The world of culinary herbs is fantastic! From coriander to mint and thyme to basil, be it for adding flavor, for a simple garnish, or for enhancing taste, herbs are loved by all and generously used across the globe.  In fact, they are the best to show off our culinary creativity besides adding an aromatic component to our food. Mainly in the form of luscious leaves, every single herb is loaded with unique compounds that heal the body and mind, fight free radicals in sublime ways and bolster the overall wellness quotient.

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We all have used mint leaves that we also call pudina probably a zillion times, in every possible way. But do you know it has a distant cousin that goes by the name of Korean Mint? Agastache Rugosa is the scientific name of this herb its other popular names include blue licorice, wrinkled giant hyssop, Huo Xiang, and Korean hyssop. Consisting of lovely mauve-colored tubular flowers and heart-shaped leaves, this herb exudes a strong anise-like fragrance and is adored in China and Korea for some great skin  and health benefits it consists of.

Health Incentives Korean Mint Herb Brings To Table

Korean mint is also popular as Chinese patchouli. Just like any popular herb, this one can also be added to a salad or soup, cooked in gravy or simply used as a garnish.  But in Chinese tradition, tea from its leaves has been made since antiquity to cure illnesses. Being coarse in form of extracts, creating a herbal concoction is the best way to use the Korean mint. The herb is also a popular remedy to cure fever, headache, morning sickness, cough, and gastrointestinal disorders. This aromatic, anti-bacterial plant can relax spasms, improve appetite and strengthen the digestive system.

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Apart from its tea which has several healing properties, an essential oil is also derived from the extracts of this herb. Korean mint is imbued with antioxidants, flavonoids, and anti-aging ingredients, thus it has become a well-known herb in the skincare domain. The essential oil from its extracts can be an elixir for skin health especially when mixed with other carrier oil like almond, olive, and tea tree oil. Being mild, it is suitable for any skin type and is widely used in skin creams, beauty soaps, and night face masks.

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Did we spill the beans about how K-Drama beauty queens achieve that flawless glass skin? Want to know more about how to make use of fragrant essential oil made from its extracts? Check out the infographic: