Be it irregular periods, missed ones or persistent abdominal cramps, menstrual problems are quite common and there is no rescue from these anomalies at that time of the month. Even though this biological process is extremely significant in every women’s life, it is hushed throughout society. And even in this modern age, it is still considered a taboo to talk about it and therefore quite often the problems arising due to it gets unnoticed and not considered serious.

Combat Menstrual Problems With Our Wide-Range Of Ayurvedic Formulations!

The uneasy and uncomfortable situation that arises every month can make one cranky and can adversely affect the mood. Although the underlying symptoms of menstruation are common in almost all healthy women, it is the irregular and missed periods that are more troublesome. Several causative factors, right from indisciplined lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, no exercise and hormonal imbalance contribute to period irregularities.

Also Read: 5 Effective Foods To Combat Irregular Periods

Woman in menstrual pain

The holistic remedies of Ayurveda consider menstruation as a natural purification process that happens monthly in every woman. And the specific colour, duration and underlying symptoms of the menstrual cycle depends upon the type of Dosha dominance the woman has. And due to this Dosha imbalance, the Yonirogas or the irregularity and various other menstrual complications arise.

While one cannot avoid the menstrual symptoms, yet they can use some alternative methods or remedies to subdue the pain and get relief from the various menstrual anomalies.

This article details the 5 main types of menstrual difficulties and an equivalent remedy to prevent cramps and discomfort.

Treat Period Problems With Ayurveda

General Difficulties

Ayurveda suggests Phala Ghritam or Cow Ghee as a significant remedy for various gynaecological problems. Be it irregular periods, stomach cramps or even pregnancy, this nutrient-rich food is an absolute remedy for all. A dollop of ghee, when added to foods during the menstrual cycle or during the entire pregnancy period, is effective to prevent cramps and subdue other symptoms. It can even be massaged on to the abdominal area to prevent cramps and uneasiness during the monthly cycle.

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD)

PCOD is one of the most common symptoms that is diagnosed in the majority of women nowadays. It generally happens due to a repercussion of a hormonal imbalance where the level of the male hormone testosterone aggravates causing a host of symptomatic anomalies including irregular or missed periods, hair growth on the face or body, baldness, face acne, depression and even problems in conceiving.

Ayurveda suggests that a spoonful of aloe vera juice along with any manjistha formulation is quite effective to treat PCOD or Yoni Vyapat. This remedy not only purifies blood but also facilitates regular, healthy periods and thereby restores the health of the uterus.


Termed as Asrigdara in Ayurveda, menorrhagia is the underlying symptom which results in a proper menstrual cycle at regular intervals but with extremely heavy bleeding and longer duration ultimately leading to weakness and general debility.

Ayurvedic formulations like Ashokarishta, Shatavari churna or Draksharishtam have been known to control excessive bleeding, and also increase immunity and overall stamina in women.

Also Read: Ashokarishta: This Ayurvedic Tonic Helps With Hormonal Balance

Foul Menstrual Blood Odour

Quite often many women notice a foul odour from their menstrual discharge even after following proper hygiene. A normal menstrual flow doesn’t give out foul smell and hence if this symptom is noticed it should be treated at once since it can lead to several other health complications. Kunapagandhi or foul odour can not only arise due to vitiated Pitta doshas but also due to vaginal or cervical infection.

A spoonful of triphala juice when applied over the vagina and cervical area helps in combatting infections, whereas formulations like Chandraprabha Vati, and Usheerasava when consumed helps in pacifying the Vata doshas.


Leukorrhea or Shweta Pradara as termed in Ayurveda can be defined as a white or yellow sticky discharge from the vagina or uterine cavity. Although discharge in a small amount is common during ovulation, at the onset of menstrual cycle every month and even during pregnancy, an excessive discharge may indicate some underlying abnormal condition.

Ayurveda suggests that this abnormal yellowish-white discharge can also happen due to unhygienic activities, infection, emaciation disorders, incompatible food and excessive stress. According to Ayurveda, pulp of amla when consumed with buttermilk and taken twice a day for 2-3 weeks can effectively treat leukorrhea. Even formulations like Pushyanuga churna and Lodhrasava holds high significance in managing this symptom.