Coming from the Magnoliaceae family, Magnolia is a broad term for a beautiful plant with pink flowers that encompasses more than 200 different species within the Magnoliaceae family, valued for their large and fragrant white, yellow, and perfect pink blooms. Native to Central America, parts of South America, the Himalayas, Southeast Asia, and China, this ancient type of flower has been around for over 100 million years, perhaps predating even the evolution of bees! Although several types of Magnolia trees exist worldwide, Magnolia officinalis also called the Houpo Magnolia, or magnolia bark is primarily a native to China. The flowers and bark of magnolia plants have been adored for their various medicinal uses. Used in Chinese traditional medicine since antiquity, the plant is now widely regarded as a beneficial supplement and a potent herbal remedy around the world.

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Representing potentially powerful health benefits, the nature of these shrubs or trees has allowed them to survive and thrive in harsh conditions over so much evolutionary time. More than 250 ingredients can be found in the bark, flowers, and leaves of the Magnolia, but two of the main compounds used in dietary supplements are magnolol and honokiol. Magnolia trees bear large flowers oozing a balmy fragrance. Starry or many be tulip-shaped lily-like blooms, they have elongated petals that are pink to purplish on the exterior and white on the interior. Seen in many amazing colors from pink, purple, white, and even yellow, some varieties have double blossoms. Beautiful flowers, handsome leaves, and unusual fruits, the flowers and bark of magnolia plants have been praised for their multiple medicinal applications and charismatic appearance.

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Coming from the Magnoliaceae family, Magnolia is a broad term for a beautiful plant with pink flowers that encompasses more than 200 different species within the Magnoliaceae family, valued for their large and fragrant white, yellow, and perfect pink blooms. The flowers and bark of magnolia plants have been adored for their various medicinal uses. The plant is now widely regarded as a beneficial supplement and a potent herbal remedy around the world.

Health Benefits Of Magnolia Extracts

Presently, being widely used in cosmetic and weight loss products, let us look at the most important health benefits of the magnolia flowers, leaves, and magnolia bark:

Cures Anxiety

Honokiol variety of magnolia possesses anxiolytic qualities which can help to balance the stress hormones. By regulating the endocrine system and stimulating the release of dopamine and pleasure hormones, magnolia might help reduce anxiety and stress by soothing the mind and lowering hormone release in the body.

Fights Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a dental problem in which gums become inflamed and bleed easily. It has been found that magnolia extracts can help to reduce swelling of the gums and fight this painful dental condition.

Eases Menstrual Cramps

Magnolia flowers and bark have volatile components that are helpful as soothing or relaxing agents. When it comes to menstrual discomfort, magnolia flower buds can immensely ease menstrual cramps, and hence its supplements are recommended to provide relief from menstrual pain.

Heals Respiratory Issues

Magnolia can also relieve certain respiratory conditions, including bronchitis, chronic coughing, and even asthma. The plant components can naturally stimulate the corticosteroids in the body to respond to asthmatic woes, thereby relieving inflammation and preventing mild to severe attacks.

Delays Alzheimer’s Disease

Magnolia can act as a powerful herb to increase cognition. For people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or showing risks of other cognitive disorders, the magnolol component found in it stimulates acetylcholine levels in the brain that aids an increased brain function and neural activity, thus reducing memory loss and fighting symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

Improves Liver Health

One of the primary causes of liver failure is excessive alcohol consumption, also called alcohol liver disease. Along with stimulating the lymphatic system and eliminating toxins from the body, magnolia has also been linked to reducing the build-up of fat around the liver.

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A Word Of Caution

Magnolia extracts and supplements are extremely powerful; thus, it is not recommended to use them in large doses. Moreover, they should not be used by pregnant women, as they may cause dizziness and headaches. A consultation with your health practitioner is a must before starting to consume magnolia extracts or supplements.

How To Make Magnolia Tea?

Edible magnolia petals can clear sinuses and have a rapid effect on soothing anxiety. Magnolia petals look perfect pink but once dried or soaked, they turn brown and appear shriveled. Infuse the petals in cold water overnight or dry the petals in a low-heat oven or sun dry them until dehydrated. Alternatively, you can also dehydrate the flowers and then keep them in an airtight container to make tea from them.

Here is a simple DIY recipe from marvelous magnolia petals to keep you fresh and fight all your respiratory issues.

  • Wash the petals with water very gently running cold clean water over them and keep them aside
  • Boil 4 cups of water in a pot
  • Add magnolia petals to the water and let it cool
  • Put the pot in the refrigerator and let the petals steep overnight
  • Next morning, strain off the leaves and store the concentrated tea in the refrigerator
  • Add the concentrated tea to hot water and enjoy it any time of the day