A cup of tea or coffee in the morning sounds like a fantastic ritual. Isn’t it? Well, it is a good thing. But beyond the comforts of an everyday mug of a hot beverage, how about sipping on something that boasts of umpteen health benefits too? Let’s explore Linden tea, a tea variety that may not be extremely popular like its other counterparts but has a lot to offer in terms of health-benefiting properties. A derivative of the Tilia genus of trees that thrives in regions of North America, Europe, and Asia, Linden tea has been used in Serbian folk medicine since age-old times as a potent sedative besides known to cure various health problems.

Also Read: Oolong Tea: 7 Astonishing Health Incentives Of Having This Healthy Beverage

What Makes Linden Tea Special?

Also known as small-leaved lime, linden tea will give you wellness incentives that may come as a surprise apart from its sedative properties.  Not just the leaves of this plant, but all the components of linden flowers, leaves, and bark have been used for medicinal purposes in folk medicine. These parts are boiled and steeped individually and can be relished as an herbal decoction at any time of the day.

To Stay Refreshed And Energised Shop From Our Rich Array Of Herbal Teas

Here are some fabulous health incentives this easy-to-make herbal beverage brings on board.

Keeps The Mind Calm

The sweet flowers of the linden herb have nerve-soothing benefits that promote relaxation relieve symptoms of anxiety and let the mind stay free from anxiousness.

Aids A Restful Sleep

Sleep quality and duration significantly affect our daily lives and health. Linden tea has been acknowledged for ages to promote sleep. The compounds in this herb have sedative properties, which promote relaxation in the brain and lead to deep sleep.

Fights Inflammation

Chronic inflammation in the body leads to the development of many conditions, including type 2 diabetes and cancer. Potent flavonoids are found in linden flowers and tiliroside, quercetin, and kaempferol are found in the buds of linden plants. These antioxidants scavenge free radicals that cause oxidative damage to the body, thus combating mild to chronic inflammation.

Contains Diuretic Abilities

The inner bark of the Tilia tree is known to possess significant diuretic properties. This encourages the body to excrete more fluid and let it pass urine easily. The body gets rid of toxins that can otherwise be harmful.

Encourages Sweat

Linden tea is known for its ability to have diaphoretic benefits. This property helps to cool high fever by encouraging sweat. Linden tea has been used in folk medicine to promote sweating and helps to reduce a high-grade fever.

Also Read: Lavender Tea: Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects And How To Brew

Now that we know about some terrific health-related qualities the herb possesses, do you know this tea can help you get super gorgeous skin, a well-toned body, and healthy tresses as well? Here is how you can make use of this tea.

  • Drinking this tea regularly brings ample hydrating benefits, A skin that is not deficient in hydration will glow and stay supple
  • A good metabolism is one of the key components for keeping bodily functioning in place. Have a cup of linden tea to keep your metabolism in place
  • You can put those leftover tea bags under your puffy eyes to get rid of those heavy bags that must have refused to go
  • Drink a cup of freshly brewed on empty stomach with a dash of lime. It will help you shed those extra kilos
  • Loaded with potent antibacterial properties, you can use a paste from linden leaves and apply it to itchy skin and get rid of skin infections and sudden skin breakouts
  • Herbal rinse from linden flowers can strengthen weak hair, aid hair growth, and treat dry and brittle manes


  1. Linden tea from Serbia – an insight into the phenolic profile, radical scavenging, and antimicrobial activities. Tamara Pavlović, Ivica Dimkić


  1. https://ispecjournal.com/index.php/ispecjas/article/view/219