We are currently reeling under the scorching heat accompanied by sweltering weather but let us remind you, summer is not all that bad, after all! Hot weather certainly takes a toll on the skin, causing sunburn, suntan, dark circles and pigmentation. If you are worrying about skin issues, why not take a cue from the Mother Nature itself and seek solace in the seasonal fruits?

Summer brings in a spectrum of seasonal fruits right from ripe mangoes, juicy watermelons to luscious muskmelons. And in this article, let us introduce you to the incredible beauty benefits, muskmelon aka loupe, kharbooza, cantaloupe offers and its staggering skin wonders for augmenting overall health.

Loaded with all essential nutrients’ muskmelon contains Vitamin A, B, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, sodium, folic acid, and niacin, aiding overall wellness benefits.

Also Read: Muskmelon: 5 Amazing Reasons To Relish This Summer Fruit

Bite Into Muskmelon To Beat The Heat:


Muskmelon is ninety percent water making it a perfect fruit for best hydrating benefits to the skin.

Thirst Quencher:

Replete with water this pulpy juicy fruit is a perfect thirst quencher.

Low-Calorie Snack:

Kharbooza being a low-calorie fruit is an ideal mid-day snack for those on weight loss journey.

Removes Skin Dryness:

Regular application of muskmelon pulp reduces dryness and sunburn.

Here is a list of 5 easy DIY muskmelon face concoctions.

Foray into this Infographic to find out how these masks can make your skin soft, supple and healthy.
Muskmelon Face Masks For Skin Beauty