Every season has its fair share of skin issues, with winter being no new to it! From dandruff, dry flaky skin, acne, fine lines, parched texture and cracked lips, the cold months come with its own set of baggage to worry about. One such bothersome skin condition that is always chasing us throughout the year is Acne.

Also Read: Types Of Acne: Know The Difference Between Blackheads, Whiteheads, Nodules And Cysts

Acne is a common skin woe that haunts most of the population irrespective of their age, gender, skin texture or even the season. But some people may encounter aggravating acne breakouts, especially during the winter months. The primary mischief-maker behind winter acne is sebum, a kind of natural oil secreted by the skin pores to keep it moisturized. Due to cold weather, the skin feels dry, which triggers the epidermal cells lining it to secrete more sebum to keep it nourished. This excessive production of sebum when get exposed to external grime particles and other environmental factors stick together, ultimately leading to clogged pores and intense acne breakouts.

Also Read: DIY Winter Skin Care: 3-Step Beauty Ritual For That Dewy Glowing Complexion In Frosty Weather

While there is a wide array of topical medicated creams, and cosmetic treatments, if you want a natural way to treat this worrisome acne problem, there is a much easier route that leads straight to your kitchen. Sounds unbelievable, does it? Well, if you think clearly, you will see that your pantry is itself an apothecary!

It's true, there are several kitchen ingredients that we use in our daily cooking that is blessed with incredible skin-enhancing properties that not only remove toxins from the skin and treat acne but also promote radiance, diminish hyperpigmentation and boosts skin immunity.

Here are 5 such spectacular go-to components that are staples in every Indian household, holding the key to unlocking blemish-free, glowing skin in the winter.

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