Diabetes and gastrointestinal issues are no longer foreign conditions to us, rather extremely common health aberrations affecting every other individual in today's times. Well, although, one of the major contributors to these health woes is surely the sedentary style of life that most people are engrossed in, the other crucial one is the abnormal functioning of one organ known as Pancreas.

Also Read: Yoga For Indigestion: Proven Yogasanas To Relieve Dyspepsia In Winters


What Is Pancreas In The Human Body?

The pancreas is a glandular organ mainly located in the abdomen surrounded by the stomach, intestines, and other organs. Its primary function is to synthesize pancreatic juices. While amylase helps in breaking down carbohydrates; lipase dissolve fats and both trypsin and chymotrypsin helps to digest proteins. Additionally, it produces several hormones, including insulin that mainly help the sugar or glucose molecules to either remain stacked away in the cells or be used for energy. Hence, it is crucial to safeguard the pancreas from any harm and take active measures to prevent diabetes, and gastrointestinal woes like frequent acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn, extreme abdominal pain, pancreatitis, gall bladder etc.

Also Read: Yogasanas For Diabetes: Spectacular Yoga Poses To Keep Blood Sugar Under Control

Besides having a wholesome balanced diet and drinking ample fluids and steering clear of unhealthy addictions, one thing that remarkably uplifts pancreatic health and lowers the risk of damage in later years is the time-tested practice of Yoga.

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Studies on yoga therapy reveal that doing certain asanas extensively compresses and squeezes the abdomen, promoting pancreatic secretions. When carried out in precision, the yoga postures tone and massage the pancreas and liver as well as the neurological and circulatory systems to relieve stress, maintain a balanced weight and regulate blood pressure.

Well, we bring you a list of effective yoga poses that keep the pancreas up and functioning.

yoga for pancreas

Yogasana To Enahnce Pancreatic Functions

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)

Crouch on your knees with your feet kept side-by-side to each other. Sit on your heels with your backbone and neck aligned. With palms down, relax your hands on your thighs. Now fix your gaze straight ahead and sit in that position for at least 30 seconds while taking long deep breaths. Relax and repeat it 4 more times.


An incredibly easy asana, the Thunderbolt pose is the only pose that can be performed right after lunch as it helps in the complete digestion of food. By boosting blood flow to the stomach, intestine and pancreas, it stimulates the pancreas to secrete digestive juices that facilitate the breakdown of food and helps keep gastrointestinal aberrations at bay. It is also great for having healthy hair.

Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall Pose)

Start the asana by sitting about 3 inches from a wall. Lie down and raise your legs upwards while resting the thigh against the wall. Keep your arms on either side of the body and just lie down for 5 minutes or as long as you want to and then slowly pull your leg back to the starting position.


Viparita Karani is one of the most relaxing and easiest poses that doesn't involve much twisting. This inverted posture tones the abdominal organs, facilitates proper lymphatic drainage, evens out blood circulation, and diminishes stress levels which eventually helps in preventing sugar spikes and digestive woes. It also releases trapped pressure from the back and hip and prevents any pain or inflammation.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting Half Spinal Twist)

Sit straight on the floor with your legs stretched out and feet together. Bend your left leg and place the heel of your left foot beside your right hip.  take the left leg over the left knee. Put your left arm on your right leg and your right arm behind you. Slightly twist the waist, shoulders, and neck towards the right side and look over the right shoulder. Try to be in this posture for a minute and slowly return to the initial position and repeat in the same manner on the other side.


This spinal twisting pose is highly crucial in strengthening and toning the abdominal organs and muscles which eventually helps in lowering blood sugar, stimulating digestion and providing relief from breathing difficulties, stress, and tension. Practising this asana routinely bolsters the immune system and helps in eliminating AMA doshas from the body.

Halasana (Plow Pose)

Lying on your back, raise both legs upward, above the stomach. Now, gradually bend your body and try to extend your legs above the head to touch the ground with your toes. Keep your hands on either side of the body. Hold this posture for 15-20 seconds, relax for a minute and repeat. 


This inverted asana is highly significant for not only preventing sudden sugar spikes but also assisting in stimulating the thyroid gland, diminishing stress levels and increasing blood circulation. It also confers huge therapeutic effects like remedying backache, headache, and insomnia and preventing gastrointestinal anomalies.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bent Pose)

Start the posture by sitting straight and extending your legs forward. Keep your spine erect, bend your hips and straighten your arms forward and rest your upper body on your lower body. Drop your arms loose and place your palms wherever you can reach them. Try to place your nose on your knees. Be in this posture for 30 seconds, take a minute break and repeat t 5 times.


The seated forward bent pose is particularly beneficial for stimulating the lungs, kidney, pancreas and liver. Additionally, it works towards relieving gas and diabetes, while also cooling the body and calming the mind.

Finish the yoga session by relaxing for a minute in the Shavasana or Corpse Pose.