The Crown Chakra is the topmost point in the hierarchy of the body's energy centres and signifies awakening, spiritual union, and expansion of the inner consciousness. This Chakra or energetic vortex, which is located at the top of the head, is the pathway via which heavenly energy travels. In last week’s post, we learnt about the clairvoyance and intense intuition of the Third eye Chakra. This week, on the last post of the Chakra series, let us delve deeper into the spiritual awareness, significance, key characteristics and ways of awakening the Crown Chakra.

 What Is The Crown Chakra?

The Crown Chakra, termed ‘Sahasrara’ in Sanskrit, is the topmost and the last major chakra among the body’s seven energy centres according to ancient yogic and spiritual traditions. It is located at the top of the Head within the cerebral cortex and represents the seat of divine awareness, unity,  spiritual connection, and cosmic consciousness.
Crown _Chakra

Also Read: Root Chakra: Know About Muladhara And Yoga Poses To Stimulate This Energy Centre For Great Health

 The Element That Crown Chakra Governs:

Sahasrara chakra is not associated with any physical elements or Dhatus. It is beyond the physical realm and is associated with pure consciousness or transcendence and the thought process of a human being.

 The Physical Body Connected To Crown Chakra:

The Crown chakra or Sahasrara is primarily connected with the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and the pineal glands within the brain. At the body’s internal level, both the hypothalamus and pituitary gland work together to regulate the endocrine system that governs all the body’s biological processes.

Also Read: Anahata / Heart Chakra: Meaning, Location In The Body, Balance and Unblock The Power With These Yoga Poses

 The Emotional Body Connected To Crown Chakra:

The Crown Chakra is well associated with devotion, inspiration, prophetic thought, and mystical connections. It serves as a gateway for our soul to connect to the higher realms, connect our thoughts to universal consciousness, provide higher guidance, and foster spiritual insights.

 The Mental Body Connected To Crown Chakra:

A balanced and open Crown Chakra transcends the expansion of our awareness and understanding beyond the limitations of our physical body. It encourages an individual to think more than just oneself and about the world surrounding us, explore metaphysical concepts, attain self-realisation, and have an in-depth understanding of the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.

Also Read: Svadisthana/Sacral Chakra: Meaning, Location In The Body, Balance and Unblock The Power With These Yoga Poses

 The Symbol That The Crown Chakra Represents:

The Crown Chakra is symbolised as a thousand-petaled lotus emanating a violet or whitish aura.

 The Mantra That Activates Crown Chakra:

The Crown Chakra is awakened and brought to balance by chanting the Bij mantra “Aum or Om” and inhaling the exotic fragrance of jasmine essential oil.

 The Mudra That Awakens Crown Chakra:

The Crown Chakra can be harmonised by practising the Sahasrara Mudra. Sit in the Padmasana (Lotus pose) or Sukhasana (Easy pose) and touch the tips of the index and middle finger to the thumb, while keeping the other fingers extended outwards. Raise your hands with the mudra to about 6 inches above the top of your head and chant ‘Om’ in your mind.

Also Read: Manipura/ Solar Plexus Chakra: Meaning, Location In The Body, Balance and Unblock The Power With These Yoga Poses

 What Happens If The  Crown Chakra Is Out Of Balance?

An imbalanced or blocked Crown Chakra often causes physical symptoms such as poor coordination, physical exhaustion or fatigue, headaches, dizziness, light sensitivity, brain fog, sleep disturbances etc. The blockage in the Crown emotionally manifests in the form of a lack of purpose, feeling disconnected from oneself and the world, confusion, distraction, lack of focus, feelings of isolation, depression, or existential crises, inability to let go of certain attachments or limiting beliefs, and emotional blockage.

 Well, if you want to get rid of the annoying side effects of an overactive or underactive seventh energy point, practise these 5 restorative yogasanas to unlock the inner wisdom, intuition and spiritual growth of the soul and harmonise the Crown chakra naturally.

 Yoga Poses To Balance The Crown Chakra

Sirsasana (Headstand):

 Come on all fours on the floor. Ensure that your wrists are placed directly beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips. While your fingers are interlocked, bend your elbows so your forearms are on the floor. Place your head at the top of the triangle formed with your hands. Now place the top of your head on the ground, straighten your legs and bring your hips up and back like you’re going into a downward dog position. Balance the weight of your body on your shoulders, and not your head. Slowly walk your legs forward and shift your weight back so that you come up onto your toes. Now slowly lift your legs, using the strength of your core muscles, up through the centerline of your body so that your legs are stacked right over your shoulders with your toes pointed outwards. Stay in the place for five breaths, then slowly pull your legs down. Famed as the ‘king of yoga poses’, Shirshasana is one of the fundamental yoga postures associated with activating the Crown Chakra. It involves balancing the whole body just by the head, thereby stimulating blood flow to the crown area, promoting higher consciousness and enhancing spiritual connection.
Yoga pose

 Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Tree Pose helps in grounding while also opening the Crown Chakra. Stand tall on the ground.  Bring one foot by folding the knee to rest on the inner thigh or calf of the opposite leg. Raise your arms in a prayer position overhead, and gaze softly straight ahead or upward. Focus on finding inner stability and balance. While rooting yourself to the earth, reach for the sky to maintain equilibrium.

 Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Start the posture by sitting with your legs crossed and placing each foot on the opposite thigh. While keeping your spine upright, relax your shoulders, and rest your hands on your knees or in the above-mentioned Crown chakra mudra. Close your eyes, breathe in and out deeply, and direct your focus and concentration to the crown of your head. Padmasana usually helps in promoting stillness, tranquillity, and deep meditation.

 Ustrasana (Camel Pose):

Kneel on the ground while placing your hands on your lower back for support. Gently arch your back, leaning backwards. Extend your body from the upper torso backwards and hold onto your heels. Lift your heart upwards, creating space in the upper body. The Camel Pose helps open the chest and expand the heart space, allowing energy to flow freely upwards towards the head or the Crown Chakra.

 Shavasana (Corpse Pose):

Lie on your back on the ground while keeping your arms by your sides, with palms facing up. Close your eyes and consciously relax your entire body, while moving your inner vision from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes. Then, focus your awareness only on the crown of your head, inviting a sense of openness and receptivity. This meditative pose allows deep relaxation and helps one to completely unite the physical body to the inner soul.