Today is International Yoga Day and the theme for this year is 'Yoga for Humanity.' This year's theme is unique and emphasizes how yoga serves humanity and in combating COVID-19 by bolstering immunity, relieving stress, powering lung health, and overall wellbeing. 

Observing International Yoga Day on June 21 was first proposed by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on September 27, 2014. June 21 is the day of the summer solstice and the longest day with maximum sunshine in the Northern hemisphere, and this day also signifies the substantial cultural aspects in several countries across the globe.
International Yoga Day 2022

The first international yoga day was observed on June 21, 2015. Ever since, this global event has brought all yoga practitioners, fitness enthusiasts, wellness coaches, medical professionals, and others together, across the globe cutting across the boundaries, cultures, and religions. 

In the last 7 years, International Yoga Day has become a perennial phenomenon, making people aware of this timeless approach, enriching humanity's physical, cognitive, and spiritual wellbeing for thousands of years. too turned 7 this month and grew strength-to-strength. All set to reach and conquer various milestones ahead, our dedicated team members from various departments continue to be at the forefront of delivering medicines, on time, even in the most nook and cranny corners of our country.

Our diagnostic and doctor consultation services guided by empathy, authentic information, accurate diagnosis and timely medical advice helped countless families in times of distress during the peak COVID-19 wave. Their happiness gives us strength and inspiration to serve our customers better daily! 

This week, as a part of our 7th Anniversary series and on the International Day Of Yoga, we bring you 7 must-do yoga poses that would trigger immunity, power your lungs, enhance the functioning of vital organs, regulate thought processes, reduce anxiety for staying healthy and fit forever. 

Also, Check out: International Yoga Day: Practice Asanas Daily For A Healthy Life- Infographic

Yoga is an invaluable blessing to humankind that chiefly comprises breathing techniques and postures that come together to bring a divine union of the mind, body, and spirit. Derived from the ancient Sanskrit word 'yuj' Yoga means 'to join' or 'to unite' exemplifying the harmony of the spiritual mind and physical body; thought process and action; unity between a mortal and Mother nature, and a holistic attitude towards health and wellness.

 There are several enormous incentives for adding yoga to your daily exercise routine. Yoga enhances muscle tone, flexibility, and poise and helps one relax and beat stress. Several studies show that yogic practices play a significant role in alleviating stress, anxiety, and depression, diminishing chronic painful and inflammatory conditions, helping one sleep better, and enhancing digestive fire for better digestion. 

If you are still aloof to the wondrous benefits of yoga, why not be a witness to the remarkable transformation of Kareena Kapoor Khan after two pregnancies. She literally swears by the practice of yoga not only during her gestational period but even postpartum to quickly get back to shape.

Also Read: International Yoga Day 2020: The Significance Of This Ancient Practice In Times Of COVID-19

So, what are you pausing for? Just wear something comfortable, grab a yoga mat, and you are ready!

We bring 7 easy-to-do yoga postures to add to your morning workout routine to enhance your overall wellbeing and quality of life.
yoga pose

7 Yoga Poses To Incorporate In Your Routine Workout

Sukhasana (Cross-legged Sitting Pose)

Settle in a normal meditation pose. Hold your right wrist with your left hand behind the back. Proceed with inhaling while pulling your shoulders back and broadening your chest. While stooping forward, exhale and try to reach your left forehead to your left knee. Breathe in and come back to the beginning position. Repeat the steps and proceed to the other side by touching your forehead to your right knee.


Sukhasana is quite significant in the case of lung anomalies. It enables the blood flow to the lungs and also flushes the harmful toxins from the lung muscles. This asana increases your focus and helps deal with respiratory disturbances and cough and cold symptoms. 

Marjari Bitilasana (Cat/ Cow Pose)

Get up on all fours. Stoop on your knees and keep your head upright. Breathe deeply and lift your chin while pushing your head a little bit. Keep your buttocks still and hold on to the posture for 30 seconds or as long as comfortable while breathing in and out deeply. Breathe out and curve your backbone upwards towards the sky. Loosen your buttocks and arch the back as much as comfortably possible. Hold this pose for some time and repeat it 3 more times.


The Cat-Cow pose is like two sides of a currency. It opens up the channels throughout the body, boosts circulation, and eases painful conditions. It also provokes a feeling of relaxation within the mind and body, relieving inflammation and swelling from all the joints.

Balasana (Child Pose)

Crouch on your knees while keeping the spine straight. Now slowly lean forward such that both the thighs touch the chest. Keep bending forward until your head is beyond the knee and touches the ground. Straighten both the arms backward on either side of your legs with your palms downward, overlooking the floor. Hold this position for 20-25 seconds, take a few seconds of break, and repeat 2-3 times.


The Child Pose significantly stretches the entire body, including the shoulder and hip joint and muscles. It improves overall balance and stamina and tones the muscles around the hip, ankles, and thigh region. Practicing it regularly alleviates stress and anxiety and retains calmness of mind.

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Stand erect on the ground, with the feet slightly apart and heels touching each other. Keep your hands straight on either side and the soles grounded at all times. Look straight and hold this position for 5 minutes. Repeat this posture 3-4 with breaks in between.


Tagged as one of the easiest yoga postures, this is incredibly helpful in combatting neurological issues like anxiety, tension, depression, and disorientation and enhances body balance and gut health. It also steadies breathing, promotes mind awareness, and improves blood circulation. 

Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall Pose)

First, sit about 3 inches from an empty wall. Lie onto the back and pull your legs upwards so that the thigh muscles slope against the wall. Keep lying on the floor and relax the arms on either side of the body or the tummy. Relax in this position for 10 minutes or as long as you can, and then slowly pull your leg back to the starting posture.


Deemed as one of the relaxing poses, Viparita Karani enables you to relax with your legs up without much twisting. This basic pose significantly helps to soothe the nervous system, curtail fatigue, boost energy, and decrease the accumulation of fluid in the joints. Additionally, it also calms anxiety and provides a peaceful sleep. 

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose):

Stand upright on the floor. Draw both arms in front of your chest and join the palms in a prayer position. While keeping the palms joined, stretch both your arms upwards above your shoulder. Swerve your right knee and place your right foot's base on the left thigh's interior side. Keep your left leg straight and hold this stance as long as you can. Relax for a minute and repeat it on the other side with the left foot. Repeat this 5 times.


The Tree Pose has innumerable advantages. It not only strengthens the spinal column and enhances both flexibility and poise but also expands the shoulders and opens the heart, making one feel confident and happy. Practicing this regularly refines blood circulation and protects one from heart conditions.

Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose):

Kneel down on the floor with your toes pointed outwards. Slowly curve your body backward until your hip or torso is vertically above your feet. Keep stretching until your body is completely bent, and you clasp both your feet with your hands. Now, while keeping your face outwards, slowly rise upward by inflating your chest and breathing in deeply. With your back stretched, maintain this position for 1-2 minutes. Relax and repeat 4-5 times.


This posture attempts to enhance the strength of the chest and legs, fortify the hip muscles, and tone the thighs. It also promotes appetite and wards off eating disorders and digestive troubles like stomach cramps, indigestion, constipation, and gaseous trouble.