Skin is the largest organ of the human body and the seven layers beneath this ectodermal tissue shield us from various external factors, and protect internal organs, muscles and bones.

Glowing, supple, and blemish-free skin is seen as a sign of health and vitality. While a great diet, good sleep, and increased circulation are some factors that contribute to glowing skin, another interesting must-have for the skin to appear youthful looking is the presence of amino acids. With age, collagen production is reduced leading to skin sagging and wrinkling. And here is when amino acids come to our rescue. Amino acids are vital for skin health and can be found in many skincare products. Nine essential amino acids which you must also take in your diet are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.

Among all, lovely leucine is an essential branch chained essential amino acid that helps in wound repair, improves secretion of growth hormones, manages heart diseases, balances blood sugar levels, and of course, improves skin quality and aids glow. If the skin is bereaved of leucine, it cannot synthesize important structural proteins including collagen and elastin and will be dry, rough, and unable to repair itself.

Also Read: Protein Building Blocks: Here’s Why You Need Essential Amino Acids In Ample Amounts

Why Is Leucine Building Block Of Skin?

Leucine plays a pivotal role as a building block of proteins besides protecting the skin against environmental stressors and harmful UV rays. While our body can produce its non-essential amino acids and we don’t need to find them in foods and supplements, leucine being an essential amino acid can be found only in plant and animal-based products. Considered fabulous to improve overall health of the skin, many foods that are rich sources of leucine are eggs, fish, milk, soybeans, brown rice, and nuts. Loaded with antioxidants, this amino acid provides plethora of anti-aging benefits. This organic natural compound has little to no side effects and can be used safely by all skin types. If that is not all, people with sensitive skin and who are prone to eczema and psoriasis can use a leucine-infused cosmetic. A dermatologist's advice is always recommended.

Also Read: Top 5 Essential Oils To Revamp Your Skin Health

From boosting hydration to plumping and protecting the skin, this compound does wonders for dull, dry, and sagging skin. To know how leucine helps maintain a healthy complexion and leads to a more youthful appearance, foray into this infographic:

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