A menstrual cycle is not always like a wind-up, most women get their periods right on time every 28 days, but for few cycles are not so certain. Though an irregular menstrual cycle is not generally a major issue, it can sometimes signal underlying health problems.

Normal menstrual cycle for women is 28 days, but this changes for everyone. An irregular period cycle is when the length of cycle advances even a week before 28 days or extends beyond 35 days. Menstruation is the part of the menstrual cycle where the endometrium the lining of the uterus is shed. Periods start from puberty between ages of (10-16) and continues until menopause when a woman is 45-55 years old.

What Are Symptoms Of Irregular Periods?

One of the primary signs of irregular periods is when the length of the menstrual cycle gets extended for more than 35 days, calculated from the last period.

Missing more than 3 consecutive cycles.

Bleeding with heavy flow, clots or bleeding very light.

Bleeding or spotting after sex.

Women who experience any of these symptoms should consult a gynaecologist immediately.
irregular periods

Causes Of Irregular Periods:

There are several issues that can cause irregular periods, it is a common condition faced by young girls in adolescence and perimenopause women.

Other causes include - uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovulation problems, thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances, adenomyosis-endometrium grows into the uterine wall and usage of birth control pills.

Overdoing of workouts, poor dietary habits or following crash diets may disturb the hormonal balance which can also cause irregular periods.

Treatments Options Depending On The Causes:

Puberty And Menopause

Irregular periods that happen during puberty and menopause are quite common that does not require any specific treatment.

Birth Control Pills

If irregular bleeding is due to contraception pills consult a doctor to learn about medications that don’t interfere with the menstrual cycle.

PCOS And Obesity

If PCOS or obesity is the cause, weight loss will help to normalize the cycle. Losing weight lowers the insulin requirement that in turn lowers testosterone levels and a promotes ovulation.

Also Read: PCOS And Weight Gain: Foods To Shed Those Extra Kilograms


Proper treatment to correct hormonal imbalances caused due to a thyroid problem includes medication, surgery and radioactive iodine therapy.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle modifications can be a great help for women with irregular periods to reverse the condition.

Following a regular exercise regimen to reduce weight and alleviate stress, helps in reversing this condition. Focus on eating a well-balanced diet.

Also Read: 5 Effective Foods To Combat Irregular Periods

Ginger Tea

Drinking a glass of hot ginger tea, with a bit of lemon juice and a dash of honey, either on an empty stomach in the morning, or in the evening vastly promotes metabolism. Ginger is packed with gingerol and numerous other beneficial antioxidants, which lower inflammation in the body. This ensures enhanced digestion of food and optimal removal of toxins in the body, which facilitate hormonal balance and help to standardize the monthly occurrence of periods.

Yoga And Meditation

Performing intense yoga asanas after waking up in the day stretches the core muscles in the body. It also regulates appetite, helps maintain body weight and rectifies hormonal imbalances in the system. Sitting in an erect posture, focusing on the breath and meditating for just 10 minutes everyday uplifts mood, alleviated depression, anxiety, relieves mental stress and assists in dealing with premenstrual symptoms, like abdominal cramps, migraines, etc.

Vitamin Supplements

Scientific research has provided much evidence that vitamin D, as well as the B vitamins are crucial for preserving healthy menstrual cycles in women of all age groups, be it teenagers, young adults, middle-aged or the elderly. This is because vitamin D plays a key role in hormonal synthesis and functions, while B vitamins are essential for healthy red blood cell synthesis and transport. Hence, intake of sufficient quantities of these nutrients by means of diet and supplements aids in timely periods in women. However, consult with a doctor before taking supplements to ensure proper dosage.