Prized as a priceless treasure trove of ancient Indian holistic tradition, Yoga has dawned on humankind as one of the safest and most effective means to boost physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The term "Yoga" is derived from the Sanskrit word 'yuj' which signifies "to join," "to yoke," or "to unite," symbolizing the practice which brings unity of the soul, mind, and body; joins the thought process and action; and brings harmony between a human and the surrounding nature, for achieving perfect health and true happiness in life.  

Also Read: International Yoga Day 2022: Kickstart Your Daily Routine With These 7 Brilliant Yoga Poses To Live Hale And Hearty 

On this note, every year, June 21 is observed as International Yoga Day throughout the globe with the primary objective of helping one understand, accept and appreciate their own body by giving them complete control of their mind and helping one bring their body, mind, and soul into harmony. The theme for the year 2023 is 'Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,' representing the noble desire and aspiration for 'One Earth, One Family, and One Future. It also emphasizes how Yoga serves humanity by bolstering immunity, remedying stress, fortifying lung health, strengthening cardiac functions, and uplifting overall well-being.  
International Yoga Day

Also Read: International Yoga Day: Outstanding Yogasanas You Should Perform Daily For Overall Well Being 

Ever since it was proposed by our Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, to observe June 21 every year as International Yoga Day at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on September 27, 2014, it has become popular across the world. June 21 is the summer solstice and the longest day with maximum sunshine across the Northern Hemisphere. 

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While most people are aware of the fantastic benefits this timeless form of exercise offers to humankind, those who are still aloof from the health incentives of Yoga bear several questions in their minds. It is natural for beginners to have doubts like when to practice Yoga, what to eat before this exercise technique, what to wear, etc.

Well, not anymore; we got your back! We curated a list of 5 essential tips to remember before initiating this age-old practice of Yoga. 

7 Key Tips To Prep You Up For Your First Yoga Session 

Find A Quality Teacher

 While one can find several yoga poses throughout the internet to begin a session of Yoga, it is best if you first take the help of an experienced yoga instructor to get proper insight and guidance as you practice. A qualified yoga teacher not only answers your queries during the yoga session and helps provide you with the required treatment for a specific condition through Yoga but also helps you achieve the correct posture for each asana with individualized cues and hands-on adjustments.  

Opt For The Right Place 

According to several health and fitness experts, Yoga is ideal in an open place with proper ventilation and tranquillity. From your open balcony, a spot in your lawn or garden, the terrace, or even a well-ventilated room with enough space and light can work as an excellent place for practicing Yoga.

 Choose An Appropriate Time 

Although Yoga can be practiced at any time, it is best to perform yogasanas early in the morning. Since that is the perfect time when you are light on your stomach, feel fresh after a whole night's sleep, and stay active for a long time. If taking 30 to 45 minutes in the morning isn't ideal due to prior work commitments, you can break the session into two, keeping the mornings for asana and evenings for pranayama.


 Prefer A Calm Surrounding 

Always remember that Yoga and tranquillity go hand-in-hand; therefore, try to opt for a place with calm surroundings or keep the premises so serene that you can hear and feel the music of nature. Bask in the chirping birds, the gushing wind, the drizzling rain, and your breath! 

Slip Into Comfortable Wear 

Wearing proper well-fitted clothes can make a significant difference during an exercise or yoga session. Since Yoga involves different postures with body movements, it requires adequate clothing that stays in place and doesn't make you feel choked as you begin to breathe hard and sweat. While people in warmer climates can opt for supportive tops and yoga pants composed of breathable materials with moisture-wicking features, those in colder environments should wear thermal athletic gear that can be layered easily to stay warm. 

Work On A Light Stomach

 Just like any form of exercise, it is advisable to avoid practicing Yoga after a heavy meal. An empty stomach or a very light intake is recommended before a yoga session. Before starting your session, you may eat fruit or drink a glass of juice. Also, hydration is crucial in any form of body movement, and Yoga is no different. While drinking during the yoga session is not ideal, there are some ways you can keep yourself hydrated throughout your practice. You can sip some water, around 400 ml, an hour before you start Yoga and then about 600 ml, 15 minutes after you have finished your yoga class, to restore the lost fluids due to sweat during the yoga session.

 Yoga Essentials And Accessories

 Unlike modern workouts, which require several fitness equipment and drinks to lose or build muscles, this conventional exercise is relatively easy, effective, and pocket-friendly. But there are some essential requirements that a beginner must keep in mind. A yoga mat is crucial for a yoga session since it provides the balance and foundation for performing the stances. Hence, invest in an anti-slippery, lightweight, yet sturdy yoga mat with anti-microbial properties. Additionally, keep a water bottle handy to stay hydrated in between the sessions and fresh and clean towels to wipe up the build-up sweat, and you are all set for your yoga session!

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 Note: While anyone can start doing Yoga at home or a yoga studio, in case you are pregnant or have specific health issues such as heart problems, vaginal bleeding, back pain, or recovering from surgery, consult your doctor before planning a yoga schedule.