Plants have played an important role in curing mild to chronic health problems during times when allopathy had no existence on the planet. Not only do these herbs offer numerous holistic advantages but amazing health benefits that we may not be aware of. Beautiful looking Begonias, one of the largest genera of perennial flowering plants in the Begoniaceae family is one such herb that contains more than 1200 powerful plant species. Besides being an ornamental plant that can be a part of your garden decor, this fanciful herb offers abundant wellness benefits. Begonias besides being known to fulfil Vitamin C inadequacies in the body owing to their enormous Vitamin C content have been consumed extensively to treat many health problems. Tangy and sour, the succulent plant also contains soluble calcium oxalates which can efficiently heal the body, enhance the skin, as well as promote hair growth. Moreover, the plant extracts can be utilized to treat stomach anomalies and reduce swelling of the spleen that may have been caused by bacterial contamination. A popular variety called Malabar Begonia contains metabolites luteolin, B-sitosterol and quercetin. Its leaves are also used for the treatment of respiratory infections and skin diseases, besides it is used to derive essential oil that benefits and treats hair problems.

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Begonia blossoms

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Can Begonias Be Eaten Safely?

One of the more flavoursome flowers, one feature that you may not have heard about this beautiful bloom is its edibility. The popular begonias used for consumption are tuberous begonias and bedding begonias. These flowers are loved for their slightly bitter citrus or tangy flavour. Not only the flowers are edible and added to salads or a bowl of greens, but even the stems and the leaves are also consumed for being a potent source of Vitamin C. The colourful flowers also are edible decor used in cocktails and mocktails. Moreover, begonia flowers can be boiled, strained and used as a herbal decoction.

Also Read: Edible Flowers: Incredible Health Benefits Of Adding These Blossoms To Your Diet - Infographic

Therapeutic Properties

Here are some fantastic therapeutic qualities of the Begonia Plant:

  • Emetic- An emetic is a medicine that induces vomiting and is helpful in case there has been a harmful or poisonous substance in the body
  • Laxative- A laxative is the property of a substance that stimulates evacuation of the bowels and helps to relieve chronic constipation
  • Digestive- The property that has the power to cause or promote digestion through digestive enzymes and enhance the smoothness of the entire process
  • Anti-Inflammatory- A quality present in the plant or herb that helps to reduce inflammation or pain-laden swelling in the body

Health Benefits Of Begonia

Relieves Bronchitis

An inflammation of the lining of your bronchial tubes, also called bronchi is termed bronchitis. Begonia rhizomes have potent antimicrobial agents to cure the mucus that gets accumulated inside these tubes.

Cures Candidiasis

A fungal infection due to any type of candida (a type of yeast or fungus). Candidiasis can cause infection in people, the most common is candida Albicans. Begonia leaves contain ethanol that can be effective against such fungal woes.

Heals Digestive Disorders

Begonia has been effective to treat many severe digestive disorders such as the diarrhoea-a passage of three loose stools a day and dysentery- an infection of the intestines that causes bloody diarrhoea.

Combats Liver Problems

The flower and its parts have been blessed with qualities that strengthen the liver and fight issues that can cause long-term liver illnesses.

Remedy For Menstrual Disorders

The plant has been very effective in alleviating premenstrual syndrome, and frequent cramping that occurs during menstruation besides soothing heavy menstrual bleeding.


Begonia, one of the lovely-looking plants from the Begoniaceae family boasts many health and holistic benefits that can be of great advantage. It has been very effective in curing liver problems, digestive anomalies, body inflammation, and fungal infections. While mostly the herb is safe to consume, it is not recommended for kidney patients since begonias contains oxalic acid that may aggravate urine and kidney disorders. It is advisable to consult a doctor if you are using Begonias for the first time and have a co-morbid health condition, to avoid the occurrence of any side effects that the flower may bring along.