Ever tried a sweet, aromatic delicious, dense concoction made of dried petals of a pearly white flower. The drink goes by the name of elderflower cordial. This non-alcoholic nutrition filled beverage is made from lovely, fragrant, though little lesser-known herb called elderflower. A lovely bloom, it is a white, five-petaled blossom clustered into bunches of elderberry shrub. Native to Northern Europe, New Zealand and various parts of US, it is from flower of Elder Sambucus Nigra, the same plant that famous elderberries come from. These petite elderflowers grow on elderberry bushes. While we do know about this herb, some of us may not know that elderberries and elderflowers actually come from the same plant, but they both have completely different medicinal properties.  Elderflower is used to make medicines which is why this luscious bloom due to its healing properties, has been used as a herbal remedy for treating cough, colds, hay fever and also for alleviating symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Also Read: Honeysuckle: 5 Cool Therapeutic Benefits of This Sweet Tasting Flower- Infographic 

Elderflower is also known by various names such as Black-Berried Alder, Black Elder, Boor Tree, Common Elder, Ellhorn, European Black Elder, and Sweet Elder. Call it a flower or a tree, edible elderflower can be used in herbal teas, tonics, glycetracts, can be infused into baking and easily mixed into tarts and yummy jams. Dried petals and teas, it can be found at all grocery stores now a days. While, we all must have tried an elderflower cordial but do we know that this flower also has fantantic wellness benefits? One of the powerful herbs in ancient medicine, it includes significant amounts of bioflavonoids, choline, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6, pectin and tannins, Vitamins A, B-Complex and Vitamin C. All these powerful compounds give the elderflower its anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antiviral properties. Elderflower helps to alleviate the following mild to severe ailments:

  • Elderflower is used as a herbal remedy for swollen sinuses, as it helps to treat inflamed and blocked nasal passages
  • Elderflower is effective against chronic colds, influenza, running nose and various kinds of flu
  • A potent diuretic, it is also used to increase urine production to keep kidneys clean and free of many diseases
  • Elderflower is know to be an effective diaphoretic as it induces sweating which helps the body shed all harmful toxins that may cause health problems
  • Drinking a herbal tea or decoction containing elderflower extracts infused with star anise can increase chances of having a smooth bowel movement thus alleviating chronic constipation

Fabulous Health Benefits of Elderflower

Supports Healthy Sinuses

Elderflowers can be of great help to soothe inflamed sinuses as they are high in flavonoids called Rutin and Isoquercitrin. Owing to their anti-inflammatory benefits on the upper respiratory tract and sinuses, they can reduce inflammation of tissues in the sinuses and dry up secretions and excessive mucus. This makes elderflower a perfect remedial solution for sinusitis, and allergies. 

Manages Fever

Elderflowers have been known to support a healthy immune system and reduce fever. Elderflowers are a relaxant and a diaphoretic that can reduce mild to high fevers. The compounds within the flower induce sweating by working on sweat gland activity and lower fever. The herb will help the tissues relax and allow blood flow to increase to the peripheral areas of the body causing the pores to open and let the body sweat. This sweating helps to release the body heat and tension, eventually letting it cool it down as well.

Fights Free Radicals

Our body produces inflammatory free radicals when we break down toxins. We need a rich supply of antioxidants to clear them from our bodily system before these free radicals can damage tissues, accelerate aging, and cause other issues. Elderflowers are rich in antioxidant flavones that help neutralize free radicals and lets the body get rid of them

Also Read: Star Anise: The Super Cool Benefits of Chakra Phool Nobody Ever Told You - Infographic 

With all their befitting benefits, these lovely blossoms were also actually used as an insect repellent back in the day!  Who would have thought that such pretty white, edible blossoms would pack such a punch and would help cure many health anomalies? When it comes to providing goodness for your skin besides health, here is what Elderflower offers:

Foray into this infographic to know more:
