Early menopause in a woman is associated with her menstrual history, revealed a recent study published in European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.


A woman's reproductive history reveals the age at which a woman experiences her first periods and the number of children conceived by her. These are the factors that may affect the menopause in a woman.

A recent study conducted at the University of Queensland included women who experienced their first menstrual period before the age of 12. Women who do not have children are 5 times at a greater risk of developing premature menopause, when compared to other women having children.

The reproductive health of a women depends upon the time she matured and the number of children she conceived.  Women develop premature menopause when they stop menstruating before the age of 40 and experience early menopause when they stop menstruating between the age group of 40-44 years.  Study conducted on women showed that 2% of the women experienced premature menopause and 7.6% women were shown to develop early menopause. The researchers said that more studies are required to report a clear picture of the condition.

However, they hope their findings help in shaping the clinical studies in improving the reproductive health of a woman.