lie on your stomach, head on the ground. Keep your hands on either side of your shoulders. Slowly press your palms together and raise your chest, extending your back and abdominal muscles. Squeeze your shoulder blades against your back and straighten your arms. Fix your gaze on a point on the ceiling for 15-30 seconds before breathing and returning to the beginning position.


Bhujangasana strengthens the abdomen and expands the shoulders. It helps to strengthen and stretch your back. This asana increases blood circulation and relieves weariness. It also helps to improve your mood and stimulates your kidneys.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Maintain a straight back and keep your feet together. Relax by placing your hands on either side of your body. Slowly spread your legs apart. Raise your right hand in the air. To balance, take a deep breath and bend to the left, keeping your left palm on the floor. Tilt your head up and focus on your right-hand fingertips for 20 seconds. Bend to the right to repeat the pose. Repeat the entire posture twice more after 1 minute of rest.


Trikonasana strengthens and expands your legs, arms, knees, and ankles, as well as your hips, shoulders, and spine. It also helps with physical balance and digestion. The position massages and strengthens the posterior obliques, reducing back discomfort and tension and stimulating the spinal nerves.

Sethubandasana (Bridge Pose)

Start the position by lying on your back. Now, bend your knees and elbows. Place your hands on either side of your head and your feet flat on the floor at your hips. Lift your body slowly into the air, supporting it with your hands and knees on the ground. Hold this arching stance for 20-30 seconds before slowly rising to your feet.


Sethu Bandhasana stretches the chest and spine while strengthening the back muscles. It relaxes your mind and helps with thyroid issues. Sethu Bandhasana is a gentler form of backbend that is usually performed before Urdhvadhanurasana. It is beneficial to strengthen the glutes, abdominals, and vertebral spinal areas.

Bakasana (Crow Pose)

Stand tall, feet shoulder-width apart, and hands hanging vertically on either side. Squat down and position your palms flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Now, push your feet off the ground and place your knees on the backs of your upper arms, palms down. Fold your feet towards your buttocks, then look straight ahead for a few seconds. Exhale and slowly bring your feet back to the floor to exit this position. Take a minute rest and repeat this asana four times more.


The Crow posture is excellent for strengthening the muscles in your arms, forearms, wrists, and abdomen. It will also stretch and strengthen your upper back, tone your tummy, improve your balance and core strength, and give you a lean figure.