Are you able to talk your mind or express yourself without inhibitions? Are you aware of your authentic self? To open up, speak your truth and be heard by others,  one has to first clear the throat. Last week, we learnt about the love and affection stemming from the Heart Chakra. Today, on our weekly series about the Chakras, let us find out about the Fifth Chakra in our astral body, also known as the Throat Chakra.
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Also Read: Svadisthana/Sacral Chakra: Meaning, Location In The Body, Balance and Unblock The Power With These Yoga Poses

What Is The Throat Chakra?

The Throat Chakra is the fifth of the seven points of energy that are chiefly located in the centre of the neck, near the thyroid gland and larynx, right at the base of the throat. It is the primary seat of communication, expression and inspiration. The Sanskrit term 'Vishuddha' primarily signifies purifying the body from toxins and harmful substances. The Throat Chakra helps in restoring bodily energy by ridding the body of toxins, thereby assisting in preserving health and wellness.

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Element That Throat  Chakra Governs:

The Dhatu or element of nature that is correlated with Vishuddha chakra is Ether or Akash Dhatu. Akash or the vast sky depicts the essence of emptiness in which our true inner selves or astral bodies exist.

The Physical Body Connected To Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is situated in the centre of the neck and is the seat of energy synthesis in the body which regulates temperature, growth and metabolism. It is correlated to the mouth, jaws, throat, tongue, pharynx, palate, shoulders and neck.

Also Read: Manipura/ Solar Plexus Chakra: Meaning, Location In The Body, Balance and Unblock The Power With These Yoga Poses

The Emotional Body Connected To Throat  Chakra:

The throat chakra signifies expressing oneself through truth, having purpose, creativity and individuality. The fifth chakra i.e., Visudhha Chakra is connected to the second chakra or Svadhisthana chakra, which is another point of energy that represents emotions and creativity. The throat chakra’s primary focus is on expressing ideas and notions honestly, gracefully and clearly,  and projecting one’s true nature to the world.

The Mental Body Connected To Throat  Chakra:

The Throat or Vishuddha Chakra when in balance assists one to communicate clearly and question about the requirements to proclaim the world in which one wishes to live. It helps one acknowledge and honour their true nature and accept things as they are to maintain stability within oneself and the surrounding world.

Also Read: Root Chakra: Know About Muladhara And Yoga Poses To Stimulate This Energy Centre For Great Health

The Symbol That Throat  Chakra Represents:

The Throat Chakra is chiefly represented as a blue downward-facing triangle inside a purple 16-petaled lotus that exudes a cool blue colour.

The Mantra That Activates Throat  Chakra:

The throat chakra is chiefly aroused by the intimidating fragrance of lavender and is opened by chanting the Bij mantra ‘Ham’

The Mudra That Awakens Throat Chakra:

The Throat Chakra can be activated if you perform the Vishuddha Mudra (Throat Chakra Mudra).

Sit up tall in Sukhasana with your spine straight. Bring your palms together, interlock the fingers inside the hands, palms facing up, with the tips of the thumbs pressed against each other. Rest your hands on your lap, close to the navel. Meditate and chant the sound HAM while perceiving your breath as a cooling blue ball of light.

Also Read: Also Read: Kundalini Yoga: Know How To Awaken The Chakras Of The Body

What Happens If The Throat Chakra Is Out Of Balance?

An imbalance of the Vishudhha or Throat Chakra often leads to mouth ulcers, sore throat, stiff neck, thyroid dysfunctions, laryngitis, hearing issues, and swollen or bleeding gum and tooth problems. It manifests emotionally in the form of struggling to listen to anything, being afraid of speaking up your mind, hesitating to express emotions, lacking words to describe your feelings, aggressive behaviour, a sense of feeling misjudged or misunderstood by other people, using negative actions and words and experiencing a general lack of connection to the inner self.

Well, if you want to steer clear of the side effects of an overactive or underactive fifth energy point, we bring you 5 therapeutic postures that help you open and balance the Vishuddha chakra naturally.

5 Best Yoga Poses To Activate Throat Chakra

Chakravakasana (Cat-Cow Pose)

Come on all fours with your shoulders perpendicular to your wrists and hips directly above your knees. Breathe in while pulling down your belly. Next, stretch your chest and allow your throat to straighten. Breathe out and curve your spine, bringing your chin near your chest and contracting your back to fix the posture. Repeat it 5-6 times while focusing on stretching and contracting the throat area and back and tummy each time you enter the Chakravakasana pose to open up the throat chakra.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Lie on the yoga mat with your tummy touching the ground. Next, while pushing into the earth with your hands, heave the upper body up and off the mat. Elevating here, keep your focus on lengthening your neck as your shoulders drop establishing a space between the chin and chest. Gaze up and breathe in and out deeply. Come back to the original pose and do it in a set of 5.

Simhasana (Lion Pose)

Start the posture by coming into a seated kneeling position with your knees placed wide on your mat. Turn your fingertips inwards and press down your arms into the earth. Elongating your spine, rise through the crown of the head to straighten your throat. Deeply breathe in and as you breathe out allow your tongue to drop out of the mouth as you express a “Haaaa.” Repeat this posture for five breaths.

Matsasana (Fish Pose)

Lie on the yoga mat in the Shavasana pose with arms resting on either side of your body. Lift your upper body through the navel in the form of an arch as you create a small space between your lower spine and the mat. While keeping your head touching the mat below, push through the palms of your hands. Extend your neck and head in a slight tilt backwards to open up the throat area and create space for deep breathing. Breathe in and out 5 times before gently returning to the lying position on the mat.

Sethubandhasana (Bridge Pose )

Start the posture by lying flat on your back in the Corpse pose. Now bend your knees making it perpendicular to the ground. While placing your feet flat on the floor close to the hips, let your hands firmly on either side of the waist. While supporting your body weight on both your hands and legs on the ground, slowly try to curve and lift your body into the air. Hold this arching posture for 20-30 secs and slowly breathe out and bring your body back down into a lying pose.

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